
Music education makes for a poor commodity

The privatization of music education has turned it into a commodity, and with students becoming increasingly addicted to instant stimulation and gratification, a pretty bad one

Stjepan Filipović: everlasting symbol of anti-fascism

Stjepan Filipović on the gallows

Short account of the execution of Croatian communist partisan Stjepan Filipović by the Nazis in 1942, which was made famous by his final act of defiance.

Base unions in Italy to strike against destructive “good schools” law

A nationwide strike called by base unions against implementation of Law 107, better known as the “good school” law, is set to happen tomorrow, Friday 17th, writes Patrizia of Umanita Nova.

Strike and upheaval: The myth of trickle-down, Guinea edition

Street protests in Guinea

Joschka Philipps on the recent teachers' strike and student/youth street protests in Guinea, which broke the mold of prior protests in the country in several different ways.

The CIA reads French theory: on the intellectual labor of dismantling the cultural Left - Gabriel Rockhill

Notwithstanding its limitations, an interesting historical look at the state's utilisation of academia and the cultural sphere in the struggle to discredit Marxism. First published 28/02/17 in 'The Philosophical Salon' of the 'LA Review of Books'.

1980-1: Guam Teachers Strike

In 1980 the island of Guam's teachers went on strike for a living wage increase.

2005: Tonga Public Servants General Strike

In 2005 civil servants in Tonga began a wildcat strike for higher wages, the strike grew to include many other public sector workers and took on political reforms.

1994: Wallis and Futuna General Strike

Grievances over working conditions and a lack of state primary schools lead to several strikes in 1994 on the two pacific islands.

1991: Mali General Strike

In March 1991 what Mali experienced what became known as the March revolution. A series of protests by students and democracy activists supported by a general strike led to the downfall of its dictator and the establishment of civilian rule.

1919: Costa Rican Women Teachers Defy Dictator

The attacks on education and educators by the Tinoco dictatorship in Costa Rica led to an opposition movement led by female students and teachers.