
Narco-State's reign of horror: a bloody week for México

Murdered Workers from Salvador Escalante

The Mexican state of Michoacán is again in the national headlines. Not for the achievements or merits of its population, but for the morbid and tragic “red note” (nota roja), a wave of massacres plaguing the country.

Support the national workers strike and the boycott of Walmart in Mexico!


Private property, substance of state - humanaesfera

A detailed and concise analysis of what the state is and how it operates

Abstract labour and value in Marx’s system - Isaak Illich Rubin

An English translation of a lecture given at a meeting of the General Economics Section of the Institute for Economics, Moscow, by I.I. Rubin in May and June 1927. First published in 'Pod Znamenem Marksizma', 1927; source: 'Capital and Class' #5, Summer 1978; translated: by Kathleen Gilbert; transcribed: by Andrew Chitty.

Marx? Which Marx? - Anders Ramsay

In order to read Marx afresh, previous interpretations of Marx need to be corrected. In particular, that which sees money and credit as surface phenomena, based on Marx's naturalistic understanding of value as being inherent in a commodity. This strand of Marxism overlooks the contemporary role played by credit in the reproduction of capital. Published 21 December 2009.

Douglas Fraser's Resignation letter from the Labor-Management Group

The then President of the UAW's resignation letter from the Labor Management Group[1]. The letter outlines his disappointment with the group and rejects the strategy of collaboration. But it also reflects on the then contemporary class struggle and outlines the growing tensions between major corporations and the labor movement.

Einstein on capitalism

Einstein the socialist

Extract from an article written by legendary physicist and socialist Albert Einstein in 1949 explaining the capitalist system and its inherently flawed nature.

What's the mess we live in - System series

Draft article for a series on 'the system we live in - for west London workers' paper WorkersWildWest

Everything must go!: The abolition of value - Bruno Astarian and Gilles Dauvé

This book is about a revolution (i.e. a historical break, not gradual peaceful evolution) that creates communism – not its preconditions.