News and events


Collaboration to revitalise Acton Peninsula for the future

Collaboration to revitalise Acton Peninsula for the future

2 May 2017

Today the National Capital Authority released the Acton Peninsula Precinct Draft Structure Plan for community consultation.

AIATSIS Research Officer and Bama Bagarrmuguwarra Thaarramali Pearson

Thaarramali Pearson selected for 2017 NIYP

24 Apr 2017

AIATSIS Research Officer and Bama Bagarrmuguwarra, Thaarramali Pearson, has been selected for the National Indigenous Youth Parliament (NIYP) to be held in Canberra from 23-29 May 2017.

Our Land is Our Birth Right – Mabo25 and Beyond

10 Apr 2017

Registrations are now open for the 2017 National Native Title Conference to be held Monday 5 June to Wednesday 7 June.

Spines of past AIATSIS research publications

Call for submissions to AIATSIS Research Publications

15 Mar 2017

We are now accepting submissions from researchers and academics in Australia and internationally whose work has a connection with Australian Indigenous studies.

Upcoming events


National Native Title Conference 2017

In 2017 the annual National Native Title Conference will be convened by AIATSIS and the North...

Yatdjuligin book launch

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Stanner Award

The Stanner Award

This award is presented biennially to the best academic manuscript written by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander author.

W C Wentworth at the first Wentworth Lecture.

Wentworth lectures

Held biennially, the lecture encourages all Australians to better understand Indigenous studies and issues that go to the heart of our nation.