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Australian Tax Office puts a roof over Williams crime clan

The Australian Tax Office continues to honour a secret deal it struck with crime patriarch George Williams that allowed  him to keep a second home while owing more than $570,000 in taxes.

Rather than recouping the tax debt by forcing the convicted drug dealer to sell the house, the ATO agreed in 2013 to become the mortgagee on the Essendon property.

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The apparent leniency of the ATO towards the Williams clan is expected to infuriate those evicted from their homes by banks after falling behind on mortgage repayments.

During the month of August 2013 - when the ATO finalised the controversial agreement with Mr Williams - more than 150 Victorians faced eviction from their homes by commercial banks after failing to service loans.

The property has been occupied by Mr Williams' former daughter-in-law, Roberta Williams, for several years.

The ex-wife of underworld figure Carl Williams is also in dispute with the ATO.


She owes almost $300,000 in tax, relating to media payments for her story on the infamous gangster, who was beaten to death inside Barwon prison in 2010.

Ms Williams was declared bankrupt last year, but refuses to cooperate with the trustee and has repeatedly failed to provide documentation about her income, assets and debts.

While George Williams died in his Broadmeadows home of a suspected heart attack in May 2016, the title of his Primrose Street property still lists the mortgagee as the "Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Deputy Commissioner of Taxation".

Victims of Crime Commissioner Greg Davies said he was baffled by the ATO's benevolence.

"The ATO is not known for its philanthropy. And this pair [George and Roberta Williams] aren't exactly model citizens," he said.

"I can't see why they would be treated differently to ordinary Victorians who lose their homes when [their] legitimate businesses  don't work out and they can't pay a loan back."

A spokesman for the ATO did not respond to questions from Fairfax Media.

"We are unable to comment on the tax affairs of any individual or entity due to our obligations of confidentiality under the law," the spokesman said.

However, in a public statement by the ATO in 2011, it claimed in some cases it "may be appropriate for the commissioner to obtain the best security available in order to make certain its position as creditor, or more importantly, to secure the process of debt collection."

The ATO first launched legal action against George Williams in 2008, after he was handed a custodial sentence for dealing methamphetamine.

A year later, the proceedings were dropped, when Victoria Police struck a secret deal with Carl Williams who had agreed to provide evidence to detectives from the Purana taskforce, which in return, would pay George Williams' $576,000 tax bill.

But when Carl Williams was bludgeoned to death in 2010, the deal unravelled, and the ATO reinstated the debt against George Williams, before placing a caveat over his property in Essendon.

In August 2013, the ATO became mortgagee of the property, which appears to require Mr Williams to make monthly repayments. 

Roberta Williams did not respond to requests for comment, and it is unknown if she assisted her former father-in-law to service the debt.

Ms Williams was urged by police to vacate the Essendon property, after members of notorious prison gang Prisoners of War attempted a failed arson attack in July 2015.

Rodney Phillips and Sam Liszczak firebombed a neighbouring property before shooting police officer Ben Ashmole in the head as they fled the scene.

In March 2017, the pair were both sentenced to more than six years prison.