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Federal ministers condemn use of child in latest Khalid Sharrouf terrorism video

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Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan has slammed the "truly appalling" use of a child, reportedly one of Khaled Sharrouf's young sons, in the latest propaganda video said to emanate from the Australian-born Islamic State fighter.

The video, which allegedly shows Sharrouf's youngest son, Humzeh, being quizzed off-camera by his father about how to kill non-Muslims and Australians, recently surfaced online and is now the subject of an intense investigation by the NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team.

News Corp reports that the eight-year-old child brandishes a Glock pistol and machine gun in the video, demonstrating at his father's request how he would carry out each killing.

Mr Keenan, who is the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Counter Terrorism, told Fairfax Media it was "incomprehensible that any parent would involve their child in these atrocities."

"The Australian Government condemns this truly appalling act of using a child to espouse ISIL's terrorist messaging."

 He said there was a risk the video could "appeal to the small cohort of Australia-based Islamist extremists as it reinforces their existing ideology".


"However a single piece of propaganda in isolation is unlikely to be the catalyst for an onshore attack."

Sydney-based Lebanese community leader Dr Jamal Rifi also condemned Sharrouf  saying "only a mad person, a sick person, would do what he has done. And if he is teaching his kids what is allegedly in the video, then the first victims are the kids themselves – they are his Australian victims. Whatever chances they had of coming back, those chances are now almost gone."

Dr Rifi, a GP and former Australian Father of the Year, said Sharrouf's actions risked giving ammunition to "bigots" to "target loyal, law-abiding [Muslim] Australian citizens – we are not part of it, we don't want to be part of it. But how can we control the actions of a madman?"

Sharrouf, the most notorious of the Australian radicals to join the Islamic State fight in Syria and Iraq, was originally thought to have died in a drone strike in Mosul in 2015, but was later found to be making intercepted phone calls to an underworld figure in Sydney.

His five children, all Australian citizens, have been living in the war-torn region since 2013, when their mother Tara Nettleton took them to Turkey and then Syria to join Sharrouf.

Tara Nettleton died from an untreated illness while still in the Middle East in 2015, leaving the children in custodial limbo. Their grandmother, Karen Nettleton, has sworn to secure their return to Australia but a trip she made to Turkey a year ago in pursuit of that goal was thwarted after media exposure.

Only a mad person, a sick person, would do what he has done

Dr Jamal Rifi

It's understood DFAT was willing to provide consular assistance if the children could get as far as the Turkish-Syrian border, one  source told Fairfax. A private security company operator with extensive overseas experience said he had also been approached to help extract the children a year ago, but formed the judgment Sharrouf was trying to use his children as "bait".

Sharrouf's oldest daughter Zaynab, still only in her mid-teens, has since given birth to a child of her own after being married in Syria to Sharrouf's IS comrade-in-arms, former Australian Mohamed Elomar, who was recently killed in battle.

Sharrouf was stripped of his citizenship earlier this year under new laws which allow the government to remove Australian citizenship status from dual nationals engaged in terror-related activities.

"The Government's citizenship loss legislation is a strong deterrent for those who may seek to involve themselves in terrorist conduct either in Australia or offshore. This should provide a warning for others seeking to involve themselves in fighting for terrorist organisations offshore" Mr Keenan said.

Federal Resources minister Matt Canavan told Sky TV on Sunday that he had sympathy for the child in the video.

"It's not his fault that his father is an evil megalomaniac, seeking to abuse his own children" he said.

Sharrouf used another of his sons in propaganda posts on social media in 2014, showing the child holding a severed head said to be that of a Syrian soldier.