Fairfax Media Network

Australia GFS Snow Forecast +48 hour Chart

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About GFS

Global Forecast System. The operational numerical weather forecasting model run by NCEP. The GFS superceded the AVN and MRF models, on which it is largely based. Forecast data from the GFS is available out to 180 hours at full resolution and 16 days at a reduced resolution.

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State and Federal Governments in talks over drought relief for WA farmers

10:41 EST

The West Australian Minister for Agriculture and Food Alannah MacTiernan will urge the Federal Government to consider drought assistance for WA farmers during a critically low rainfall season.

Latest sunrise of 2017 in Sydney, Canberra

09:43 EST

Sydneysiders and Canberrans may have felt a little gloomy this morning as both city's shivered through their latest sunrise of the year.

Wet to dry in 12 months: After record June rain last year, worried farmers look to skies for more

16:51 EST

A year ago, Australia experienced its second-wettest June on record, but 12 months on, farmers in parts of inland New South Wales are worried they will not have enough.