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After the flashy announcement, here's what's next for the Snowy Hydro expansion

It was Malcolm Turnbull's Big Idea, taking back the initiative amid mounting concerns over the reliability of the electricity grid and spiralling power prices.

Turnbull, standing in front of the Tumut 3 power station deep in the Snowy Mountains, announced in March plans for the Southern Hemisphere's  biggest power-grid battery, capable of powering hundreds of thousands of homes and helping to stabilise the grid.

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Snowy Hydro's bold new vision

It's called pumped hydro and it could play a vital part in Australia's energy future.

This would be Snowy 2.0, harnessing the iconic Snowy Mountain hydro scheme to create a giant battery that would move Australia's electricity grid into the new age of renewables by making solar and wind power more reliable. It would be, the Prime Minister declared, a "game changer".

Turnbull has put $500,000 towards Snowy Hydro's detailed feasibility study into building the first stage, a 2000 megawatt project christened Snowy 2.0. By the end of the year we should know whether his vision will stack up. 

"We are going to put the accelerator down on Snowy Hydro's development," the Prime Minister declared. "This is a great project and as it is expanded, it will ensure that Australian families and Australian businesses have more reliable power."

And yet, Snowy 2.0 may just be the first step. If it proves viable – and that's a big "if" – behind closed doors there's talk of Snowy 3.0, Snowy 4.0 and Snowy 5.0, quadrupling the output to around 8000 megawatts, making it the largest power-grid battery in the world, dwarfing exisitng schemes in the US and China.


"The more we head down towards decarbonising the economy, the more pumped hydro and hydro in general, the more important they will become in the whole energy market," Snowy Hydro chief executive officer Paul Broad says.

But not everyone is a convert. Danny Price, managing director of Frontier Economics and an energy sector veteran, is scathing. "Pumped hydro makes no economic sense. It will never be built," he says bluntly.

Underpinning Broad's vision splendid is a simple concept: pumped hydro. Traditional hydro gathers rainfall in alpine dams, gravity feeds the water down pipes to spin turbines and generate electricity. Pumped hydro reverses the process, using electricity to pump the water back uphill into those self-same dams. The water can then be reused, making more electricity when demand warrants it. It's a way of storing electricity; a giant battery.

The great advantage of hydro power, whether traditional or pumped, is that it can quickly provide large amounts of power for sustained amounts of time, known as "peaking" generation. The big coal-fired power stations provide base-load power, but their output cannot be quickly ramped up or cut back to match demand, while wind and solar remain hostage to the weather.

Snowy 2.0 would require a 26-kilometre tunnel linking Tantangara Reservoir to Talbingo Reservoir, a bolt-on to the 145 kilometres of tunnels in the existing Snowy Mountains scheme.

Tantangara Reservoir dams the headwaters of the Murrumbidgee River at around 1200 metres above sea level; Talbingo Reservoir sits on the Tumut River below 600 metres. It's that dramatic difference in altitude that would enable significant amounts of power to be generated using a relatively small amount of water.

A new 2000 megawatt power station would be built 800 metres underground, nine kilometres from the end of the tunnel, accessed from the surface down a slanting, 3.5 kilometre road tunnel. The new station would be the biggest hydro station in Australia.

Snowy 2.0 would would require no new dams or reservoirs and additional transmission lines would follow existing corridors. Most of the construction would take place underground. Nevertheless, it is entirely situated within the Kosciusko National Park. An access road to the new power station would be required and there is the vexed question of what to do with the spoil – the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of rock carved out of the mountain to form the tunnels.

Nevertheless, the Australian Conservation Foundation has cautiously welcomed the proposal, saying it's better than new coal or gas generation. "[But] it's unlikely that it can deliver affordable, reliable electricity faster than comparable investment in wind or solar," ACF's Gavan McFadzean says.

Snowy 2.0 would provide an added benefit, helping to relieve an existing bottleneck restricting the Tumut 3 station's output. Producing up to 1800 megawatts, it's by far Snowy Hydro's biggest existing power station, but it's dependent on water flowing down the Tumut River through the much smaller Tumut 1 and Tumut 2 power stations and into Talbingo Reservoir. It takes 10 days for enough water to pass through T1 and T2 to provide enough water for T3 to operate for one day at full capacity.

That bottleneck has already proved near disastrous. In early February, temperatures in Canberra and Sydney exceeded 40 degrees, placing extreme stress on the grid.

"On the tenth of February this year in New South Wales, the lights stayed on because T3 was going flat out. And we almost ran out of water," Broad recalls.

The new scheme would permit water to flow directly from Tantangara through the new station into Talbingo Reservoir, increasing the water available to Tumut 3. The two stations, both with pumped hydro, could then run in tandem.

This is the genesis for expanding Snowy 2.0 even further. The new station could generate more power than Tumut 3 while using only a quarter of its water, due to the large altitude differential between Tantangara and Talbingo. That's why engineers believe the concept could be replicated up to three-fold: Snowy 3.0, Snowy 4.0 and Snowy 5.0 – all linking Tantangara and Talbingo.

It's a grand concept, but not a new one; Tumut 3 has used pumped-hydro since coming on-line in 1973, while variations of Snowy 2.0 have been proposed several times since the 1960s. In the past, the cost-benefit analysis never added up, not when coal was cheap and plentiful and no one had heard of climate change.

According to Price, an energy advisor to the South Australian government, the sums still don't add up. He says Lithium-ion and other emerging battery technologies lose only a fraction as much energy as pumped hydro, cost less, are scalable and can be located wherever they're needed. They can also come on-line in milliseconds.

And there's the rub. Pumped hydro is a simple technology, but it's not a magical one. It takes more electricity, between 20 and 30 per cent more, to pump the water back uphill than can be generated by running it back downhill. In terms of pure electricity, pumped hydro will always run at a loss.

So why does Broad think pumped hydro can attract investment now when it hasn't in the past? First, there's the construction technology. The tunnels of the original Snowy scheme were excavated using drill and blast. Since then, massive new tunnel boring machines have been developed, cutting capital costs.

But the real game changer has been within the electricity market. It's money, not technological change that's breathing new life into the old concept; the laws of supply and demand, not the laws of physics.

The Snowy Hydro CEO says he and his board anticipated the rise of renewables and the resultant volatility in generation would again make the Tantangara-Talbingo link worth examining, but not for another three of four years. Then the electricity market started sending out dramatically different price signals. "This time last year we had no sign of the forward curve looking anything like it is today," Broad says.

Electricity retailers and large industrial consumers have been growing increasingly concerned they could be caught out in the event of a power shortage, either unable to obtain electricity or forced to pay exorbitant spot rates. Snowy Hydro, with its ability to supply large amounts of peaking power, has found itself in the box seat, able to offer the retailers products to hedge against power shortages.

And just as the spot price of electricity can rise dramatically, it can also fall. Recently, the wind across South Australia blew so hard, generating so much wind power, the price dropped first to zero, and then into negative territory. Snowy Hydro found itself getting paid to take the excess and pump water uphill at Tumut 3. Later, when the wind stopped blowing, the sun stopped shining and demand stepped up, it started generating electricity and selling it for a tidy profit.

Nevertheless, there is no guarantee Snowy 2.0 will go ahead. The technology is proven, not so the economics. A back of the envelope estimate puts the capital cost at around $2 billion. That's a lot of money for a project that would generate no new electricity, but rely entirely on buying power cheap, storing it, and selling it later at a profit.

And as Price points out, new battery technology is evolving rapidly and becoming cheaper by the month.

Yet Dr Matthew Stocks, a renewable energy expert from the ANU, says batteries and pumped hydro possess different characteristics and fill different niches. He says Snowy 2.0 will make increasing sense as the grid becomes more dependent on wind and solar. "If they can do it for $2 billion, it would smash batteries out of the water."

All this makes the feasibility study extremely difficult. The engineering challenges and estimating construction costs are the easy part. More fraught is modelling the future electricity market, with all of its vagaries and variabilities. The study is due for completion in December; it will need to deliver a robust financial case if it's to attract the necessary investment.

Broad seems unfazed. "One of the things about hydro is that it has an unlimited life. The tunnels are as good as they were 60 years ago. You need to replace some of the bits, like turbines, but that means they're going better than they did 60 years ago.

"Two generations ago gave us the Snowy Mountains scheme which this generation gets full benefit from. If Snowy 2.0 gets up, in my view, it be an enormous benefit for the generations that come after us, in being able to support more and more renewables," he says. "These types of project are an integral part in changing the world as we see it, and particularly as the young see it."