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Malcolm Turnbull's 'tough' stance on migration is doomed to fail

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It seems gestures are all that are left, now. Barely more than 18 months after Malcolm Turnbull came into the job in a flash of charisma and grown-up pledges to raise the level of policy debate, it has all been shelved for the sake of striking a pose.

Consider the run we've had: a muscularly announced decision to "abolish the 457 visas"; a set of new, muscular citizenship questions to protect "Australian values"; and what looks like a sordidly familiar example of scapegoating asylum seekers on Manus Island for a shooting within their detention centre, followed by a muscular refusal to revise the unsubstantiated allegations at its heart.

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'Australian first': Playing the immigration card

Immigration is a rally point for prime ministers past and present. As Malcolm Turnbull shifts to the right on the issue, what did his predescessors do? And why did they do it?

The last of these is really a frolic of Peter Dutton's and is now an old custom of the Abbott-Turnbull era (and for that matter, the Howard one, too). But the first two Turnbull conspicuously owned. In doing so, he associated himself with a tough stance on non-humanitarian migration, and controlled the agenda for days. But most tellingly, he said far less of policy consequence than it appears. The pose was clear, but Turnbull's agenda was more rhetorical than real.

That is most importantly true on the 457 issue. I won't belabour the point because it has been widely noted, but there are good reasons to suspect there's less than meets the ear.

Briefly, those reasons go like this. First, we're talking about a visa program of roughly 95,000 people in a workforce of some 12 million. Second, most of the occupations being dumped from the visa program are ones where very few (or even zero) visas were issued – the goat farmers or antique dealers that got so much press – which is partly why Turnbull couldn't guarantee we would see a reduction in skilled migration at all.

Third, it's possible several of these dumped categories will be absorbed into other categories once the regulations are properly drafted. Fourth, the tighter English language requirements come from the same government that relaxed the standard in 2015. And just as those changes had very little effect on applications, it's unlikely the present ones will either.


And fifth, requiring jobs be advertised locally before international recruitment is a hopelessly difficult thing to police in the age of the internet. All that is probably why business seemed so content with the announcement.

But the posing matters here because it is such a sudden change. This, after all, is Mr Innovation, Mr Agility, Mr Global Free Trade. "Protectionism is a path to poverty" Turnbull declared, in November last year. And January this year. And February, and March – I mean, you get the picture. When Bill Shorten, eyeing an incoming Trump administration, dismissed the Trans-Pacific Partnership as "dead in the water", Turnbull lashed him for his protectionist "populism", of which Hawke and Keating would be "absolutely ashamed".

It's one of the few areas in which Turnbull has felt comfortable being himself. The other most significant one has been his consistent defence of multiculturalism and diversity, even – or especially – where these intersect with national security.

The one risk he has steadfastly taken inside his party room is to maintain that, even in the aftermath of a terrorist attack somewhere, the correct response is unity and tolerance rather than the hostile amplification of difference: "The object of … the Islamist terrorist is to get the broader society to turn on Muslims at large" he said recently in one of what could have been any of dozens of interviews. That's why he has taken to attacking Pauline Hanson for "doing what ISIL wants" with her discourse.

It's fair to say Turnbull has never received the credit he deserves for that stance, given the state of his party. Maybe that's partly why he finally threw in the towel and chose instead to ape John Howard. By that, I of course mean that Turnbull's foray into "values" talk and citizenship tests is a facsimile of Howard's initiative (when he was in political trouble of his own) 10 years ago.

But I'm also referring to a broader tactic that relies on a political sleight of hand: the adoption of open policies, couched in closed rhetoric.

Howard's trick was always to leave the impression he was keeping people out, when in fact he was running an expansionary skilled migration program, which particularly ramped up non-European migration. Indeed, the 457 visa is a Howard creation, just as surely as the current refugee-blaming logic of our current asylum seeker policies is a Howard legacy.

In Turnbull, then, we have something familiar: a Prime Minister who celebrates the global free market, proposing a liberal skilled migration scheme, but offering himself in protectionist packaging; an embodied contradiction between a stridently liberal economics, confidently smashing through economic borders and trumpeting the mobility of labour, offset by a nationalist brand of social and cultural politics.

My guess is that's doomed to fail. Sure, it has worked before: from Thatcher and Reagan to Howard, it stayed afloat for some 30 years. But that was a time when trickle-down economics was political orthodoxy. This is not such a time.

This is a time when the contradictions of a politics that tries to be simultaneously globalist and nationalist, open and closed, are now becoming manifest, leading to a parade of reactionary offshoots that reject the global, liberal, open half of this inequation. Populist cultural nationalism is now alloyed to populist economic nationalism everywhere from America to France.

Turnbull can fight that, or he can capitulate to it, but it's not so easy to hedge it. Eventually it will out that at the same time as he's vaunting a crackdown on skilled migration, he is persisting with cuts to the kind of university funding that might create skilled Australians.

Or that while he pledges to reform a foreign worker system because it drives down Australian wages, he hasn't followed Immigration Department advice to increase the minimum salary for temporary foreign workers so that it keeps pace with inflation and prevents foreign salaries from undercutting Australian ones.

Eventually it won't do to leave Australians neither protected from the world, nor ready to compete with it. That leaves a hole no gesturing can fill.

Waleed Aly is a Fairfax Media columnist and a presenter on The Project.