

Brush with notoriety: what now for 'Whiteley' paintings?

Early on in the trial of Melbourne art dealer Peter Gant and conservator Aman Siddique, who stood accused of fraudulently producing and selling three paintings in the style of the late Brett Whiteley, Crown prosecutor Susan Borg quipped "well, Your Honour, they're worth either $4 million or four cents; we don't know yet."

The judge was not amused, and he went on to be deeply displeased with the prosecution's case. 

This week, Gant and Siddique were acquitted by the Court of Appeal in a sensational ending to the biggest case of art fraud to come before the Australian courts. But what does this mean for the three paintings at the centre of the trial – have they too been redeemed by the courts, their value and reputation reinstated? Does it follow that they too are innocent? That the art world – that is curators, academics, collectors, dealers and auctioneers – will now have to accept the paintings as genuine? The short answer is no. The ruling tells us nothing about the authenticity of these works. It tells us that the Crown could not prove beyond reasonable doubt that they were created between 2007 and 2009 by Siddique and not by Whiteley in 1988. The art market demands the opposite: reasonable proof that the works were by Whiteley. 

Certainly, Wendy Whiteley, the artist's wife of 27 years who was a witness during the trial, is not accepting the paintings' authenticity. It's likely that the market will fall in behind her, and not simply because she is considered a Whiteley expert, having lived with his works for decades, as his wife, muse and studio assistant. She is the keeper of Whiteley's copyright – the artist's works cannot be reproduced without her permission.

The court's ruling will do little to reassure Sydney Swans chairman Andrew Pridham who paid $2.5 million for Big Blue Lavender Bay, which was trundled into court on Thursday. He sought and was denied compensation in the aftermath of the trial. The other painting, Orange Lavender Bay, now belongs to Melbourne businessman Steven Drake who paid a "bargain" $122,000 after it had been disparaged in the media and its previous owner, Sydney luxury car dealer Steven Nasteski, made sure he got his $1.1 million back. The third painting, Lavender Bay Through the Window, disappeared long ago and has never been recovered by police. 

Determining an artwork's authenticity is a complex business, based on factors including verifiable provenance – or a painting's history of ownership – and a deep knowledge of an artist's style. Connoisseurship comes with years of experience, of looking closely at an artist's work and recognising particular stylistic traits: the use of a brush, the handling of paint, the flow of a line. During the trial, two University of Melbourne art experts gave their opinion that the paintings were not by the hand of Whiteley. Of course, even connoisseurs can get it wrong –  note the National Gallery of Victoria's Van Gogh which is no longer a Van Gogh.  

So what will happen to the paintings now? The police will return them to their respective owners. Will these owners hang them up and enjoy them? Will museums include them in future exhibitions? Will they appear in the upcoming annotated catalogue on Whiteley? Not unless their provenance can be convincingly established. While the two men accused of fraud have been cleared by the courts, their saga ended, the journey of these paintings has not. Will the words of appeal judges have validity in the world of the arts? 

Ultimately, the market will decide.

Gabriella Coslovich is a former senior arts writer with The Age and the author of an upcoming book on the Whiteley art fraud trial, being released by Melbourne University Publishing in October.