
Public Service News

Charging to the future

Driving on electricity is cheaper than petrol, particularly in the ACT.

Electric vehicles offer plenty of public benefits but, without coordinated policy and infrastructure, Australia will lag the world.

Getting around to it

The picturesque verandahs of country shopfronts were once a threatened species.

Managers are advised to be decisive. But, sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing.

Doomed push to the bush


This arbitrary, irrational, unproductive, decentralisation 'policy' should end now before its costly failure.

Bureaucrats struggle with citizenship chaos

Immigration chaos: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently announced a major overhaul of the citizenship test.

The Immigration Department is struggling to cope with a massive influx of inquiries about the government's changes to the citizenship test, with callers turned away or placed in lengthy queues.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign rally, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016, in Council Bluffs, ...

Deep state v Trump

An unrestrained deep state under a pliant US president is the stuff of nightmare.

Portrait of Martin Parkinson, secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

APS's wobbly start

Our leaders and institutions are taking us on a bumpy path, heading nowhere useful.

Minister for Women and the Minister for Employment: Michaelia Cash.

Save us from this mess

The bureaucracy's IR policy is among the most serious problems in public administration today.