
Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council


19th session of the Human Rights Council, Room XX © UN Photo/JeanMarc Ferre
19th session of the Human Rights Council, Room XX, Palais des Nations, Geneva
© UN Photo/JeanMarc Ferre

The special procedures of the Human Rights Council are independent human rights experts with mandates to report and advise on human rights from a thematic or country-specific perspective. The system of Special Procedures is a central element of the United Nations human rights machinery and covers all human rights: civil, cultural, economic, political, and social. As of 24 March 2017, there are 43 thematic and 13 country mandates.

With the support of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), special procedures undertake country visits; act on individual cases and concerns of a broader, structural nature by sending communications to States and others in which they bring alleged violations or abuses to their attention; conduct thematic studies and convene expert consultations, contribute to the development of international human rights standards, engage in advocacy, raise public awareness, and provide advice for technical cooperation. Special procedures report annually to the Human Rights Council; the majority of the mandates also reports to the General Assembly. Their tasks are defined in the resolutions creating or extending their mandates.
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What special procedures have accomplished in 2016 at a glance

The latest annual report, Corrigendum of special procedures and its addendum which covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2016, provides updated information on the system of special procedures as a whole and its achievements, including facts and figures. This year these facts and figures form a separate addendum. It gives a comprehensive overview of the activities undertaken by special procedures in 2016, both individually and as a system, including country visits, communications, thematic reports, follow-up activities, joint actions, development of international standards and advocacy. The report also reflects the work of the Coordination Committee as well as covers the main issues discussed at the twenty-second annual meeting of special procedures of the Human Rights Council, held in Geneva from 6 to 10 June 2016.

Cooperation with the special procedures and acts of intimidation and reprisals

Engagement of individuals and groups with the special procedures without fear of reprisal is essential for the fulfilment of their mandates, as established by the Human Rights Council. Therefore addressing acts of intimidation and reprisal against those who seek to cooperate, cooperate or have cooperated with the special procedures or any other part of the United Nations system in the field of human rights is a priority for mandate holders. As a result of the growing attention given to this phenomenon and the increasing instances of intimidation and reprisals observed by mandate holders, they agreed during the 22nd Annual Meeting of Special Procedures, held in June 2015, to consolidate and enhance special procedures' response to this unacceptable practice by establishing a coherent framework for action. More information on the issue of reprisals and this framework can be found here.

Visual Directory

Directory of Special Procedures Mandate Holders

June 2016
English - Print version
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Annual Fact and Figures 2013

Annual Fact and Figures 2013

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Civil Society Handbook

Civil Society Handbook

Click here Chapter VI - Special Procedures and the Full handbook here (PDF, 1,28MB)

UPR recommendations relating to the Special Procedures (2008-2013)

UPR recommendations relating to the Special Procedures (2008-2013)

UPR recommendations  (PDF, 1,73MB)


21st Century Episode 111 - Human Rights in North Korea; and a holocaust survivor tells his story,
13 May 2016



Human rights… Who is watching?

The UN Human Rights Council has a group of experts who carry out visits worldwide to monitor and report on a wide range of human rights violations, reflect on different human rights issues and advocate for protection. They are the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, and for them it’s all about the people.

Transcript in Word


Film on Juan Mendez

I am a survivor of torture myself.

As a human rights lawyer, the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Juan E. Méndez, has dedicated over 40 years to ending torture.

Transcript in Word


Visit of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Central African Republic -- Central African Republic, February 2015


Visit of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation -- Brazil, December 2013


Visit of the Special Rapporteur on truth -- Uruguay, October 2013


Visit of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children -- Italy, September 2013


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Feature stories


Feature stories about the Special Procedures of the
Human Rights Council.
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Contact us

Postal address:
Special Procedures Division
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10

Fax : +41 22 917 90 08

In Focus :

Yanghee Lee, Chair of the Coordination Committee, presents the Annual Report of Special Procedures to the 34th session of the HRC, 15 March 2017
Statement / Report, Corrigendum and addendum

Statement by the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures at the 26th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in South Sudan

> Statement of the Special Procedures on the occasion of Human Rights Day 2016: "Human rights under increasing attack worldwide", 9 December 2016

> Statement by the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures, voicing concern that some countries are seeking to retrospectively block the creation of the mandate of an Independent Expert designated to tackle violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

> Statement of the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures at the 25th Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the deteriorating situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic, and the recent situation in Aleppo, 21 October 2016

>Reports submitted to the 71st session of the General Assembly 

> Joint statement of the Special Procedures and Treaty Bodies on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights financial crisis: “We cannot let it go bankrupt” – Two key UN rights bodies urge crucial funding for regional rights organ, 3 June 2016

> Michael Addo, Chairperson of the Coordination Committee, presents the annual report of special procedures to the 31st Human Rights Council session, 15 March 2016
Statement | Report

> Forthcoming country visits


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For further information on how to submit communications on alleged human rights violations, please read the webpage on Communications and send your submission to: submissions to Special Procedures.