Jeff Berkowitz, Bush liaison

Written by on September 26, 2005 in BlogActive Non-Elected Report, Jeff Berkowitz - 1 Comment

Original Title: Jeff Berkowitz, selling out the gay and lesbian community

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President Bush’s liaison to the Jewish Community, Jeff Berkowitz, is a gay man blogACTIVE has learned. In addition to speaking extensively with two of the four original tipsters, this information has been confirmed by five independent, separate, corroborating sources, including:

-A source inside of the White House;
-A lobbyist for a top conservative lobbying firm;
-An individual who had a sexual encounter with Mr. Berkowitz; and
-Two personal acquaintances of Jeff.

In addition to being the President’s liaison to the Jewish Community, Jeff Berkowitz has had his hand in building the current anti-gay majority in Congress. And, on top of the many sources above, this story has been confirmed by an individual who used to work with Mr. Berkowitz at, get this, Generation GOP. GenerationGOP is the organization created to recruit young people to the GOP platform (including the denial of civil marriage equality) and candidates.

Here’s a bit from Jeff’s bio:

Jeff Berkowitz is a political and communications strategist specializing in youth outreach. He serves as Senior Advisor and Web site Editor for Generation GOP. He was Northeast Field Director for the College Republican National Committee prior to the 2000 Presidential Primaries and has worked on numerous political campaigns throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

And, In Arkansas, Jeff helped to get conservatives registered in time for the vote against civil marriage equality:

“Over the past six months Generation GOP, the group led by these young men, has registered thousand of conservative students at college campuses across Arkansas.”


Update: from Jeff’s bio: 

“Jeff is an Eagle Scout and Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow, the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America.” — Be sure to ask Jeff if he support the Boy Scouts, even though they refuse to have gay leaders and members.


TAKE ACTION: E-MAIL Jeff Berkowitz AND the editors of major Jewish press in the United States. Tell them what you think of this hypocritical gay man.  

If you prefer to just write to Jeff to let him know your thoughts. (Note: A copy letters sent by blogACTIVE readers will be sent to the site. To remove the copy, just clear the bcc box.)





Christina Blodgett Contrbuted research to this report.

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