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What will it cost?

A smile can help your confidence, self-esteem and happiness

When you think about it, improving your smile goes beyond just the cosmetic. It is about doing something for yourself – so you can be

But we understand that price is a very important consideration. As with all orthodontic treatment, the cost of Invisalign is dependent on the specifics of your individual case: such as the complexity of your straightening issue and the required length of treatment. This means you will not receive an exact cost until you visit an Invisalign Provider.

As a general rule the cost is comparable to traditional fixed braces. And although only an Invisalign Provider is able to fully determine your cost, prices for Invisalign treatment are generally between 3450 € - 5500 €. However, if only minor tooth movement is required, prices could start from 2600 €.

To obtain an estimate for your Invisalign treatment, contact your nearest Invisalign Provider and arrange an initial consultation.

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