FAQ's | How Does Invisalign Work? | Invisalign


Learn everything you need to know about the Invisalign System. Discover how it works, the benefits, the differences between Invisalign treatment and traditional braces, and what the treatment process is like.

About the Invisalign System

  • The Invisalign System is a virtually invisible and hygienic orthodontic treatment that uses an innovative approach to effectively straighten teeth. With our proprietary SmartForce Technology, the Invisalign System uses a series of custom-made removable aligners created for you and only you. These aligners are made of a virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth to gradually move them to the ideal position. Most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them, allowing you to keep your lifestyle during treatment. The Invisalign System is available through Invisalign-trained doctors who determine the treatment plan. Learn more here.
  • Once you and your Invisalign-trained doctor agree that Invisalign treatment is right for you, your doctor will take photos, X-rays, and either impressions or a scan of your teeth. These records will be used to make a 3D treatment plan, referred to as the ClinCheck treatment plan, which will be used to design the custom-made Invisalign aligners. This 3D treatment plan will also show your likely final tooth position at the end of the treatment. Your custom-made Invisalign aligners will be produced and then shipped to your doctor, who will then give you a series of aligners, typically 3 to 4 sets at a time. You will replace each one approximately every 2 weeks until the final position of your teeth is reached. Get the full details of the treatment process here.
  • More than 4 million patients worldwide have now started Invisalign treatment and the number of Invisalign smiles grows.
  • Like other teeth straightening approaches, Invisalign aligners are also an effective way to straighten teeth. There are also several other specific advantages to Invisalign treatment:

    • Virtually invisible: Invisalign aligners are a clear alternative to braces, giving you a virtually invisible treatment option that lets you keep your confidence, beautiful smile, and lifestyle even when you are in treatment.
    • More comfortable: Invisalign aligners are comfortable, with no metal brackets to irritate your gums or the inside of your mouth.
    • Maintain oral hygiene: Invisalign aligners are removable so it’s easier to clean your teeth and maintain your oral health during treatment.
    • Potentially fewer doctor visits: Invisalign treatment typically requires fewer doctor visits than some types of braces.
    • Visualise the progressive movement: Invisalign Treatment allows you to visualise each stage of the treatment process, from the beginning to the end. Also, some patients may require additional steps like refinement, to complete the treatment.
  • Invisalign aligners look similar to clear retainers, teeth-whitening trays, or gum shields. A series of Invisalign aligners are custom-made for you and each aligner will contain the patient identification number (PID number) and the Invisalign logo.

Comparing the Invisalign System to other straighteners

  • Like other teeth straightening approaches, Invisalign aligners are also an effective way to straighten teeth. There are also several other specific advantages to Invisalign treatment:

    • Virtually invisible: Invisalign aligners are a clear alternative to braces, giving you a virtually invisible treatment option that lets you keep your confidence, beautiful smile, and lifestyle even when you are in treatment.
    • Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are comfortable, with no metal brackets to irritate your gums or the inside of your mouth.
    • Maintain oral hygiene: Invisalign aligners are removable so it’s easier to clean your teeth and maintain your oral health during treatment.
    • Potentially fewer doctor visits: Invisalign treatment typically requires fewer doctor visits than some types of braces.
    • Visualise the progressive movement: Invisalign Treatment allows you to visualise each stage of the treatment process, from the beginning to the end. Also, some patients may require additional steps like refinement, to complete the treatment.
  • Other methods of aligning teeth include traditional braces, ceramic braces, and lingual braces. In comparing these teeth alignment methods, it’s useful to consider aesthetics, efficiency, effect on oral hygiene, comfort during treatment, compliance and removal:

      Invisalign aligners Traditional braces Ceramic braces Lingual braces
    Description The Invisalign System uses a series of clear, removable plastic trays (aligners) that fit over teeth. Aligners are custom-made and changed every 2 weeks to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Traditional braces are stainless steel brackets and wires that are attached to the outside of the teeth. Wires are adjusted throughout treatment to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Traditional ceramic braces are clear brackets that are attached to the outside of the teeth. Wires can be either tooth-coloured or metal. Wires are adjusted throughout treatment to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Lingual braces are metal brackets and wires that are bonded to the back of teeth. Wires are adjusted throughout treatment in order to gradually move teeth into the desired position.
    Aesthetics Virtually invisible. Highly visible. Less visible than traditional braces but more visible than lingual braces and Invisalign aligners. Virtually invisible.
    Efficiency Suitable for most cases from mild to moderate complexity. Treatment outcomes are dependent on the experience level of the practitioner. Suitable for nearly all cases. Suitable for most cases from mild to moderate complexity. However, it can be more difficult for doctors to manage lingual brace treatment as compared to traditional braces.
    Oral Hygiene Invisalign aligners can be removed for normal brushing and flossing, making it easier to maintain a good level of oral hygiene throughout the course of treatment. Oral hygiene is harder to maintain with fixed braces when brushing and flossing. For these reasons, fixed appliance patients can find they have increased plague accumulation and gingival inflammation during treatment. Because of their position on the back of teeth, it’s more difficult to brush and floss normally during treatment. This increases the chances of plaque retention and possible tooth decay.
    Comfort Most people experience temporary, minor discomfort at the beginning of each new stage of treatment. This short-term effect is typically described as a feeling of pressure. Speech may be temporarily affected at the beginning of treatment. Mouth sores/ulcers can be caused by the irritation from components of the braces. Broken brackets and wires can also cause discomfort and may require urgent attention from your treating practitioner. Lingual appliances can have an effect on the tongue position and may affect speech throughout treatment. Mouth sores/ulcers can also be caused by the irritation from components of the braces.
    Compliance Research show that because aligners are virtually invisible, there is a high level of patient acceptance with Invisalign treatment. However, levels of compliance with elastic wear can vary from patient to patient being treated with aligners. High level of compliance braces are fixed to the teeth for the duration of treatment. However, levels of compliance with elastic wear can vary from patient to patient.
    Removable Removable, but aligners should be worn a minimum of 20-22 hours a day for best results. Not removable. Braces are fixed to the teeth for the duration of orthodontic treatment.

Questions about alignment

  • Teeth alignment is the straightening and correction of misaligned or crooked teeth, which can be caused by gaps, crowding, overlapping teeth or tooth size discrepancy. Teeth alignment allows for healthier teeth and gums, easier cleaning, overall health benefits, as well as confidence from having a smile with straighter teeth.
  • Aside from Invisalign aligners, there are traditional braces, ceramic braces and lingual braces.

Factors to consider when choosing a treatment

  • Factors to consider in choosing the most appropriate treatment include:

    • Primary characteristics of the chosen treatment such as:
      • Effectiveness: How the chosen treatment will make your teeth look once treatment is over.
      • The doctor performing the treatment: Specifically, finding a doctor who is skilled and trained in your preferred treatment approach and whom you’re comfortable with.
      • The cost of the treatment: Including the total cost of the treatment, and also the potential cost of consultations and retention, and the personal cost of having a visible treatment in terms of confidence and lifestyle effects.
    • Other factors to consider include:
      • Duration of treatment and frequency of doctor visits, including that of the initial treatment and any retention.
      • Comfort of treatment, including whether the device can irritate your gums or the inside of your mouth.
      • Convenience,including whether the device can be removed to help you maintain your oral health during treatment.
      • Need for extractions.

Specific straightening issues

  • Invisalign clear aligners can treat a range of teeth straightening issues, from mild tooth movements to more complex cases. It’s necessary to consult an Invisalign-trained doctor to find out if Invisalign treatment is suitable for you.
  • There is generally no age limitation for Invisalign treatment. It is suitable to effectively treat both teenagers and adults of all ages. For adults, Invisalign treatment, which is a virtually invisible treatment option, may offer the convenience and flexibility to straighten your teeth without worrying about the visibility commonly associated with other treatments.

    For teenagers, the only requirement is that the first premolar and first molar have erupted, which usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 14 years. For both adults and teenagers, it’s best to consult an Invisalign-trained doctor to see if Invisalign treatment is the best option.

  • Yes, spaces between teeth are generally easy to close with Invisalign treatment. However, the size and location of the spaces will need to be evaluated by an Invisalign-trained doctor. Take a look at the other cases the Invisalign System can effectively treat.
  • Yes, Invisalign can correct mild-to-moderate overbites but you should consult an Invisalign-trained doctor to determine the best treatment plan for you. Take a look at the other cases the Invisalign System can effectively treat.

Specific dental issues

  • Because bridges firmly link two or more teeth together, they can offer quite a bit of resistance to tooth movement. Your doctor will be able to determine whether you’re a candidate for Invisalign treatment if you have bridges.
  • Patients with crowns can usually undergo Invisalign Treatment. However, small composites called attachments are sometimes bonded onto teeth to help achieve certain movements. In these cases, the location of the crowns must be carefully evaluated by an Invisalign-trained doctor.
  • People can have a number of problems with their jaw joint, some of which can be aggravated by appliances and treatments like the Invisalign System. To find out if your TMJ will have an impact on your orthodontic treatment, it’s best to consult an Invisalign-trained doctor.
  • Before getting any Invisalign treatment, you should have good oral health and ensure that you’ve addressed any dental problems, including tooth decay and periodontal problems. Speak to your Invisalign-trained doctor for more details.

Who are candidates for Invisalign treatment?

  • No, there is no age limit for Invisalign treatment. It’s suitable to effectively treat both teenagers and adults of all ages. For adults, Invisalign treatment, which is a virtually invisible treatment option, may offer convenience and flexibility to straighten your teeth without worrying about the visibility normally associated with other treatments.
  • There is generally no minimum age for Invisalign treatment. The only requirement is that the first premolar and first molar have erupted and that usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 14 years. Teenagers should consult an Invisalign-trained doctor to see if treatment is the best option for them.
  • There are many Invisalign-trained doctors available and listed on this website.

Switching treatment

  • A number of patients who were initially treated with braces have switched to Invisalign aligners. Speak to an Invisalign-trained doctor to determine whether switching to Invisalign treatment is suitable for you. A list of Invisalign-trained doctors can be found here.
  • A number of Invisalign patients have previously been treated with braces, often during their youth. Invisalign aligners can usually correct the shifting that occurs after treatment with braces, which is commonly referred to as relapse. These patients do so without having to through the inconvenience and social awkwardness of wearing metal braces. Speak to an Invisalign-trained doctor for more information.

Concerns about Invisalign treatment

  • Based on expertise and technology developed in the treatment of over 4 million patients, Invisalign treatment should not cause a collapsed jawline or exposed gums. However, the possibility of a collapsed jawline or exposed gums is related to the doctor’s treatment plan. Thus, it’s recommended to speak to your doctor regarding your treatment goal to prevent this from happening.
  • This depends on your case; however, to ensure a good and aesthetic outcome in terms of the space between your teeth, both the upper and lower teeth are usually treated with the Invisalign System. You should consult an Invisalign-trained doctor who can check to see which treatment option is best for you.

What to expect before and during treatment

  • The following are some general information about what to expect during your Invisalign treatment process:

    • Step 1: Initially, your doctor will take photos, X-rays, and digital scans (which may be referred to as an iTero scan) or a dental impression to help formulate your treatment plan.
    • Step 2: Align Technology will then use these records, along with the treatment prescription provided by your doctor to create a customised 3D treatment plan just for you (referred to as ClinCheck treatment plan). You’ll also be able to see the final position of your teeth after treatment is complete. This treatment plan will be used to develop your customised aligners (to precisely address your teeth straightening issues) and determine the length of your treatment.
    • Step 3: The customised aligners are manufactured and shipped to your doctor’s office.
    • Step 4: Your series of custom-made aligners will be given to you (typically 3-4 sets at a time) for you to wear everyday and change them at home every 2 weeks.
    • Step 5: You’ll be visiting your Invisalign-trained doctor every 6-8 weeks to monitor the progress of your treatment and receive the next series of aligners.
    • Step 6: After you've finished your Invisalign aligner treatment, you may need to use retainers to help make sure the new position of your teeth is maintained.
  • If you require correction of your bite, you may need to use elastics as part of your treatment.
  • Wearing a retainer after any orthodontic treatment is an important step because it keeps your teeth stable in their new positions. If you want your teeth to remain in their ideal position for the rest of your life, it’s best to wear a retainer as directed by your doctor. Your Invisalign-trained doctor can advise you on your retention options.
  • If you require additional space or the contact points in your teeth need to be corrected, you may need to have polishing or contouring as part of your treatment.
  • Depending on your specific treatment, some of the movements may require ‘attachments’ to help the aligner grip the teeth. The attachments are actually small pieces of enamel-coloured composites the doctor affixes to your teeth. You may also notice small indentations or ‘ridges’ in your aligners. These are designed to help achieve a specific sort of root movement and all of these will depend on your Invisalign treatment plan.

On-going treatment considerations

  • The length of your treatment will depend on your specific needs and will be determined by your Invisalign-trained doctor. The average treatment for an adult is about 12 to 18 months and for teenagers, treatment length may vary and will be determined by the doctor.
  • You should wear each aligner for 20 to 22 hours a day during your treatment for best results and a timely outcome.
  • You will visit your Invisalign-trained doctor for a check-up approximately every 6-8 weeks to see how your treatment is progressing. During your check-ups, your Invisalign-trained doctor will check that the aligners are fitting well and make any adjustments if necessary.
  • You’ll be provided with enough aligners to last between visits to your doctor (usually 3-4 sets at a time). Your doctor will review your progress every 6-8 weeks and new aligners will be given to you at these appointments. It’s best to speak to your doctor about how many aligners you will be provided with between visits.
  • Two aligner cases are included in your patient starter kit.
  • You will usually change your aligners every 2 weeks. However, please follow your doctor’s specific instructions regarding when you need to change your aligners as this may vary between patients.
  • Results with the Invisalign System usually start showing a few months after starting treatment.

Technology during treatment

  • If you need to have your tooth or teeth extracted as part of the treatment, your aligner will have a ‘pontic’. The innovative pontic is disguised as a tooth and located where your tooth was extracted so no one should know you are in treatment.
  • After straightening your teeth, you may require a second phase of treatment to allow further correction. You’ll need to return for scans/impressions and have additional aligners produced to achieve your desired outcome.
  • Retention is an important part of your treatment plan and is designed to help prevent your teeth from moving out of alignment again. There are many retention options available, including Invisalign retainers that are similar to Invisalign aligners and can be worn to hold your teeth in the desired position. Depending on your doctor’s recommendation, the retainer may only need to be used at night or for longer periods.

Customer queries

  • You should speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have about your Invisalign treatment.
  • You speak to your doctor about any concerns you may have with the final result of your Invisalign treatment.
  • No, that’s a common misperception. Invisalign treatment can be used on a range of cases including mild to more severe cases. However, the suitability of Invisalign treatment for a particular case must be determined by an Invisalign-trained doctor. It is important to consult an Invisalign-trained doctor to determine if Invisalign treatment is an option for you.
  • No, there is no age limit for Invisalign treatment. It is suitable to effectively treat both teenagers and adults of all ages. For adults, Invisalign treatment is a virtually invisible treatment option that may offer the convenience and flexibility to straighten your teeth without worrying about the visibility associated with other treatments. Take a look at the other cases the Invisalign System can effectively treat.

Invisalign System and extractions

  • Extraction of premolars or lower incisors, for example, is an option for addressing bite issues and orthodontic issues that would otherwise require surgical treatment to correct. Depending on the stage of your physical development and your specific case, your doctor will determine whether extraction is suitable for you.
  • When you have your orthodontic assessment, the treating doctor will review your tooth alignment and assess whether you have the right amount of space, excess space, or too little space (i.e. crowded teeth). In some patients, if the crowding is severe, extraction of premolars may be required for your treating doctor to properly align your teeth during treatment.
  • Some patients who ask about orthodontic treatment have concerns about their full profile (or ‘bucked teeth’). For these patients, extraction treatment can help improve their profile and reduce the protruding appearance of their front teeth. It’s recommended that you consult your doctor to get the best treatment plan for your needs.
  • If you need to have your tooth or teeth extracted as part of your Invisalign treatment, your aligner will have a “pontic”. The innovative pontic is disguised as a tooth and located where your tooth was extracted so that others won’t notice you are in treatment.
  • Extraction of premolars or lower incisors, for example, is an option for addressing bite issues and orthodontic issues that would otherwise require surgical treatment to correct. Depending on the stage of your physical development and your specific case, your doctor will determine whether extraction is suitable for you.

Inserting and removing aligners

  • Make sure you wash your hands well before touching your aligners, and use only one aligner at a time. Also, rinse your aligners well when removing them from their packaging. Follow these steps when inserting your aligner:

    • Make sure you have the proper aligner – there’s one specifically for your top teeth (engraved with a “U” for upper) and one for your bottom teeth (engraved with an “L” for lower).
    • Insert either aligner first.
    • When inserting each aligner, gently push the aligner over the front of your teeth and then apply equal pressure with your fingertips to the tops of your left and right molars (back teeth) until the aligner snaps into place.
    • Do not bite your aligners into place as this may damage them.
    • If you notice a sharp pain or have significant discomfort, stop using the aligners and contact your doctor.
  • Make sure you wash your hands well before touching your aligners, and use only one aligner at a time. Follow these steps when removing your aligners:

    • On one side of your mouth, use your fingertip to slowly pull the aligner from the inside of your back molars (back teeth).
    • Repeat this process on the other side of your mouth before trying to completely remove the aligner.
    • Once the aligner is disengaged from the molar on both sides of your mouth, you should be able to slowly work your way forward, gently prying the aligner away from your teeth with your fingertips.

    Other things to keep in mind when removing the aligners:

    • Immediately rinse the aligner with water, shake off excess water and store your aligners in their protective case.
    • Avoid unnecessary removal of your aligners to prevent damage.
    • Take care when removing your aligners, particularly if multiple attachments are being used.
    • Do not use excessive force to bend or twist an aligner; also do not use any sharp object when removing.

    Consult your doctor if you have difficulties in removing the aligners.

  • Follow your doctor’s advice regarding how often to change your aligners. Typically, you can change your aligners by yourself every 2 week unless your doctor recommends otherwise. You will return to your doctor approximately every 6-8 weeks to monitor the progress of your treatment.
  • The length of your treatment will depend on your specific needs and will be determined by your Invisalign-trained doctor. The average treatment for an adult is about 12 to 18 months and for teenagers, treatment length may vary and will be determined by the doctor.
  • You should have your doctor take a look and make sure everything is ok. However, as your Invisalign aligners gradually shift your teeth into their proper position, your gums are re-forming around each tooth as it moves. This may be what is causing this feeling.
  • If your aligners no longer fit, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will diagnose what remedial action may be needed. This may involve moving back one or two stages in treatment to a previous aligner or possible the use of some additional orthodontic treatment.
  • You will usually change your aligners every 2 weeks. However, please follow your doctor’s specific instructions regarding when you need to change your aligners as this may vary between patients.
  • It’s recommended that you store your aligners in a case when you are not wearing them to protect them from loss or damage.
  • You should contact your doctor if your have lost or broken an aligner. As your doctor may recommend that you temporarily go back one stage while a replacement is being made, it’s helpful to keep the most recently used aligners.

Cleaning aligners during treatment

  • Clean your aligners with a soft toothbrush with water before inserting them into your mouth. Your aligner should be rinsed with water after each cleaning, and it’s recommended that you use your aligner cleaning products once a week or as needed. It’s also recommended that you remember to brush and floss your teeth after each meal and prior to re-inserting your aligners to maintain proper oral health.
  • Follow these steps to help ensure proper oral hygiene during treatment:

    • Always remove your aligners before eating and drinking but you don’t need to remove them to drink cold water.
    • Brush and floss your teeth after each meal or snack prior to re-inserting your aligners. If you don’t have access to your cleaning system or a toothbrush, you can simply rinse your mouth, then clean your aligners by holding them under warm running water. Be sure to thoroughly clean your aligners at your earliest convenience.
    • If you have any questions regarding oral hygiene techniques, please consult your doctor.
    • Regular dental check-ups and cleaning are recommended for the continued health of your teeth and gums.
  • It’s recommended that you store your aligners in a case when you are not wearing them to protect them from loss or damage.
  • Your attachments are not removable. They should be cleaned as part of your regular oral hygiene regimen, by brushing your teeth.

Daily considerations during treatment

  • You should wear each aligner for 20 to 22 hours a day during your treatment for best results and a timely outcome.
  • No, you can usually eat what you want while in treatment because the Invisalign aligners are removed when eating or drinking. Thus, there’s no need to refrain from your favourite foods and drinks unless instructed by your doctor. However, it’s recommended that you floss and brush your teeth after each meal and prior to re-inserting your aligners to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • Except for cool water, we recommend that you don’t drink while wearing the aligners. This is to avoid cavities and stains forming on your teeth, or warping your aligners with hot beverages.
  • You should remove your aligners to consume anything except for water. Leaving aligners on while drinking may stain them and you may risk developing tooth decay while consuming fluids with sugar in them.
  • We don’t encourage smoking while wearing aligners because it’s possible for them to become discoloured.
  • You should not chew gum while wearing your aligners as the gum may stick to the aligners. We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks, including chewing gum.
  • It’s very unlikely that your aligners will ever fall out, no matter what you’re doing at the time (whether it’s sleeping, talking or laughing). Invisalign aligners are designed to fit firmly on the teeth so this should not be a cause for concern.
  • Similar to other orthodontic treatments, the Invisalign aligners may temporarily affect the speech of some people for a day or two. However, as your tongue gets used to having aligners in your mouth, any misarticulation or minor speech impediment caused by the aligners should disappear. Please speak to your doctor about ways to help you get used to your aligners more quickly.
  • It’s important that you follow the treatment plan developed by your doctor to ensure the best outcome. Your doctor will determine the recommended treatment duration for you depending on several considerations, including the spacing between your teeth and the need for retention.
  • It’s recommended to visit your doctor for regular visits to make sure your treatment plan is on track. If you need additional aligners due to travel periods, speak to your doctor as this is dependent on your specific case and treatment plan.
  • Invisalign treatment is available in more than 100 countries worldwide, and you can transfer your Invisalign treatment to another doctor to continue your treatment. Please speak to your current doctor about the process.
  • The aligners are made of non-toxic, medical-grade plastic and can be worn during pregnancy. If you’re concerned, please consult your healthcare professional.

Product concerns

  • While Invisalign treatment may move your teeth without the pain and anxiety of other straightening methods, some people might experience temporary, minor discomfort for a few days at the beginning of each new stage of treatment. This is normal and is typically described as a feeling of pressure. It's a sign that the Invisalign aligners are sequentially moving your teeth to their final positions. This discomfort usually goes away a couple of days after you insert the new aligner in the series.
  • If you notice a sharp pain or have significant discomfort, stop using the aligners and contact your Invisalign-trained doctor.
  • Invisalign treatment is contraindicated in patients with active periodontal disease. If you have periodontal (gum) disease, you should consult your doctor before undergoing Invisalign treatment.

    Warnings with Invisalign treatment include:

    • In rare instances, some patients may be allergic to the aligner material. If this occurs, discontinue use and speak to a healthcare professional immediately.
    • In rare instances, patients with hereditary angioedema (HAE), a genetic disorder, may experience rapid local swelling of tissues including the larynx. This may be triggered by mild stimuli including dental procedures. If this occurs, discontinue use and speak to a healthcare professional immediately.
    • Orthodontic appliances, or parts thereof, may be accidentally swallowed or inhaled, and may be harmful.
  • Please speak with your doctor, as he or she may need to fully remove the stained attachments and replace them.
  • Depending on your specific treatment, some of the movements may require either “attachments” or “ridges” to help the aligner grip the teeth. These bumps or wells are where the aligner grips the attachment the doctor places on your teeth. The attachments are actually small pieces of composite the doctor affixes to your teeth that are then gripped by bumps on your aligners. The ridges are slim indentations in your aligners. Your doctor will use one or both of these features to achieved the desired movement.
  • Aligners are virtually invisible and discreet, so most people will not even notice that you’re wearing them.


  • Your doctor will use proprietary 3D computer imaging technology to map your complete and unique treatment from start to finish. This treatment plan is unique to your specific teeth alignment issue, and involves the use of customised aligners that are designed and manufactured to fit your teeth at specific times during your treatment. Use of customised aligners allows for precision, efficacy and comfort during treatment.
  • iTero is an intraoral digital scanner that provides impressions of your teeth without the need for having manual and uncomfortable impressions taken of your teeth. iTero scanning provides better fitting and quicker manufacturing of Invisalign aligners compared to manual impressions. The iTero scanner, coupled with the ClinCheck treatment plan, allows you to see what your teeth will look like at the end of treatment.
  • The ClinCheck treatment plan is a unique, proprietary 3D treatment planning technology used specifically with the Invisalign System. It allows your doctor to more precisely customise the appropriate treatment plan for your needs from the beginning to the end of your treatment. It also lets you know how long your treatment will take and see what your teeth will look like at the end of your Invisalign treatment course.
  • If you need to have your tooth or teeth extracted as part of the treatment, your aligner will have a ‘pontic’. The innovative pontic is disguised as a tooth and located where your tooth was extracted so no one should know you are in treatment.
  • After straightening your teeth, you may require a second phase of treatment to allow further correction. You’ll need to return for scans/impressions and have additional aligners produced to achieve your desired outcome.
  • SmartForce are proprietary, engineered attachments and aligner features that may be incorporated into the Invisalign aligners and are designed to allow teeth to move in a predictable way during treatment.
  • Invisalign aligners are made of SmartTrack, a highly elastic, proprietary material that delivers gentle, constant force for controlled tooth movements.
  • SmartStage is a proprietary technology that’s designed to optimise the progression of your tooth movements during treatment for more predictable outcomes.
  • No, the attachments are not removable. If you are facing any issues with your attachments during treatment, please consult your doctor.
  • All Invisalign aligners are made of our proprietary custom-engineered material called SmartTrack. This medical-grade, thermoplastic polymer has a high elasticity, allowing for a more precise aligner fit and better tooth movement, and providing a gentle and constant force during treatment. The aligners have been designed to give you results while maintaining comfort during treatment. The aligners are custom-made for you and fit firmly over your teeth.
  • With the ClinCheck treatment plan, a 3D treatment planning technology, you’ll be able to visualise the final position of your teeth at the end of your treatment course.

Questions about the manufacturer of Invisalign aligners

  • Invisalign aligners are manufactured by Align Technology, Inc. Align Technology was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in San Jose, California with offices worldwide. The Invisalign System is offered directly by Align Technology in more than 100 countries.
  • All Invisalign products are designed, manufactured and marketed by Align Technology, whose global headquarters are in California, USA, and whose manufacturing operation unit is in Juarez, Mexico.
  • The vision of the use of clear aligners for comprehensive orthodontic treatment first began in 1945. In 1999, Align Technology pioneered the invisible orthodontic market with the introduction of the Invisalign System. By 2001, 1 million clear aligners had been manufactured. By combining digital treatment planning, including 3D technology, and mass-customisation, the orthodontic industry has been transformed. As of January 2015, over 4 million patients have started Invisalign treatment.
  • Align Technology, the makers of Invisalign aligners, is a global medical device company. They provided industry-leading innovative products such as Invisalign aligners, iTero intraoral scanners, and OrthoCAD digital services that help dental professionals achieve the clinical results they expect, as well as providing effective, leading-edge dental options to patients.

Customer concerns

  • If your Invisalign aligner cracks or tears for any reason, it’s very important to contact your doctor right away. Please do not wear the cracked aligner. The aligner will have to be replaced, as a cracked aligner may not be able to exert the right pressure for proper tooth movement.
  • If you notice a sharp pain or have significant discomfort, stop using the aligners and contact your Invisalign-trained doctor.
  • In the event that an aligner is lost or broken, you should immediately inform your doctor. Your doctor will probably tell you to start wearing your last set or next set of aligners immediately. He or she will also possibly order a new set of aligners to replace the ones you just lost. The standard time allowed for replacement aligners is 10 working days.
  • In the event that an attachment is lost or broken, you should immediately contact your doctor.
  • Your attachments should continue to match your teeth and should not turn yellow. Please speak with your doctor, as he or she may need to fully remove the stained attachments and replace them.
  • If your Invisalign aligners feel like they are irritating your gums or cheeks, they may need to be assessed. We recommend that you give your doctor a call so that he/she can evaluate the fit and determine what needs to be done.

Cost queries

  • Costs vary from doctor to doctor and may be dependent on the complexity of your case and your course of treatment. Please speak to an Invisalign-trained doctor to get a more accurate cost estimate of your treatment. For more information about how much Invisalign treatment will cost, click here.
  • Consultation fees vary from doctor to doctor. Some may offer free initial assessment while other may charge a fee. It’s best to check with the doctor for further details regarding fees. For more information about how much Invisalign treatment will cost, click here.
  • Individual treating doctors may offer differing payment plans that may not require the full amount to be paid up front. Please ask your treating doctor for his or her payment policy. For more information about how much Invisalign treatment will cost, click here.
  • The cost for Invisalign treatment is based upon the consultations needed, is patient specific, and will also depend on the Invisalign treatment needed. Your treating doctor will be able to provide a more accurate price guideline.
  • If your insurance policy has orthodontic coverage, Invisalign treatment should be covered to a similar extent as conventional braces. However, as medical benefits differ significantly from policy to policy, it’ll be safer to check with your health insurance provider. For more information about how much Invisalign treatment will cost, click here.
  • Costs vary from doctor to doctor and may be dependent on the complexity of your case and your course of treatment. However, the cost of Invisalign treatment may be comparative to that of other alignment procedures. Please speak to your doctor about the comparative cost of treatment. You may also want to consider other treatment-related factors like effectiveness, aesthetics during treatment, duration of treatment, comfort and convenience, to determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

Invisalign-trained doctors

  • Specific training is required to provide Invisalign treatment, and both Invisalign-trained dentists and specialist orthodontists have completed this training. The difference is that an orthodontist is a dental specialist has spent 3 or more additional years in an advanced, intensive educational program and only practices orthodontics. A general dentist performs general dentistry including but no limited to check-ups, cleanings and filings. Some dentists also practice orthodontics.
  • You don’t need a referral to go to an orthodontist, but sometimes your dentist may give you one if he/she thinks you need specialist orthodontic treatment. Similarly, an orthodontist may refer you to a dentist if you need general dental work or a tooth extraction to complement the orthodontic work.
  • When a doctor decides to provide Invisalign treatment, he or she undergoes Invisalign training. The Invisalign provider training course is offered to those who have their dental practitioner qualification certificate and want to provide Invisalign treatment. This training is not a certification or warranty of a practitioner’s dental license or an endorsement of a practitioner’s dental or orthodontic skills. Once a practitioner completes the Invisalign provider training course, he or she can provide Invisalign treatment. However, the practitioner remains fully in control of, and responsible for, his or her treatment decisions. This includes designing a suitable treatment plan (including the predicted tooth movements) and prescribing a series of customised Invisalign aligners specifically to match a particular patient’s treatment plan.
  • The Invisalign volume-based tier designations (e.g. Platinum Elite (PE), Platinum (P), Diamond (D) and Black Diamond (BD) are based on the number of historical Invisalign cases that a provider has submitted over a defined period of time. The tier system does not represent a doctor’s clinical experience or clinical skills in orthodontic treatment. The Invisalign provider tier level designations are not recognised as specialty areas by any applicable dental associations and have no relevance to a practitioner’s dental or orthodontic skill, or a particular treatment outcome. An Invisalign provider’s Invisalign volume-based tier designation is simply a tool that a patient can use for considering a practitioner’s experience with Invisalign treatment. You should always make your own judgement in selecting a practice and provider to start your Invisalign treatment. It should also be noted that the clinical outcome from Invisalign treatment to is based on a lot of different factors that can include the condition of your teeth, compliance, the treatment plan, and the doctor’s orthodontic experience.
  • Since Invisalign treatment is customised to you, pricing and terms are set by each doctor. As you change doctors, you will need to settle your account with your current doctor and let them know you would like to make a change. Be sure to ask the new clinic what to expect when you are in treatment. If you’re about to start treatment, but think it’s likely you may have to switch doctors (for example, if you’re moving homes or in the military), coming to an agreement up front with your doctor regarding costs and payment schedules is a good idea.
  • Please see here for a list of Invisalign-trained doctors in your area. Invisalign-trained doctors who have completed our training will receive a certificate for the course completion that you can look out for in the clinic.
  • There are many Invisalign-trained doctors available and listed on this website.

Aftercare queries

  • Wearing a retainer after any orthodontic treatment is an important step because it keeps your teeth stable in their new positions. If you want your teeth to remain in their ideal position for the rest of your life, it’s best to wear a retainer as directed by your doctor. Your Invisalign-trained doctor can advise you on your retention options.
  • After you complete Invisalign treatment, like patients who undergo traditional wire-and-bracket treatment, your Invisalign-trained doctor will ask you to wear a retainer to prevent your teeth from moving out of alignment. Depending on your doctor’s recommendation, the retainer may only need to be used at night or for longer periods.
  • Depending on the outcome of each treatment, this may vary individually. Some patients may require the use of retainers that include those fixed to the teeth, removable plastic retainers, or Invisalign retainers – which are similar to the aligners. Discuss these possibilities with your treating doctor. Every patient is different and outcomes do vary.

Want more information about Invisalign treatment?

Download the information pack highlighting how Invisalign treatment works, the unique technology behind it, the treatment process, and how to get started with Invisalign treatment.

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