Privacy Policy | Invisalign Online Privacy Statement

Privacy policy

Align Technology, Inc., manufacturers of the Invisalign®, have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to protecting your personal information. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for our Internet sites,,, and our country-specific sites.

At Align Technology, we intend to give you as much control as possible over your personal information. In general, you can visit Align Technology on the Web without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. There are times, however, when we may need information from you, or you may choose to provide information of a friend or acquaintance, such as name, e-mail address and/or home address. It is our intent to let you know before we collect such personal information from you on the Internet and to obtain your prior permission for its collection and use.

Information we may collect from you

You may give us information about you when you fill out forms on our site, or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or other means. This includes, without limitation, when you register for an account to use our site, use social media functions on our site, and when you report a problem with our site.

When you visit or use our site, we and our third party service providers may automatically collect location information and log information from you. Log information may include:
  • Information in server logs, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, information about Internet service provider (ISP), clickstream data, browser type and language, viewed and exit pages and date or time stamps), your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform;
  • Information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), information you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs) and methods used to browse away from the page.
  • Information about the computer you may use to download any content of our site onto your computer or device, including, unique device identifiers, usage information (such as page requests and average time spent on our site) operating system, browser type and mobile network information, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers.

What we do with the information we gather and track

The information gathered from you, or provided by you in any forms you fill out may be used in one of four ways:

  • To provide you with information about products, services, news and events.
  • To allow you to use, purchase, and/or download products and services.
  • To gather broad or aggregated demographic information about user trends.
  • To provide trained doctors with information on actual or prospective patients.


Please visit our website to receive future updates to the Privacy Policy.

Business Partners

This site may contain links to other sites merely as a convenience. Align Technology is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites, and inclusion of links does not imply out endorsement of the material on them.

If you choose to give us personal information via the Internet that we or our business partners may need—to correspond with you, process an order or provide you with a subscription, for example—it is our intent to let you know how we will use such information. If you tell us that you do not wish to have this information used as a basis for further contact with you, we will respect your wishes. We do keep track of the domains from which people visit us. We analyze this data for trends and statistics, and then we discard it.


Cookies are small text files that contain information that can later be read by us to help us distinguish you from other users, and to facilitate your access to our site, gather statistical data, and personalise your online experience.

When you visit our site, we may assign your computer one or more “cookies”. By accessing our site, you agree that we can place cookies on your computer or device.

We currently use cookies on our site for purposes including, but not limited to, detecting your web browser’s multimedia capabilities, tracking promotional advertisements that we have displayed to you, maintaining current login and purchase information on secure portions of the website and providing a unique identifier to your computer or device so that we can generate statistics regarding website usage.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can modify your browser setting to decline cookies. For more information about cookies and how browser settings can be changed to reject them, go to your browser’s Help menu. If you decide not to accept cookies from our site, you may not be able to take advantage of all of the features of our site, and some of the features offered on our site may be restricted or rendered inoperable.

Our site may allow third parties to download cookies to your device. Third parties, such as analytics firms and business partners, may use cookies and other technologies to collect non-personal data about your online activities while you are on our site. This information may be used to measure usage of our site and personalise advertising content on our site. We do not have access to or control over cookies or other features these third parties may use, and this privacy policy does not cover the use of cookies or the information practices of these third parties.


We may run contests on our site in which we ask visitors for contact information (like their e-mail address). We use contact data from our contests to send users information about our company and to contact the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the "Remove from Mail" section below.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control.

However, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site, and any transmission is at your own risk and it is possible that third parties may unlawfully access such personal information through a number of means despite our efforts.

Transfer of information outside of your country

Please be aware that by providing us with personal information, you understand and agree that: (a) due to our international operations, your personal information may be transferred to and stored on servers located outside your resident jurisdiction; (b) you consent to the transfer of such your personal information to any countries which our subsidiaries and affiliated companies operate in, for processing by us and/or our affiliates, in accordance with this privacy policy; and (c) this privacy policy and the collection of information pursuant to this privacy policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Indonesia. Wherever your personal information is transferred, stored or processed by us, we will take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of your personal information.

Remove from Mail

Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from either Align Technology or our partners at the point where we request information about the visitor. This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our database and to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service. You can send e-mail to


Treatment results may vary, results are also subject to doctors’ assessment and treatment planning.

Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact:

491B River Valley Road
#16-02A, Valley Point
Singapore 248373

Effective date: [May 2014]
Date updated: [May 2014]