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Parents who went on run with disabled son claim hospital food and vaccines harming him

More than a day after being taken from a Brisbane hospital by his parents, Chase Walker-Steven has been taken to a New South Wales hospital for assessment, ending a frantic search.

The four-year-old, who suffers from a disability, was taken from Lady Cilento Hospital about 12.30pm on Thursday by mother, Cini Walker, and father, Marc Alexander Steven.

About 24 hours later police issued an Amber Alert, which was sent interstate, leading to police receiving about a dozen calls from members of the public with information. However, it wasn't until about 4pm when police had their first major breakthrough.

After information from the public, Ms Walker was found in Newcastle, on the New South Wales' central coast, and after calling her partner, Mr Steven brought Chase to officers in the same area less than an hour later.

Police said the parents hadn't provided an explanation as to why they ran away with their son, but Ms Walker has documented her battle with Brisbane hospitals on Facebook.

In an online biography of their son, Ms Walker and Mr Steven wrote that Chase was born healthy but claimed that after having a vitamin K injection within 10 minutes of birth he started having seizures.


They said that after further vaccinations during his first few days of life, Chase's seizures would come back worse than before. The parents alleged it caused him to develop "spastic, quadriplegic cerebral palsy and undiagnosed, uncontrolled epilepsy".

However, nothing could be found on brain scans, but both parents believe their son was damaged by the vaccinations.

The family claim medicinal cannabis had improved Chase's condition and Ms Walker previously warned she would walk out of hospital with Chase if the staff refused to give him medicinal cannabis, as his parents wanted.

In a Facebook video from January 18, which Ms Walker shared just one day before taking her son from the hospital, she also questioned whether she even owned her son any more.

"How much more do we have to prove that we love our kid?" she said. "He needs to get better and they're destroying that."

Ms Walker said the boy did not need or want to be back in hospital. She believed the medication would harm her son and hospital food would kill him because of his dairy allergy.

"I hate watching my son being drugged up and he doesn't wake up because he's in a coma because of the medications they give him," she said.

"I've also told the doctors and the child services that I will not feed my son any of their stuff and I will fight for him not to have it.

"That will be the last thing he has because I believe he's allergic to it and he will seizure and he'll seizure to the point he'll die."

At the conclusion of the search, Detective Acting Inspector Grant Ralston said charges were not likely to be laid early on Friday evening, but police would review the case into the night. 

He said the situation "could have gone bad" but he was "very encouraged" by the success and scale of the police-issued Amber Alert, which included flashing signs on freeways telling motorists to look out for the family.

With AAP

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