- published: 03 Oct 2014
- views: 1656738
EVP may stand for:
5 Terrifying Paranormal EVP & EMF Recordings
The Best Spirit EVP AUDIO Evidence Ever Recorded.. Huff SCD-1. 100% REAL.
EVP Session - Speaking with Grandpa
5 Extremely CHILLING EVP Recordings | FiveStars
Art Bell EVP show (originally broadcast on 10/18/2003)
Mistério Revelado e EVP no Encaminhando ALMAS Caça Fantasmas Brasil #992 Parte 5
LOUD and clear spirit voices. Amazing Class A EVP's in my home.
Reality Grid Feat. E.V.P - Live - Boom Festival 2014
Ghost Hunters - One Of The BEST EVP's Ever
Real Spirit Orbs with EVP Validation Proof in my home. Huff Paranormal.
Subscribe for a new video every week! ►► http://goo.gl/lYWszy Check out the NEW Top5s website! ►► http://www.Top5s.co.uk ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ They where all pretty terrifying Ghost EVP & EMF Recordings! Electronic Voice Phenomena is a method used by ghost hunters to capture a spirit/poltergeist/demons voice trough a recording device. Usually after series of questions the audio will be played back and analysed for paranormal evidence. Which sometime can be pretty conclusive! An Electromagnet Field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects which many ghost investigators believe paranormal entities give off. They can then use an EMF reader to communicate with the spirits by asking them to ...
MORE INFO on the SCD-1 and TUTORIAL: http://huffparanormal.com/scd-1/the-scd-1-qa-tips-tricks-and-intro-video/ REAL USER REVIEWS: http://huffparanormal.com/scd-1/the-huff-paranormal-scd-1-real-world-user-reviews/ EVIDENCE from ME and OTHERS: http://huffparanormal.com/scd-1/the-incredible-scd-1-evidence-files/ BUY the SCD-1: http://ghosthunterapps.com/huff-scd1.html This is a video showing what the new SCD-1 can do. In over 6 weeks I have recorded over 1000 direct replies, messages and some VERY personal messages that I can not share, for myself and others. There are worldwide users doing exactly as I have done with it and it is a 100% real and special tool for direct communication with the spirit world. What you are seeing in this video is 100% REAL - 100% GUARANTEED. It is a ne...
►5 Extremely Chilling EVP Recordings | FiveStars ►Subscribe for weekly videos! ►Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZipcjBbLTI EVP stands for "electronic voice phenomenon." They are ghostly, disembodied voices that are caught on tape. Sometimes they are heard by the person recording, other times they are discovered upon review of the tape. Here are 5 Extremely Chilling EVP Recordings ----------------------------------------------- Special thanks to Top4Entertainment for creating this video. It would be great if you could go and subscribe to his channel where he uploads daily videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJBfdFOYXaEOAmuduqt3f7g Top4Entertainment's Twitter: https://twitter.com/top4entertainm1 -------------------------------------------------- Thanks a lot for ...
*Ghost-ops.net does not own this audio; it was copied from the radio years ago. Enjoy. =) Air Date: Saturday - October 18, 2003 Host: Art Bell (Coast-to-Coast AM) Guests: Brendan Cook, Barbara McBeath EVP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voice_phenomenon Within ghost hunting and parapsychology, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices that have been either unintentionally recorded or intentionally requested and recorded. Parapsychologist Konstantīns Raudive, who popularized the idea in the 1970s, described EVP as typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase. Enthusiasts consider EVP to be a form of paranormal phenomena often found in recordings with static or other background noise,...
POR INDICAÇÃO DA CINTA E DO ALDO, NOSSOS COLEGAS DE EQUIPE, EDITEI MAIS ESSE MISTÉRIOS REVELADOS, ELES GOSTARAM DA BOA REPERCUSSÃO E ESCLARECIMENTO DO ANTERIOR. MAIS UM EVP LOCALIZADOS POR NOSSOS INSCRITOS !!! OBRIGADO!!! Caça fantasmas Brasil Visão Paranormal Estamos entre os maiores pesquisadores paranormais do mundo, segundo a Revista Mundo Estranho da Abril Contato visaoparanormal@gmail.com Participação Fã Convidado pelo email cacafantasmasbrasil@gmail.com Equipe Caça Fantasmas Brasil Rosa Maria Jaques - Jornalista (MTE nº 15.584) e Investigadora João Tocchetto de Oliveira - Jornalista Investigativo (MTE nº 15.585) e Diretor Geral Natalia Ourique - Assessora de Marketing Aldo Mader - Gerente de Traduções Cintia Nonato - Editora de Mídias Sociais Ricardo Freitas - Editor de Mídias So...
Just wanted to share a few class A loud and creepy EVP's that were captured in and around my home last week. As always, my evidence is 100% real as I would never and will never nor have I ever faked ANY evidence. I have been doing this for years now. I make no money from this, never charge anyone for anything and in fact give away paranormal equipment on occasion (on my Huff Paranormal facebook page below). I am a spirit magnet and have the strange ability to record spirit voices wherever I go, no matter where or when. Hope you enjoy, much more to come. Huff Paranormal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuffParanormal?ref=tn_tnmn My story: http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/the-paranormal-how-to-talk-to-the-dead-my-experience-and-evidence-with-evp-spirit-boxes-ghost-boxes-and-spirit-c...
No Copyright intended, for promotional use only! If any upload shall be deleted, please contact me and it will be taken off straight away! About: Alex Diplock has been producing psychedelic trance since 1995 and including his side project RealityGrid he has released four albums and at least an album's worth of singles to different labels and compilations. His uniquely positive, groovy and deeply psychedelic approach to music production has earned him well deserved respect among the global production community, and since moving to Brighton and upgrading his studio the sound has not stopped improving. Originating from Psychedelic rock bands he first attended Guitar Tech at brunel university at the age of 16, however deciding that psychedelic trance was his path, he began with electronic m...
So one night I was watching TV with my Fiancee and dog. My dog always sleeps peacfully on the couch. She is tiny and just sleeps. Well, this night she was scared to death, watching something in the air, shaking and trying to hide. I decided to bring out my video rig and record. I instantly caught two loud EVP's so I recorded some outside where in the past I was able to capture some incredible EVP evidence. I saw what I thought was insects but saw none outside or with my eyes yet saw these things flying by me, on command, on the camera LCD screen. I decided to go inside and try in my office. I waited until everyone went to sleep. I went to my office and sat in my chair and recorded in the room. I asked them to show themselves, and they did, on command, multiple times all the while lea...
Lay back, hopeless capture
a ghost in the machine
separate the noise from
the words were after
spoken by someone that
we can't see
I can hear you speaking to me
from the other side
do you think that your still alive
I can hear your voice
even though you have died
I'm recording what your saying to me
from the other side
already trapped
or was it your decision
today your haunting me
was it your choice
an obvious decision
between moving on
and purgatory
I can hear you speaking to me
from the other side
do you think that your still alive
I can hear your voice
even though you have died
I'm recording what your saying to me