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#Progressiveimage delivery is not just about #optimization, it also enhances perceived performance. Learn how to get from blurry to crisp! Written by Christian Nwamba

![]( An image, they say, is worth a thousand words. My bet is that the image above is already giving you a rough idea of another interesting topic about to be discussed on web media. On average, 70 percent of web content is media, which impacts the way we build web

In this blog we discuss how Vue.js is a progressive frontend framework powerful enough to handle projects from simple to complex with ease. #WebDev #Vuejs

Vue.js is a progressive frontend framework powerful enough to handle projects from simple to complex with ease.

In this quick guide, we discuss how newer image formats like #WebP provide better performance by reducing image weight by 30% over more predominant Formats like #JPEG and #PNG. #WebDev

JPEG and PNG are the predominant formats used for image delivery on the web. Newer formats such as WebP provide better performance by reducing image weight by 30%

It's often thought that there's not much you can do to protect your media & intellectual property, especially when it's on an external service. David Walsh Blog discusses several exciting ways you can protect your media with Cloudinary! #WebDev #WaterMark #EXIF

In our latest blog, we share Thrillophilia's wonderful integration story in our latest blog post. Read more to see how they dramatically saved costs and reduced development time.

With Cloudinary’s image management solution Thrillophilia improves user experience by optimizing images and reducing bandwidth demands
Responsive web design has become the norm as modern applications and websites are expected to adapt and fit into different screen sizes. It provides an opt

Why do we need #ProgressiveWebApp's? The most obvious reason, to improve the user experience. But lets understand how they actually work and why we care about them. #Webdev

Why do we need Progressive Web Apps? The most obvious, to improve the user experience. But lets understand how they actually work why we care about them.

In our latest blog, "Video Management Made Easy" written by Christian Nwamba, we discuss improving productivity with #Cloudinary's robust #video features and cater to whatever media management needs you may have. #webdev

With Cloudinary, you’ll improve your productivity with its robust features & be able to cater to whatever media management needs you might have.

The Kekulé Problem via Nautilus Magazine

Cormac McCarthy is best known to the world as a writer of novels. These include Blood Meridian, All the Pretty Horses, No Country…

How to maximize your website and mobile apps performance by delivering #responsive images. Automate away #html markup complexity using an image backend service which dynamically generates optimal images for any device. #cdn #image #webdev

Responsive imagery is one of those topics that seems way more complicated than it aught to be. It’s the sort of problem that confronts virtually every websit...

CarrierWave, Cloudinary and the path to Image Manipulation Enlightenment

You can integrate CarrierWave with Cloudinary to generate and serve images on-the-fly with user-specified content.

In this blog we demonstrate #howto use the OCR Text Detection and Extraction add-on to automatically blur, pixelate, overlay, and extract text from your #images. #webdev #PHP #Rails

Learn how to detect text in images, extract and process it, and to apply blur, pixelate, text overlay or automatic crop effects.

#Howto deliver a smooth viewing experience through #Cloudinary's adaptive bitrate streaming. #HLS #mpegdash #UX Written by Christian Nwamba.

Delivering a smooth viewing experience through Cloudinary's adaptive bitrate streaming... Smooth Buffering!

Why #ArtDirection is Critical to #ResponsiveDesign. Learn to easily bring out the best in your ad and web platforms! Written by Otemuyiwa Prosper via Webdesigner Depot.

Art direction plays a role in all facets of life. It’s especially important in advertising and magazines. The visuals in ads and magazines often are presented in a way that evokes an emotional reaction and leaves us with a lasting impression. Have you ever seen an ad in a subway and you pause to loo...

“Future of APIs” APIs aren’t the endgame. They wont’s stay with us forever. So what’s next?

APIs aren’t the endgame. They wont’s stay with us forever. So what’s next?

In our latest blog post, written by David Walsh Blog, we discuss #Howto create Instagram-like #filters with Cloudinary!

Beautiful photo effects can be achieved with only a few color modifications. Here we discuss how to create Instagram-like filters with Cloudinary.

Changing the way developers manipulate media with #Cloudinary

series; where the Startup Evangelist Mackenzie Kosut, goes around to different startups and learns more about who they are, what they do, and how they utilize AWS.