Payless shoes to close in Australia, 730 staff to lose jobs by mayoseh in australia

[–]ya_y_not 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I was going to order four pairs (wedding) and didn't for the same reason. Swings and roundabouts I guess, but the successful retailers of today seem to be those that exchange and refund shit no questions asked like Uniqlo and HandM and even Myer.

Chris Lane murder: Life sentence overturned for teenager who killed Australian by Evadregand in australia

[–]ya_y_not 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You think stolen handguns in the USA are 4 times retail? You're delusional.

Chris Lane murder: Life sentence overturned for teenager who killed Australian by Evadregand in australia

[–]ya_y_not 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You do realise that all (excluding home made shit) blackmarket firearms started life as a legal firearm, right?

Glock doesn't sell directly to 17 year old gangbangers.

Chris Lane murder: Life sentence overturned for teenager who killed Australian by Evadregand in australia

[–]ya_y_not 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Often? I think you're being kind.

Every illegal gun started life as a legal gun. The widespread avaialbility of cheap legal firearms is the the very reason for the widespread availability of even cheaper black market illegal firearms.

Heatwave incoming - clean your Air conditioner filters! by Imacad in australia

[–]ya_y_not 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Went to Singapore on business. Work was all indoors but even waiting for a taxi was awful in the oppressive heat. Getting into the hotel where they have weapons-grade aircon was just the best. It made me substantially less stressed and I was able to sleep that night comfortably.

You don't ever get "used" to it IMO.

President Obama's post presidency house by [deleted] in pics

[–]ya_y_not 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She worked at a big-name law firm

She worked there for 3 or 4 years out of law school. Can assure you that any money she earned paid for the rent, not getting them into 6 million dollar homes.

Chinese property investors may be forced to sell as bank finance dries up by fukshit in australia

[–]ya_y_not 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Er, no. You can't "flip" a contract without paying duty on it. Yes, you could enter into a contract with another party prior to paying duty, but you won't be able to deliver a title or a stamped transfer without paying the duty.

They have, it might surprise you to know, actually thought of and dealt with the simple duty avoidance schemes.

Chinese property investors may be forced to sell as bank finance dries up by fukshit in australia

[–]ya_y_not 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I know I've responded to you elsewhere, but I think your post is so grossly off-base that I feel the need to respond directly.

Land (yes, that includes apartments, complete or not) sales in Australia attract state-based stamp duty. The mechanics of that system require that all sales that occur between the current registered owner of the land (for this discussion that would be the developer) and the ultimate registered owner be levied stamp duty. The duty in NSW on an 800k property is 31.5k. That's a pretty significant transaction cost for your 6 hour holding period, don't you think?

Unless the state govs are going to give up the duty goldmine (they aren't) there's literally zero risk of any of the horrible things in your post actually happening, and whilst I don't want to seem like a prick, you really ought not post with such authority on matters that you really don't know much about.

On the topic generally: there's a reasonable policy reason for what they are doing here. Developers model their demand on the basis that foreigners can buy their stock with an unconditional approval. If someone can't settle, the property hasn't effectively been sold and the developer hasn't seen the money.

Chinese property investors may be forced to sell as bank finance dries up by fukshit in australia

[–]ya_y_not 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There won't. The parent has no idea about how stamp duty works. You can't buy and sell land in Australia with sufficiently low transaction costs that would make short term speculation even close to profitable. Any methodology potentially capable of gaming the duties acts whould work under the current FATA act anywa.

Chinese property investors may be forced to sell as bank finance dries up by fukshit in australia

[–]ya_y_not 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And how do you propose these traders will account for stamp duty?

Are you at all familiar with the state revenue laws? Because it doesn't seem so.

Etiquette for pulling out a gun on a date by [deleted] in OkCupid

[–]ya_y_not 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Of course but the point was mainly that criminals don't depend on the legality other than guns that have been stolen and end up on the "black market." Which isn't going to be stopped by making it harder to get them in general.

Er, bollocks. The widespread availability of cheap black market firearms depends exclusively on the continued supply of legal weapons.

[Warning: Death] Making a sandstorm by Friedsun in WTF

[–]ya_y_not 1 point2 points  (0 children)

So did you get her pregnant or what?

Calls grow for Bernie Sanders to run for president in 2020 after Donald Trump victory by AlternativeHillbilly in politics

[–]ya_y_not 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't really agree about coronations. You are probably much more plugged in the political process, so are aware of the DNCs attitude towards Sanders and Hillary. Most people that are possible DEM voters probably wouldn't have a clue about Debbie W-S and everything that happened there. I agree that Sanders probably would have won.

Calls grow for Bernie Sanders to run for president in 2020 after Donald Trump victory by AlternativeHillbilly in politics

[–]ya_y_not 65 points66 points  (0 children)

If you don't then the democrats are done for anyway.

This seems a little bit chicken little-ish to me.

A month ago the GOP was finished. People were wondering what would rise from its ashes. Since then, we've been reminded of the usual election outcome absent a truly magnetic candidate (Obama) - about half the people vote for the Dems, half for the GOP, and what really matters is the location of a small number of those people.

What the Dems should take from this is that a) America hasn't given either party more than 8 years of the presidency in quite a while, and b) they need a candidate with a bit of charisma to attract prevent people from staying at home.

Are the NZ and South African games being shown at all on Australian TV? by douthinkthisisagame in rugbyunion

[–]ya_y_not 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They aren't showing any SA games and only the one AB game (at this stage).

Passenger's video from inside of the burning plane in Chicago today - warning: vertical until the last 9 seconds by 100LL in videos

[–]ya_y_not 21 points22 points  (0 children)

you don't fish around in the overhead compartment for your meds and it doesn't matter how critical it is. get off the plane and go to a hospital.

Found this beaut in New York by aflatminor in australia

[–]ya_y_not 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Somewhat relevant - the building that houses senior NSW state gov people (department of premier and cabinet) is now surrounded by Hyundai Genesis. Seems to be the new large sedan of choice for them.

Study finds when and where HIV arrived in the U.S., and clears the name of 'Patient 0' by nscharping in science

[–]ya_y_not 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Intent and recklessness are distinct at law in common law jurisdictions. The example I quoted is recklessness.

Study finds when and where HIV arrived in the U.S., and clears the name of 'Patient 0' by nscharping in science

[–]ya_y_not 3 points4 points  (0 children)

If he knew he had a contagious disease, and simply ignored his doctors' warning because of some other reason, he still had the intent - he knew that action X (sex) would cause result Y (infection). He just had a less evil, and perhaps more selfish, motive.

No - that's recklessness, indifference, or reckless indifference.