It's the /r/melbourne random discussion thread [Thursday 06/04/2017] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I am a big idiot. Also nice QA! /u/xtian84 already fixed it and I accidentally reverted it. Hahaha fuck

thought I would share a quick pic from my house of the F-18 Flyover at the 2017 F1 GP by Go-f-urself in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 1 point2 points  (0 children)

1,000lb over how far? Asking for a friend. He wants to know if the F/A-18 could launch a 90kg laser guided bomb over 300 metres.

It's the /r/melbourne random discussion thread [Monday 27/03/2017] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Changed it for you. Can't be wishing death upon others now can we, that'd be very....SaysNiceThingsian

It's the /r/melbourne random discussion thread [Tuesday 14/03/2017] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They do! Squint!

If I made them any bigger they'd look even practically worse

It's the /r/melbourne random discussion thread [Tuesday 14/03/2017] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 7 points8 points  (0 children)

who is the pleb web designer on rmelbourne

Me I guess. Although technically I'm not a designer. Can you tell? Actually I made them from existing cartoon traffic lights, had to overlay the new symbols from photos (when this was not even a day old), set up the CSS sprites, and even made them flash. THEY FLASH. I even looked up videos to roughly match the frequency.

Yeah it looks like shit but they had to be black otherwise they wouldn't look accurate, they're not permanent, and they're designed to provoke a response just like the actual lights did. So...mission accomplished I guess.

Looks good on IE, Chrome and Firefox on Windows. 0 Apple devices to test on ;)

Lost special friend! Please help! by [deleted] in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What's this?

Edit: Yeah, you like that you fucking retard

It's the /r/melbourne random discussion thread [Tuesday 07/03/2017] by AutoModerator in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'll look into it tomorrow yeah. I only do css changes during business hours so I can get paid

I need your help. Do you know an aged person that may be struggling with loneliness? by harijeevakumar in melbourne

[–]alphabeat[M] -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Heads up. Admins will ban you for posting PI when it isn't asked for and they're not a public figure. I've woken up to mod mail from the admins previously saying they'd banned someone for posting their details

Apology from a driver to a cyclist by SecretlySteve in melbourne

[–]alphabeat 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I did it before I created that comment above! ;)