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Score hidden · 2 hours ago

Saw this drop from Kzarka last night.

Was jealous as I looked at my single crystal drop....

3 points · 1 day ago

I watched a TV show recently where they ran that person through an MRI. They found that whilst there is a persons skeletal remains in there, the hands and arms are actually carved into the plaster cast and there was no evidence of the arms bones in the cast.

The show is Pompeii's Final Hours.

Original Poster1 point · 15 hours ago

Very interesting, thanks. It could be because the parts of thinner bones (like hands or arms) have dissolved with the lava while preserving its shape

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It wasn't lava, but hot ash from the pyroclastic flows that hit the town. Could of been the same result though but at this distance in time anything could of happened.

11 points · 2 hours ago

And to think that this moron is sucking up all of our precious oxygen.

Bloody thief.

Fried flake, min chips, couple of potato cakes, couple of fried dimmies for the missus and a couple of steamed dimmies (with sauce) for me.

-34 points · 9 hours ago

i dont want to leave my house and waste my time

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9 points · 2 hours ago

It is rough to get a fine by doing society a favour and not going out in public.

Having lunch with the Mafia is a bad look, but no illegal, it's illegal to use tax payer money to fund your own campaign.

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4 points · 2 hours ago

That face when you make excuses for hanging around with the fucking Mafia trying to get money off them!

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Produced by someone in NSW.....WTF!

It's a Lease, no different to what Labor did with the Ports.

I don't hear any complaints about that.....

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13 points · 21 hours ago

Not everyone uses the Ports on a daily basis.

12 points · 22 hours ago

Woodenbong sounds like it's just down the road from Havachuff and Spliffsville.

3 points · 1 day ago

i think he should be humanely executed

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2 points · 1 day ago

By a punch to the head?

2 points · 1 day ago


Slang for poverty

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1 point · 1 day ago


Now if you don't mind, I might get off this planet and wait for the next one. Hopefully the inhabitants will be saner.

14 points · 1 day ago

You have to purposefully go there if you want to go there.

And really, there is no reason to go there.

Neil isn’t exactly a fair host and often won’t let you get a point across without shouting over the person and cutting their mic volume.

The station is pretty conservative leaning (just look at the change in Tom Elliot since he joined to how he is now), there’s fuck all point going on a show that is 80% lib/nats voters or LibDem/Shooters&Fishers fuckwits.

Better to spend your time appealing to a more marginal demographic.

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11 points · 1 day ago

The joke that "AW" stands for All White is not far off the mark.

11 points · 1 day ago

I'm always incredibly dubious about serving Police officers (and ex-Military types) standing for political office and it seems the Libs have gone all out with recruiting current and newly ex-VicPol members to run for them.

Makes sense if you are running on a pure law and order platform, but not much use for anything else to be quite honest.

6 points · 1 day ago

They'll design just the system to go with their shitty broadband infrastructure.

2 points · 1 day ago

Prefer My Brother Jack myself (though partial to Neville Shute's "On the beach").

Monkey Grip was a decent film from memory.

4 points · 1 day ago

I think people finding out that he nailed his flag to the pole that is Donald Trump is going to bite him on the arse in more ways than one.

Whether it is true or not probably doesn't mean much these days, but he is seen by many as being tainted by association and sadly, for all of the good work it has done in the past, Wikileaks and its founder appear to be just another link in the whole Russia-Trump facade. By others, they are seen as something of an anachronism.

2 points · 1 day ago

If this were the 50's, would you also be claiming that everything bad taking place in the US was a product of "Russian interference" and "meddling"? Including if the only source of such unsubstantiated allegations was the CIA and the FBI? If so, you would have been on the same side as Joe McCarthy and the Cold War witch-hunters...

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3 points · 1 day ago

But you are dealing in absolutes.

One can be against Trump and his ilk, and also against Assange and his ilk. They are not mutually exclusive.

And I know I for one am not a Sith.

0 points · 1 day ago

Wonder if it's possible to suffer an embolism from laughing too much?

0 points · 1 day ago

Kayo seems to be the only way to go if you don't want to give money to the ghouls at News Corpse.

But I guess someone has to pay for the $1.2b that News paid for the rights.

28 points · 1 day ago

Shits me when I hear about people whining about timber mills closing down. They seemed to have a business model based on inexhaustible resources and then act surprised when those resources all get used up - like it's all a big frigging mystery!

Instead of just going in and clearing felling areas and then rehabilitating it so that it can be logged again in 10 or so years, they just cut everything down, leave it go to pasture and fuck off. They seem to do limited remediation where they do cut, but VicForests act like all they care about is a short-term cash grab to keep going to the next harvest.

In an industry where overseas timber harvesters have been moving rapidly to sustainable long-term sources of timber, VicForests seem quite happy with their "rape, pillage and fuck everyone" approach.

And their short-termism is going to bite them on the arses if they never sign up to the Forest Stewardship Council. No one will be buying the stuff they do produce from 2020 onwards as its becoming mandatory globally for a lot of companies.

Comment deleted1 day ago
3 points · 1 day ago

Just like some redditors can't post crap without emojis.

4 points · 1 day ago

Damn good point - when Governments start talking like they are the opposition and complaining about stuff, you sort of wonder what the actual fuck they have been doing all this time THEY WERE THE GOVERNMENT!

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