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Who knew importing 200,000 people a year (many from countries without proper road laws) would be a bad thing?

I wonder what the African Youth Gang Deniers response will be to this? It's not like they can say this is all some big "White racist conspiracy" like they have been for all the other discussions based on the African Youth Grang problem. I cant wait for the usual suspects to chirp up with the "Well, i can go out for dinner safely in my leafy inner city million dollar suburb, so there is no problem".

The sooner people stop denying there is a problem, the better. This just goes to show that its a community wide problem affecting all communities.

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This thread is hilarious - all the top comments are saying they hope the Vietnamese kick their ass and not to fuck with them, imagine if this "inter racial brawl" had anglo Australians involved, do you think the top comments would be "don't mess with Aussie's" or "Race War ! My money is on the Australians winning this" of course not - The hypocrisy is amazing, people aren't sure what to say when it involves two minorities.


I vaguely remember seeing some American movies in the early 2000s where all the parties would have these cups - but had no idea that this has become an Australian thing - what happened to everyone just drinking from cans, what gives?


Because Australia doesn't have that much land.

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We have all that spare land and yet you choose to live in Melbourne - why is that?

21 points · 29 days ago

When my parents came in the 60's, they said all that was available was Milk, Eggs and Steak.

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Why would your parents choose, on their own accord, to come to a country devoid of such culture? Really makes me think.

I hope some Memphis Rap folks see this and make something a little more accurate.

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Dude who made this is Australian - he has no idea

This is like Reddit's favorite event in history

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I always thought it was strange that a site so anti-second amendment has such a raging hard on for the Koreans protecting their store with firearms.

63 points · 1 month ago

I’m just glad that lushsux didn’t do it first. This is so so so much better than anything he could ever do.

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Lol - you think Lush would paint something/someone who is Aussie?

It's unfair to the mentally ill & to victims of sexual assault, to trivialise the crimes sound men choose to commit, by always calling bad men "psychotic"

He's not "clearly psychotic" he's an entitled man who made the choice to rape & harass women.

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Absolutely - I mean look at the Bourke Street attack last week, people had the audacity to mention he was mentally ill and psychotic. He wasn't, he was just an entitled terrorist fuck.

Fuck yeah people, this is what this subreddit is for.

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So happy this sub decided to wise up and allow crimes posts to be posted again. Imagine If the mods were still directing post like this to r/melbournecrime lmao

Wait, this sub is against horse racing but actively promotes a company that employs staff on slave wages? SMH fam

-12 points · 1 month ago

What's with the amount of transplants and immigrants complaining about the Melbourne Cup, its literally part of our cities history. Don't like it? Fuck off out of my Melbourne, no one forced you come to here.

The races aren't popular here because surprisingly the combination of animal cruelty and the predatory betting industry isn't the most likable event.

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No doubt the same people who complain about animal cruelty use smart phones made by child labour and wear Nike's made in sweat shops.

25 points · 2 months ago

Except when they shit everywhere but the bowl.

And if you think I'm exaggerating, my office had to have biohazard come to do a complete scrub down of the bathroom because someone managed to shit everywhere. And I'm talking a corporate office not anyone can walk into. Some people lack the critical thinking to even imagine how to use a western toilet, and they deserve to be laughed at honestly.

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How can someone have a corporate job and not know how to use a toilet?

Comment deleted by user2 months ago

What does this even mean? You're saying Vietnamese are more than ocker than most white Aussies and that most aussies don't know National culture - what does that even mean?

-10 points · 2 months ago

I do want 8m people and I have a thesis that it builds diversity in culture. 12 years ago there was a small number of Korean restaurants, now there's a mini Korea Town Just needs proper planning.

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Lol what a selfish reason, you want more people so you can have more yummy food - how about you go live in Korea then. Also can you please how an extra 4 million will make us more diverse? It's just gonna be more additional Chinese and Indian men, wow such diversity.

Tmz is a fucking cancer. One of the reasons I'm most thankful for living in Australia is that we don't export that bullshit.

That fucking dudes voice, holy shit, I've never wanted to punch my phone so much before

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Really?? That's one of your most thankful things?

I know having a strong, independent woman of colour presenting the news might make you uncomfortable, OP. But it's much better than having that bigoted Sky news on 24/7

55 points · 2 months ago · edited 2 months ago

Mark Wahlberg committed a hate crime by literally beating the shit out of 2 Asian men as a 17 year old in 1988. Also assaulted an African American woman 2 years prior. But of course, the man still is a big name today constantly getting new gigs, and the only thing people seem to remember about Wahlberg was how attractive he was in his youth back then.

I guess they didn’t see the obvious signs that he is a racist piece of shit. Fucking bullshit.

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Also Ice Cube has made a disgusting racist songs called Black Korea and Cave Bitch - NO idea how he is still employed.

Back before Melbourne was an overpopulated, globalized, 1 million for a 2 bedroom house, shithole

Jesus Christ, can we go ahead and exterminate these old, white, bigoted fossils? FFS it's 2018!!

Original Poster30 points · 3 months ago

Looks like Matthew Guy/Herald Sun crime tsunami is fizzling out. I can imagine editor in Herald Sun screaming at reportersto find him some African crimes ASAP.

"Crime is at its lowest out of the three full financial years that Labor has been has been in power, and the crime rate is at about the same level now as it was throughout the Brumby-Baillieu-Napthine governments."

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Aren't crime posts banned from this sub? Is that still a thing?

Banks killed this - one of the few Em features where he didn't outshine the main artist.

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