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I'm Indian and likely to join Monash this coming Feb. I would like to pursue Data Science. How good is the course at Monash? Are there any better institutes for that particular field? Also since I'm Indian, My budget is tight. I'm kinda looking for a place thats cheap and wouldn't put a hole in my pocket. Please suggest!


I am wondering if Monash exams are generally scaled at all?

I recently took the Tax Law elective exam (BTC3150) and despite finding the questions not too difficult, I ran out of time and left about 1/6 of the exam blank, with my last two answers barely being legible at all. This means I'm pretty sure I've lost 10-15 marks straight up out of a 60 mark exam, with a 45% hurdle requirement. I'm pretty disappointed and bummed out, but I found the exam a bit too long, and most people felt the same or so it seems.

If I do happen to not pass, what are my options? Is there the potential for this exam to be scaled if everyone didn't finish the paper? I am in my final semester and next year have plans to go to Japan for work, so I am hoping I wouldn't have to come back and do it all again next semester as this fail would put a major spin in the works. Could I enroll in a summer unit? Any advice would be much appreciated!


Hey everyone, I'm looking for someone from the business/economics faculty who has been on exchange from Clayton to Malaysia, just wanted to clear up a few things. Please message me!


Hey guys, I'm currently still in my undergraduate degree of psychology, and I've been becoming more and more interested in doing a postgraduate degree eventually in neuropsychology. Monash seems to have one of the best neuropsychology degrees that I've found around and I was just wondering what your experience has been like with it? Not really sure how else to word the question I suppose, just trying to get as much information as possible from anyone who has or is still doing the degree. Would love to know about the course content, the research and the help you've been able to get from faculty staff, as well as what the placement is like and what not. Thank you for your help!

Edit: Also just curious if it would be best for me to attain my Honours through my current university, or if it would help my chances of getting in more by doing the postgraduate Diploma in psychology through Monash online. I guess I'm just wondering if there would be a better preference for someone who has already obtained a degree through Monash.

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Hey just wondering what people thought about the third year DEV units? Particularly DEV3011, DEV3022 and DEV3032.

Was thinking about doing a double major in genetics and dev but after the exam yesterday I'm not too sure if I want to continue doing dev. Idk what it is, maybe the teaching style was different, or the content was too broad in second semester, but for some reason I didn't really have any desire to learn compared to last sem.

I guess ultimately what I'm asking is, should I continue doing a double major or just do one major with two minors?


Posting here because i'm too awkward to post in the IT stalkerspace/ monash stalkerspace

How have people found the computer science degree here at Monash? Is the course difficult for someone who hasn't done too much programming before? Are there any clubs worth joining thats related to comp sci?


I recently found my eng1060 exam to be x10 harder than all past exams. So just wondering will the exam get scaled because i am nervous if i had passed or not



I was approved for a deferred exam. just wondering whether it will be more difficult than the regular exam because I'll have more time to prepare? I applied for it in advance because i was feeling really unwell but made an unexpected quick recovery, so I might still be able to attend it and don't want to suffer through a more rigorous exam because this is already a unit I'm repeating due to failure on the exam hurdle.



I want to study undergraduate medicine in Australia (preferably at Monash) and I've noticed that some courses don't require math SL. Whilst I'm probably capable of a achieving pretty well in math SL I'd rather take studies in order to maximise my IB score. I've heard from other people at my school that I could take a Queensland math B exam (I think in other Australian states it's called math methods) so that I can apply to the courses that actually require math SL and also match my competition in applying for the courses that don't, without damaging my IB score. 

Would this be a good idea or would it hurt my chances of getting in? 


With finals coming up I was trying to find WAM calculators on the internet but was struggling to find any. My app is super lightweight(1.6mb), interactive(wam calculation updates every number you input) and doesn't require internet connection once you install it and will instantly calculate your wam. Put it the total amount of credit units you've done so far and your current WAM and you'll be able to easily check how much a future grade will affect your WAM.

Also has a 'remaining grade calculator' which calculates what grade is required in the finals to achieve specified mark(i.e, if student is currently on a score of 90% with 30% of assessments left, the required grade on the 30% assessments to achieve a distinguish for that subject will be outputted).

I hope some of you find this useful and usable :)


Hi guys,

So i gave a friend some of my code in a group assignment and now its in his code too. He’s mega stressed about it, and wants to turn himself in. Is this a good idea to stop any repercussions from happening to our team mates as well? I don’t wanna make my mistake their mistake or get their marks messed up. For context it’s a first year eng unit. It was 1 feature out of 10+ but the rest were done by his and his group.

edit: the assignment was submitted 2 weeks ago


Monash won’t say until you get an offer, but I’m trying to plan out with work/moving for next year, thanks!


You were riding a red bike and I saw you dropped your wallet. I tried to wave and call out but I was too far away for you to see me. I dropped it off at the Monash connect (in the student centre across from grafalis)

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I'm a second year second semester student from the Malaysian campus and I just got offered a scholarship from my home campus, which requires me to maintain 75% for each semester which is not something achievable for me, especially since I'm already moving into third year soon. Also, I accepted the scholarship, which means I'm no longer receiving the bursary which applies to my course (about half the amount of my scholarship waiver). If I lose my scholarship, I won't get back the bursary.

I feel so stressed out. I feel so bad already that my parents paid for me to come on exchange to Clayton. They always reassure me that they are able to pay for my time here but I always feel like a burden to them. I love it here but everything is so pricey and I always count my budget multiple times before I buy anything at all, even a drink at the vending machine. It's almost a compulsion now. Now I might even lose this scholarship because this semester has just been a mess. With uni and emotionally. And anyway I don't think I can keep up with 75% per sem, it's too much for me.

Sorry for the wall of text. I know it might be trivial but I'm just at the brink of it.


Know its been called FIT2004 and FIT2009. And Algorithms and data structures.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

1 comment


Just wondering if anyone knows how much it costs to take the 5 year undergraduate 'Medical Science and Medicine' degree at Monash University, Clayton. I tried to use their fee calculator but it gave me more than $300,000 which seems really excessive to me.

Any help very much appreciated.



What are the benefits of going straight into year one at Monash University instead of staying at Monash College for 8 more months (part 2) then going into year two? Thanks

1 comment

Currently torn between majoring in immunology or physiology, please help!


Hi guys. I'm new here. Not yet attending Monash, but really considering it.

Now, I'm an international student wanting to pursue Chemical Engineering (BEng) in Australia. The Unis I'm considering are (in order of preference);-

  1. UNSW,

1- Monash, (tied with UQ)

1- UQ. (tied with monash)

I am really confused between Monash and UQ (both are excellent for the course). I wanted the Reddit community of UQ to help make me make my choice an informed one, and possibly convince me to join Monash! (pls be objective as much as possible).. Some of the things I'm considering:-

  1. Quality of Education (obviously superb but... :) ) & significant differences between UQ and Monash (for this course only)
  2. Internships!!!! Am i gonna get any at either location? Which would be better (objectivity pls) ?
  3. Accommodation: Is off-campus better than on-campus whilst studying? Is the difference in cost worth the hassle? Which are the best locations could I stay at (off-campus AND on-campus) while studying? (I'm aware imma be studying at Clayton)
  4. My employability as a part-time worker while studying in Melbourne.
  5. Extracurricular activities I could participate in.
  6. Fun things to do in Melbourne (I'm a slightly introverted character and I do NOT want anything to do with any night life in Brisbane).
  7. Which city is better to live in? Melbourne has sucky weather compared to Brisbane but is that really relevant? Also, which is more 'liveable'?

Thanks in advance guys,



Are there any current/ex business students majoring in marketing in this subreddit? What are your thoughts on the course. I'm also considering doing a double degree in arts (majoring in politics) or media communication. Is the double degree a waste of time? Thanks guys!


Ayoooo visiting from Sydney and looking to get lit tonight any ideas on where a fella can do that? Tried looking on some melb subreddits already and don't trust 'timeout melbourne' hahaha couldn't find any. Where the student nights or anywhere that has a dancefloor tonight?

1 comment

As I am considering MONASH next year. Can someone give a run-down on reputation/personality/facilities the halls of residence at Clayton. Most of the other posts are quite old so I'm looking for some recent advice.


Hi all, I'm in my 2nd year of software engineering.And the unit I was caught for plagiarising is actually a level 1 unit and the assignment is worth 22.5%.Since its worth so much and I really didn't want to bomb it I asked for a sample of my friends who have done the unit's assignment last semester. I honestly didn't know that they will check if your assignment is similar to your senior's assignment?? I thought they would only check with students of the same cohort?

Anyway I really didn't copy blindly and can actually explain what happens at each line of code.I did the first half of the assignment on my own and the second half admittedly I copied the senior's assignment and modified it to fit in with the requirements of my assignment.I was stupid enough to not change many of the variables and the comments because I feared I would break anything in the code and it was really last minute I even submitted the assignment a day late.

And apparently, I have to meet up with the lecturer to discuss this.My problem is:

I still have a couple of days left to withdraw from the unit.Considering this is my first time I don't think I'll get kicked out of uni but if I were to get a 0 for this assignment I might potentially fail this unit/ get a bad mark for this unit so I'd rather my transcript record a withdrawn than a fail.However,the lecturer scheduled a meeting time much later than the withdrawal date?Is it wise that I ask to reschedule it earlier?What are the odds they will give me a 0?

Also I'm wondering how would the meeting be conducted?And will they invite my senior who I plagiarised from as well?That'd be super embarassing and awkard.

I also crack under pressure from speaking face-to-face.I'm much better in expressing myself in writing so I'm wondering if its wiser for me to just defer the meeting and send him a written email instead?

Also, apparently your penalty is less severe if you are a first time offender and you are in first year.Problem is I'm in my 2nd year but I'm doing a first year elective.Should I not reveal that I'm actually a second year or will they check which year I'm in?How should I go about this so I get the least penalty??Honestly so stressed out.