Monthly Archives: December 2012

“Put property to productive use”

A guest post from a visitor to a Camden garden centre squat. Having seen their positive effect on the property, she concludes:

“Let’s have pressure for those sitting on empty properties not to be protected by the law, but to act responsibly, to occupy and put them to productive use or lose the privilege of ownership.”

The Friern Barnet Library gets Six Weeks before Eviction

Friern Barnet library was opened up by squatters and the community in September this year. The People’s Library now faces eviction, which could be as soon as six weeks from now.

SQUASH NewsRound: December 2012

The newsround is a fortnightly update, keeping tabs on articles being posted in mainstream media sources, as well as independent channels about squatting, the new law and possible new legislation. For the Period: 21st November – 15th December 2012. Contains the following stories: Madeley Meets the Squatters (ITV), Guardian article on Grow Heathrow and global squatting, Gremlins take on Keylet Properties, Property Guardians Camelot et al and their dodgy license agreements, demonstration outside Foxtons letting agents and against UCL sell off of the Carpenter Estate.

Waste of Space at the 491

Many empty and wasted buildings have been turned into vibrant, open and useful spaces over the years – but the clamour for criminalisation of squatting in commercial properties has already begun.

Waste of Space may be one of the last opportunities for the public to experience arts at 491 – one last chance to visit this vibrant place

Richard Madeley Reaction # 2

In his failure to look beyond the uninformed words of the association mouth-piece, Madeley replicated the mistakes which led to this damning law coming about. “The current law is sufficient to protect homeowners, but is not understood by the public, the police, nor, it seems, politicians” stated the Law Society in consultation.

We take a closer look at what Richard got wrong…

Richard Madeley Reaction #1

Pete the Temp takes us through the experience of sharing his space with Serious Journalist Richard Madeley.