North Korea test-fires ballistic missile: ReportTest fails (
submitted by sportsbot5000 to r/worldnews
PSBattle: Dolphin booping a puffer fishRepost (
submitted by hugginpugs to r/photoshopbattles
TIL of Belphegor's Prime. It's a prime number that is also a palindrome. It's named after the Prince of Hell for ingenious inventions because it contains two sets of 13 zeroes with 666 in the center. The palindromic prime number is 1000000000000066600000000000001. (
submitted by Little_darthy to r/todayilearned
Why are car antennas so small now, when 10 years ago they were 2-3 feet tall?Engineering (self.askscience)
submitted by rcmaehl to r/askscience
My girlfriend is creating a society for public "space discussions" in bars/cafes/pubs in Brussels targeting Space enthusiasts/curious. Her first speaker comes from the European Space Agency to talk about Lunar Villages. She's trying to spread the love, though you might like that in here! (
submitted by Cartapouille to r/space
Decapitated head of the first possessed nun (
submitted by ANTARESSKYLAR to r/creepy