Saturday, April 22, 2017

Standing Rock 'RISE' Best Feature Award Green Film Fest San Francisco


Congratulations to Viceland's 'Rise' and to the water protectors for awakening the world -- Censored News

Green Film Fest San Francisco

2017 Best Feature Award: At the heart of this passionate docuseries is injustice; the rights of a dispossessed, persecuted race abused by state and corporations in avaricious pursuit of natural resources. Resistance by the Sioux at Standing Rock to running the Dakota Access Pipeline through ancestral lands creates a movement, a pan-tribal protest. Their 2016 non-violent demonstration swells from hundreds to thousands with all first nation tribes represented defending their sovereign rights. Hope is embodied in a cross-generation alliance of women. Ladonna Brave Bull Allard and Billie Jean Three Legs personify the first nation’s past, present and future. Grandmothers recall a land lost to dams; teenagers speak against escalating sexual violence against native women; young mothers defend their children’s right to clean water. Mni wiconi (water is life) - Nadia Ward

Part of RISE - a Viceland docuseries series which examines indigenous life in the modern age and gives viewers a rare glimpse into the front line of indigenous-led resistance. This program includes two episodes: Sacred Water: Standing Rock, Part I and Red Power: Standing Rock, Part II.

DISCUSSION WITH: Michelle Latimer, filmmaker; Rachel Caplan, SF Green Film Festival

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