Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Simon Ortiz 'Khow dzee haitih duuwah dzah RESOLUTION NO. 007-17?'

Khow dzee haitih duuwah dzah RESOLUTION NO. 007-17?
By Simon Ortiz, Acoma Pueblo

i can hear them
'what is this thing that RESOLUTION NO. 007-17 is?'

to stories told
by their elders
when they were girls
and boys

here and now it's 2017
the earth under our feet
is being fracked up and down
trump and his gang are lying and lying and lying
trying to make it truth
but cannot

grandmas and grandpas that is what they do
and say when they want us to surrender
and die
so they can laugh and chortle
celebrate and
celebrate some more

redboylettingeldersknow 3/8/17

The resolution was approved by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, evicting all water protectors and calling on all law enforcement to carry out the evictions. As a result, all water protectors were either arrested or displaced in the brutal raids of the camps by militarized federal police.

Thank you Simon for sharing with Censored News!

Simon Ortiz

Arizona State University
Professor, Department of EnglishCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education
Dr. of Letters, University of New Mexico (Honorary)
Simon J. Ortiz is an Indigenous poet and writer of Acoma Pueblo heritage who specializes in Indigenous Literature. Courses of study focus on decolonization of Indigenous people's land, culture, and community. With literary perspective as a guide, research interests include cultural, social, political dynamics of Indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America. Ortiz's publications in poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, essay, and children's literature reflect his literary perspective across a range of his varied, active engagement and involvement in contemporary Indigenous life and literature. His publications, research, varied experience and intellectual participation is the basis of his engaging approach to the study of-involvement-engagement with Indigenous literature and its place in the canon of world literatures. Ortiz is also the founder and coordinator of the Indigenous Speakers Series sponsored by ASU Department of English and American Indian Studies.

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