Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Mohawk Nation News 'Line Up Your Prayers'


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MNN. Mar. 29, 2017. The United States was so happy when everybody prayed to stop the DAPL pipeline at Standing Rock.
In 1974 American Indian movement became famous throughout the world for its stand on corruption.
The Red Power movement started in Minneapolis in early 1970s when onkwe’hon:weh men started voluntarily patrolling the streets, fulfilling their responsibility to keep their people safe. This evolved into the American Indian Movement AIM.
Depravity and killings at Pine Ridge reached epic proportions. AIM was called in by the traditional people. AIM invited their allies and supporters. Then one of the men was killed by a government agent. The US and the corporations pushed for Pine Ridge Tribal CEO Bill Wilson and the Council to kick AIM out for exposing the depravity and corruption.
AIM was weakened because saboteurs infiltrated the movement. Doug Durham, close to the leaders, was an FBI agent.
Ward Churchill wrote “Agents of Repression” on how the US infiltrated and destroyed AIM, the Blacks and anyone trying to rightfully defend themselves.
Churchill was drummed out of University of Colorado and his reputation was slandered for criticizing the official US government story about the detonation of the Twin Towers in 2011.
Today our men wear the symbols of resistance. Some are even acting like the white man by killing, assaulting and robbing our own people.
Once again in 2016 the allies and supporters were invited to Standing Rock to stop the pipeline. Over 10,000 arrived.
People throughout the world became aware of the perils facing the Lakota. Again the tribal council at Standing Rock of the US government kicked out all the supporters.
With all this awareness, what did the water protectors protect? Prayers did not change anything. They wanted praise for something they did not do. Some wanted photo ops for being there.
Pipelines are being built. More prayers are being lined up. The earth is not being protected.
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young sing about “Stardust”: “Well I came upon a child of god. He was walking along the road. And I asked him, ”Tell me where you are going?” And this he told me, “I’m going down to Yasgur’s Farm. Gonna join in a rock and roll band. Got to get back to the land and set my soul free. We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
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