Thursday, April 30, 2015

Nuclear Ruling is Victory for Lakota Mine Opponents


Debra White Plume, Lakota

By Jeffrey Parsons, Attorney
Lilias Jarding, Ph.D.  (Clean Water Alliance)
Debra White Plume (Owe Aku)
Censored News: English with French translation by Christine Prat
Note: Facebook blocked Censored News from posting this on the day it was released!
April 30, 2015

Opponents of a proposed uranium mine claimed victory today, as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) ruled that proper procedures have not been followed to protect Native American cultural resources and that further action must be taken to protect water resources before the proposed mining project can go forward.  The Dewey-Burdock mine is proposed for Fall River and Custer Counties in southwestern South Dakota.

The ASLB required that Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff go back and do proper consultation with the Oglala Sioux Tribe, one of the parties in the licensing procedure.  According to Jeffrey Parsons, attorney for the Oglala Sioux Tribe, "As we have argued from the start of this process over five years ago, Powertech/Azarga and the NRC staff have never conducted an adequate review of impacts to cultural resources, and also did not impose sufficient controls to protect aquifers from contamination through historic drill holes.  The Board ruling today confirms these major flaws in the company's analysis."

Debra White Plume of Owe Aku/Bring Back the Way added, "The ASLB decision regarding the NRC's violation of its own standards is a battle victory in the multilayered, protracted paper war to protect sacred water and cultural and sacred places from extractive industries that intend to operate without meaningful regulation and oversight."

Analysis by Dr. Hannan LaGarry, a geologist, indicates that there are at least 7,500 historic drill holes on the proposed mine site, as well as faults, at least one sinkhole, and artesian springs – all of which create the likelihood that water contamination could not be controlled, if mining is allowed to proceed.  The ASLB ruling requires that, prior to conducting tests at the site, the company must "attempt to locate and properly abandon all historic drill holes located within the perimeter well ring for the wellfield.  The licensee will document, and provide to the NRC, such efforts to identify and properly abandon all drill holes."

"We have been heard and acknowledged," said Sarah Peterson of It's All About the Water.

"Hopefully, the company and the NRC recognize the significance of the ruling today, and they will stop trying to both gloss over the serious problems with the proposed project and to move forward on the cheap," said Lilias Jarding of Clean Water Alliance.  "We must protect our water and our economy from imprudent development of radioactive uranium mining," added Gena Parkhurst, Chairperson of the Black Hills Chapter of Dakota Rural Action.

Dakota Rural Action is a grassroots family agriculture and conservation group that organizes South Dakotans to protect our family farmers and ranchers, natural resources, and unique way of life.

It's All About the Water is a grassroots group based in Fall River County, S.D.

Owe Aku is a grassroots cultural preservation and human rights nongovernmental organization headquartered on the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation.

The Clean Water Alliance is a diverse collection of citizens concerned about the health, environmental, and economic impacts that proposed uranium mining projects would have on our communities, people, economy, and natural resources. Our goal is to prevent uranium mining in the Black Hills region, and to protect our valuable resources for future generations.

Debra White Plume
Owe Aku, Bring Back the Way
PO Box 325
Manderson, SD 57756


30 avril 2015
Egalement publié sur Censored News

Jeffrey Parsons, Attorney, (00 1) 303-823-5738
Lilias Jarding, Ph.D., (00 1) 605-787-2872 (Clean Water Alliance)
Debra White Plume (Owe Aku)
Des opposants à un projet de mine d’uranium ont remporté une victoire aujourd’hui, lorsque le Conseil pour l’attribution des Licences et la Sécurité Nucléaire (ASLB) de la Commission de Réglementation Nucléaire a jugé que les procédures requises n’avaient pas été suivies pour protéger les ressources culturelles Autochtones et que d’autres mesures doivent être prises pour protéger les ressources en eau avant que le projet de mine puisse avancer. Le projet de mine Dewey-Burdock concerne les Comtés de Fall River et Custer dans le sud-ouest du Dakota du Sud.
Le Conseil (ASBL) a requis que la Commission de Réglementation Nucléaire (NRC) retourne effectuer des consultations satisfaisantes avec la Tribu Sioux Oglala, une des parties dans la procédure. Selon Jeffrey Parsons, l’avocat de la Tribu Sioux Oglala, « comme nous l’avons affirmé depuis le début du processus il y a plus de cinq ans, Powertech/Azarga et la NRC n’ont jamais effectué d’évaluation adéquate des impacts sur les ressources culturelles, et de plus, n’ont pas imposé de contrôles suffisants pour protéger les nappes aquifères de la contamination par d’anciens trous de forage. La décision prise par le Conseil aujourd’hui confirme les lacunes importantes de l’analyse de la compagnie.
Debra White Plume, d’Owe Aku/Bring Back the Way, a ajouté: « La décision de l’ASBL concernant la violation par la NRC des ses propres standards est une bataille victorieuse dans la longue guerre de paperasses à plusieurs niveaux, menée pour protéger l’eau sacrée et des lieus culturels et sacrés des industries minières qui ont l’intention d’opérer sans réglementation ni contrôle significatifs. »
Une analyse du Dr. Hannan LaGarry, géologue, indique qu’il y a au moins 7500 trous de forage historiques sur le site proposé pour la mine, ainsi que des failles, au moins un gouffre, et des puits artésiens – toutes choses qui rendent probable que la contamination de l’eau ne puisse pas être contrôlée, si l’extraction minière est autorisée. La règle de l’ASBL requiert qu’avant d’effectuer des tests sur le site, la compagnie doive « essayer de localiser et d’abandonner complètement tous les trous de forage historiques localisés dans le périmètre du champs du puits. Le détenteur d’une licence devra recenser par écrit et présenter à la NRC ces mesures prises pour identifier et abandonner effectivement tous les trous de forage. »
« Nous avons été entendus et reconnus » dit Sarah Peterson de C’est de l’Eau qu’il s’agit [It’s All About the Water].
 « Espérons que la compagnie et la NRC reconnaissent l’importance de la décision d’aujourd’hui et qu’elles cesseront de faire abstraction des problèmes graves posés par le projet et s’abstiendront de choisir la solution bon marché, » dit Lilias Jarding de l’Alliance pour l’Eau Propre [Clean Water Alliance]. « Nous devons protéger notre eau et notre économie d’un développement imprudent de l’extraction d’uranium radioactif, » ajouta Gena Parkhurst, Présidente du district des Black Hills d’Action Rurale du Dakota.Action Rurale du Dakota est un groupe pour l’agriculture familiale de base et l’écologie qui organise les gens du Dakota du Sud pour protéger les petits fermiers et éleveurs familiaux, les ressources naturelles et un style de vie unique.
It’s All About the Water [C’est de l’Eau qu’il s’agit] est une organisation de base qui a son siège dans le Comté de Fall River, Dakota du Sud.
Owe Aku est une organisation de base non-gouvernementale pour la préservation culturelle et les droits de l’homme, qui a son siège dans la Réserve Lakota Oglala de Pine Ridge.
La Clean Water Alliance [Alliance pour l’Eau Propre] est un rassemblement divers de citoyens concernés par les effets que les projets d’extraction d’uranium auraient sur la santé, l’environnement et l’économie de nos communautés, habitants, économie, et ressources naturelles. Notre but est d’empêcher l’extraction d’uranium dans la région des Black Hills, et de protéger nos ressources précieuses pour les générations futures.
Clean Water Alliance
Facebook – Black Hills Clean Water Alliance
Pour plus d’informations sur Owe Aku et notre travail pour protéger l’eau sacrée et les ressources culturelles Lakota, visitez notre site

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mohawk Nation News 'WE ARE PRISONERS OF WAR'

Secwepemc Women Warriors Halt TransCanada at Sacred Place


By Secwepemc Women Warrors Society
Censored News
English with French translation by Christine Prat, Dutch translation by Alice Holemans

BREAKING WARRIOR NEWS April 27, 2015: Secwepemc Women Warriors Society halt the Trans Canada highway expansion at their Sacred Site. This area holds ancient ties between Secwepemc, that hold an inherent responsibility to protect this area, that is home to a Sacred Being and CANNOT be disturbed. This area known as "Hoffman's Bluffs" to the white Peoples is not for sale and not to be messed with! Secwepemc Territory is unceded, unsurrendered, No treaty, No purchase, therefore Canada or BC have no jurisdiction. This is not the first time Trans Canada Hwy has desecrated our Secwepemc Sacred places and burial sites, they destroyed whole village sites. This must stop!

Published on Apr 26, 2015
Secwepemc monitors bring you to GROUND ZERO MOUNT POLLEY: first-hand unreleased raw footage and photos of the TRUTH about the AFTERMATH of the disaster. Imperial Metals wants to reopen their Mount Polley mine, in less than 9 months, since its catastrophic tailings dam collapse, that spewed millions of gallons of toxic mining wastes into pristine Secwepemc watershed, lakes and salmon spawning grounds (the second largest in the world). The Secwepemc Women Warriors Society has called on the global community to stand with them to STOP the Mount Polley mine from reopening.

Par la Société des Femmes Guerrières Secwepemc
Publié sur Censored News
Traduction Christine Prat
27 avril 2015 – La Société des Femmes Guerrières Secwepemc a bloqué l’extension de l’autoroute de TransCanada à leur site sacré. Cette zone maintient des liens anciens entre les Secwepemc, qui impliquent une responsabilité inhérente de protéger ce lieu habité par un Etre Sacré et NE PEUT PAS être dérangée. Cette zone, connue sous le nom de ‘Hoffman’s Bluffs’ par les Blancs, n’est pas à vendre et ne peut être chamboulée ! Le Territoire Secwepemc n’a jamais été cédé, ni abandonné, il n’y a pas de Traité, pas de vente, donc le Canada ou la Colombie Britannique n’y ont pas juridiction. Ce n’est pas la première fois que l’autoroute de TransCanada a profané nos Sites Sacrés Secwepemc ou nos cimetières, ils ont détruit des villages entiers. Çà doit s’arrêter !
Publiée le 26 avril 2015
Des observateurs Secwepemc vous amènent au MONT POLLEY DEVASTE : un film et des photos de première main, non corrigés, pas encore publiés, sur la VERITE sur LES SUITES du désastre. Imperial Metals veut rouvrir sa mine du Mont Polley, moins de 9 mois après le catastrophique effondrement du barrage qui retenait des déchets, qui a craché des millions de litres de déchets miniers toxiques dans le bassin hydrologique, les lacs et les frayères de saumons (les deuxièmes au monde) Secwepemc. La Société des Femmes Guerrières Secwepemc a appelé la communauté internationale à les soutenir pour EMPECHER la mine du Mont Polley de rouvrir.
-------------Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS --------------

Door: Secwepemc Women Warriors Society
Vertaald door NAIS:
27 april 2015
Secwepemc Women Society houden de uitbreiding van de autosnelweg aan hun sacrale site tegen.
Met dit gebied zijn de Secwepemc’s eeuwenlang verbonden en dat geeft hen onlosmakelijk de verantwoordelijkheid om dit gebied, dat het gebied is van een sacraal wezen te beschermen. Dit gebied mag niet verstoord worden.
Dit gebied, dat bij de blanken bekend staat als “Hoffman’s Bluffs” is niet te koop en er mag niet mee geknoeid worden!
Canada, noch British Columbia hebben ook maar enige jurisdictie hier daar dit gebied nooit werd overgegeven, veroverd, geen verdragen heeft en nooit verworven werd.
Dit is niet de eerste keer dat Trans Canada Hwy onze Secwepemc sacrale gronden en begraafplaatsen ontwijdt. Zij hebben complete dorp sites verwoest. Dit moet stoppen!

Big Money interests dumped $21.8 million into Yes on Prop. 1 campaign

Photo of Governor Jerry Brown at the inauguration on January 5, 2015, by Dan Bacher 

Big Money interests dumped $21.8 million into Yes on Prop. 1 campaign

by Dan Bacher

The recent admission by the Brown administration that it could use money from Proposition 1, the water bond, to pay for "habitat mitigation" linked to the construction and operation of the massive Delta tunnels is no surprise, especially when you consider the Big Money interests that dumped $21,820,691 into the campaign.

The contributors are a who’s who of Big Money interests in California, including corporate agribusiness groups, billionaires, timber barons, Big Oil, the tobacco industry and the California Chamber of Commerce. There is no doubt that these wealthy corporate interests are expecting a big return for their "investment" in the corrupt "play to pay" politics that rules California today, including the construction of the twin tunnels and new dams.

US Rallies: Stop Forced Closure Aboriginal Communities in Australia May 1, 2015

US Media Failing Indigenous Peoples, as The Guardian Succeeds
Thank you to The Guardian in the UK for this coverage below -- since the New York Times and other media in the US seem to have trouble making it out the front door to cover Indigenous Issues, at the UN in New York, and elsewhere across the Americas. The Guardian has succeeded while the US media has failed. -- Brenda Norrell, Censored News
Read the article at The Guardian:

Read the statement to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues April 2015 at Censored News

Thank you also to Global Research for this coverage:

Australia: The Secret Country Again Wages War on its Own People
By John Pilger, Global Research '

Australia has again declared war on its Indigenous people, reminiscent of the brutality that brought universal condemnation on apartheid South Africa.  Aboriginal people are to be driven from homelands where their communities have lived for thousands of years. In Western Australia, where mining companies make billion dollar profits exploiting Aboriginal land, the state government says it can no longer afford to “support” the homelands.
Vulnerable populations, already denied the basic services most Australians take for granted, are on notice of dispossession without consultation, and eviction at gunpoint. Yet again, Aboriginal leaders have warned of “a new generation of displaced people” and “cultural genocide”.

Also see from The Guardian: Indigenous in Brazil fight to protect land from new law

Monday, April 27, 2015




Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Apr. 27. 2015. All this is gleaned from the evidence file of this case, Andrew Jones vs. NY State, 98-CV-374. The protest issues were banishment by the Onondaga Chiefs of those they don’t like, burning down their businesses and homes, sovereignty and the chiefs illegal deals with New York State. The May 18, 1997 response to our peaceful protest was pre-planned to do away with Ongwe’hon:weh “troublemakers”. “Indian Detail” is part of the NYS Police Response Plan. Coincidentally two prior incidents occurred near Onondaga, a tanker fire and tire fire, which were not investigated. Suspicion was thrown at the Onondaga. The ceremonial fire was reported and investigated. We were called a “warrior” or “non-warrior”. Ronnie Jones was assassinated a year later.
We never stopped the traffic on Interstate 81. Their warning to leave the roadside was done in a very low voice so that we could not hear.
We were just burning tobacco to speak to Mother Earth.
They were just burning tobacco to speak to Mother Earth.
Most media was with the cops. One camera was confiscated and quickly returned. Other newsmen were scattered throughout the encampment. The cops were responsible for their safety. Cops did not want to be photographed so they couldn’t be charged. Cops also study these videos for training purposes.
There were numerous references to cops fearing “armed conflict“ despite lack of evidence. False rumors were provided by the chiefs, their secret informants and the cops themselves.
The “multi-phased operation” was designed by Captain Beach, Sgt. Haumann and the Superintendant of NYS Police  McMahon. There were 120 Division police. 70 to 100 Onondaga County Sheriffs personnel on stand-by. Another 100 were available from Watertown. Another sheriff mustered another 100 cops “in anticipation of the need for additional power”. Plans were made to Integrate separate squads “should the need arise”. 100 cops were directed to the Staging Area as they “anticipated” the need for more manpower. The “multi-phased” operation was to bring in more and more cops. 5 cops per person. By May 16th they were sure of a gathering on May 18th. Then the plan went into action.
There was a predetermined route 1000 feet from the encampment. Captain Beach wanted approval to enact the plan to advance and “engage” with the protesters, who were sitting around picnic tables laughing, talking and eating. We are portrayed as putting our children in danger and cars “violently swerving” to miss them. Not true! We refused to move and many got arrested.
Onondaga chiefs' new job in downtown Syracuse.
Onondaga chiefs’ new job in downtown Syracuse.
The road had to be closed to carry out the Onondaga chiefs’ orders to arrest us and the outside activists. We were to be charged with trespassing on Onondaga land. The cops were ready for us unarmed people with wood batons, guns, gas masks and so on. “As predetermined” they advanced to the picnic area where there was “real potential for armed conflict so they could “execute” their plan”. Cops diverted traffic and detoured it. NYS DOT detour signs came out of secret hiding places in the bush. There were to be  no witnesses.
“As planned” Division Headquarters were notified that an American Indian protest was underway and had blocked I81. Stonehorse tried talking to the cops and was arrested.
Cops advanced to the pup tent as it could “present potential for secreting warriors and weapons”. Investigator Dennis Blythe had checked out background of the Rotiskenrakete he called “warriors”. He said “there was real potential for armed conflict”, “quick and decisive response had to be executed”.
Some of the NYS Police are going to do desk jobs forever.
Some of the lucky NYS Police criminals are going to do desk jobs forever.
The cops said five times that they “maintained contact with the chiefs and provided continued intelligence gathering’ … Many band and tribal chiefs maintain the same relationship with the surrounding police. Each cop wrote the same report with the same details.
The land is waiting for the return of the Onondaga. [Andrew Jones v. Superintendent NYS Police, Jan. 25, 2001, 98-CV-374].
As the Soggy Bottom Boys tell us about what’s coming to crooks and criminals: “I had a friend named Rambling Bob, who use to steal gamble and rob. He thought he was the smartest guy in town. But I found out last Monday that Bob got locked up Sunday. They’ve got him in the jailhouse way downtown. He’s in the jailhouse now. He’s in the jailhouse now.”
MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Owe Aku: Lakota Country Hearing for Keystone XL Permit Delayed

Owe Aku International Justice Project: South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Grants Motion to Delay Keystone XL Hearing

By Mark Hefflinger
Censored News 
April 27, 2015
The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) said on Monday, April 27 that it has granted intervenors’ motion for a continuance, which will effectively delay the scheduled May 4-8 Keystone XL permit application evidentiary hearing and public comment session. Bold Nebraska and a number of Nebraska landowners who live on the proposed pipeline route are among the parties granted official “intervenor” status in TransCanada’s PUC permit application process.
The evidentiary hearing is now expected to be rescheduled for late July or early August, with the exact dates to be set at the PUC hearing on Thursday, April 30.
Statement from Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska:

“Citizens and allied Tribal Nations worked to ensure more time was given to address the serious risks to water on the current route in South Dakota as well as the lack of proper spill response planning. The South Dakota PUC listened to our concerns and the delay of the hearing is welcome news. TransCanada should take note, their pipeline is delayed for so long because it is risky and simply put will never be built. We remain united and urge the President to reject Keystone XL once and for all.”

Our mailing address is:
Owe Aku International Justice Project
720 W. 173rd St., #59
New York, NY 10032

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sihasin joins Hamac Caziim on Comcaac (Seri) land!

Dineh's Sihasin, Clayson and Jeneda Benally, perform on Saturday, May 2, 2015!

Esplendido Festival que No nos podemos perder!
En la foto, el grupo Hamac Caziim que festeja 2 décadas llevando el rock seri al mundo.
Nos vemos en Punta Chueca del 1-3 Mayo 
Splendid festival!
In the photo, the group Hamac Caziim to celebrate two decades of bringing the rock of Seri to the world.
See you in Punta Chueca, Sonora, Mexico, May 1 -- 3, 2015

Mohawk Nation News: 'Indian Detail' at Onondaga



Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Apr. 26, 2015. On May 15th a trial date is being set for the case, Jones v. Parmley. Eighteen years ago hundreds of New York State Troopers brutally attacked the Haudenosaunee at Onondaga Nation near Syracuse during a peaceful tobacco burning ceremony. The public was invited to learn about our opposition to the illegal trade and commerce agreement between NYS and the Onondaga chiefs.

NYS Judge George Lowe had advised NYS to avoid a trial because we would win. He urged NYS to offer us a pay-off. 13 of us refused the money and were dropped by the lawyers. Now the trial must proceed. We have to represent ourselves.
Doug now helps out NYST & Onondaga chiefs.
Doug George now helps out NYST & Onondaga chiefs.
A big box of files and disks arrived. The interrogations and disks reveal criminal activity. The Onondaga chiefs and NYS Troopers worked together to plan “Operation Indian Detail”. They set up the arrests with pre-signed blank arrest warrants, lethal weaponry, a list of Rotiskenraketeh targets to be “taken out” and a system of informants. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Syracuse swearing in.
Syracuse swearing in.
The NYS Police Investigator and Surveilance head, Dennis Blythe, worked closely with the Onondaga chiefs for 12 years to set up this genocidal attack. NYS Governor Pataki was kept informed on a daily basis.
This means we are soverign.
The Troopers alleged that the 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech does not apply to INDIANS!! The decision which they lost.
The Onondaga chiefs, NYS Troopers and NY State chain of command cannot escape justice. They are all going to jail, from police officers on up the chain of command. This is a fluid story which will be moving along. [Jones v. Parmley 98-Civ-374 [FJS][GHL]
As Midnight Oil sings: “The time has come to say fair’s fair, to pay the rent, to pay our share. The time has come, a fact’s a fact . It belongs to them, let’s give it back.”
MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit
Native American Amnesty. By American Indian Movement.

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