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Gallipoli: These are the things you need to know

Why did British and French empire forces invade Gallipoli?

Turkey, then the heart of the Ottoman empire, was an ally of Germany. Controlling the Gallipoli Peninsula meant controlling the strategically important Dardanelles, which opened up to the Sea of Marmara and ultimately the Black Sea. These were key trading and transport routes as well as a communications link with Russia. It was also hoped that in capturing Constantinople, now Istanbul, Turkey would be knocked out of the war.

The first attempt by the British-French force to take Turkey was made by sea. In February 1915, a fleet which included 18 battleships attempted to force its way through to Constantinople. It failed. Changing tack, it was decided to start with trying to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula by land.

Who was there?

The British-French force was made up of men born in those two countries as well as troops hailing from the respective colonies. France's force included Senegalese, while the British force included Irishmen, Welshmen, Scots, Indians, Gurkhas, Australians, New Zealanders and Newfoundlanders.


The 'Turks' were mostly Turkish, but many were from other parts of the Ottoman Empire. British journalist Robert Fisk points out that two-thirds of the 19th Division, the first to face the Anzacs, were Syrian Arabs.

More than 8000 Australians were killed at Gallipoli, a fraction of the 120,000 British casualties and 27,000 French. Meanwhile, it is thought the Turks sustained more than 220,000 casualties, including 85,000 deaths.

How much was known about the Gallipoli peninsula before the landings?

Quite a bit, as it turns out. Allied aerial intelligence surveys conducted in the weeks prior to the landings informed Australian officers not only of the harsh terrain but where the Turkish trenches, camps, artillery batteries and roads were located. For example, the Allies knew that 'Z-beach' - a six kilometre stretch between Gaba Tepe and Fishermans Hut where Anzac Cove is centrally located - was covered by 32 Turkish guns. They also knew that about 180,000 Turkish troops were in the region. The information was gathered using aircraft and manned balloons from the British Royal Naval Air Service between February 17 and April 25, 1915.

Is it true that the Australians landed at the wrong beach?

One of the most persistent of the Anzac myths is the idea that the troops came ashore at the wrong spot. Official war historian Charles Bean who landed at Gallipoli on April 25, 1915, probably contributed to this, with one report quoting a naval officer saying "the damn fools have landed us in the wrong place!" However Professor Peter Stanley from the University of NSW believes the troops landed pretty much on target. The landing wasn't as bloody as the Anzac legend suggests either. Most of the Australian casualties occurred on the 'second ridge', when Australian brigadiers mistakenly ordered the Anzac invaders to dig in, rather than carrying out their orders to advance inland. 

Not all the action during the Gallipoli campaign took place above ground ...

The dramatic story of Australian submarine HMAS AE2 has been historically overshadowed by the landings. But on April 25 1915, as troops were coming ashore at Anzac Cove, an Australian submarine had begun an ambitious mission to enter the strategically important Sea of Marmara. Only a week before, another submarine was destroyed after failing to penetrate what was then the one of the most heavily fortified waterways in the world. The AE2 made it through and for five days the Ottomans were prevented from using the waterway as a supply route for the Gallipoli peninsula. The AE2 also sunk a Turkish gunboat before eventually being damaged by a Turkish torpedo and scuttled by its commander H. G. 'Dacre' Stoker. The Australian and British crew of 32 were taken as prisoners of war. For historian and former RAAF intelligence officer Hugh Dolan, the AE2 was a success story of the Gallipoli campaign.

Why did the Anzacs evacuate?

Six months in to the campaign, troops had reached a military stalemate. On  November 13, 1915, Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, Britain's Secretary of State for War, toured the British and Anzac lines. Two days later he recommended to the British War Cabinet that troops be evacuated. Without significant reinforcement and considerable additional artillery resources, he argued, little progress could be made. Plus, winter was coming and maintaining supplies was a concern. The Australians were among the British empire forces to evacuate the Anzac area in December 1915. The last of the British forces left Cape Helles the following month.

What was learned from the Gallipoli campaign?

Professor Stanley believes the Australian Imperial Force, which had landed as an amateur, barely trained force in April, learned its trade on Gallipoli. Citizen soldiers - men and officers - began to understand what modern war entailed. Australians also learned that the Great War would bring mass death, unprecedented in Australia. More Australians died on the first day at Gallipoli than in the whole of the Boer War. But the allies learned from Gallipoli too - the successful amphibious landings of WWII avoided the errors of Gallipoli.

When was the first Anzac Day commemorated?

The first Anzac Day was observed on the first anniversary of the landings. In cities across Australia, Gallipoli veterans and their nurses marched or travelled in convoys of cars. In London Australian and New Zealand troops marched through the streets, while at the Australian camp in Egypt, a sports day was organised.

In Melbourne on April 25, 1916, about 380 returned Anzacs marched from near Princes Bridge to a service at St Paul's Cathedral. The following year, 400 Anzacs made the same march. By 1918, Melbourne saw its first big procession through the city's streets.

It wasn't until 1927 that every state observed an Anzac Day public holiday and it took until the mid-1930s for the rituals such as the dawn service, marches and two-up games to become entrenched.

Why do we commemorate the landings?

This is a tricky one. Gallipoli wasn't Australia's first engagement in WWI - or even the campaign which resulted in the death of the first man serving with the Australian forces during the Great War. That dubious honour went to William Williams of Northcote, a naval reservist who was killed in Rabaul, modern-day PNG, in September 1914.

The landings were however the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during WWI. And Gallipoli was the site of the first batch of major casualties. When news started filtering back home, it had an impact.

While the Gallipoli campaign failed in its military objectives, it succeeded in becoming a symbol of the sacrifice made by those killed at war. For Professor Stanley, Gallipoli has become important because it created the Anzac legend. "It defined the attributes Australians are expected to display in war: courage, mateship, ingenuity, discipline, self-sacrifice, initiative and so on."