
Gallipoli terror threat level 'as low as it goes' ahead of Anzac centenary commemoration

The threat assessment for the centenary Anzac Day commemorations in Gallipoli remains "as low as it goes" despite a series of arrests in Australia and the UK linked to an alleged terrorist plot to attack Melbourne services.

The low risk analysis is a joint assessment by Australian and New Zealand agencies.

"The threat assessment for Turkey is medium but the threat security assessment for the (Anzac) event is low," Australian services director Tim Evans said on Tuesday.

"Attending the event here in Gallipoli will be one of the safest places in Turkey for Australian and New Zealand visitors."

Mr Evans suggested the higher country assessment was an appropriate reaction to the fact Turkey's east borders Syria and Iraq where Islamic State terrorists control territory.

"But over here, on our side of the country, low is as low as it goes."


Three Melbourne 18-year-olds have been charged over an alleged IS-inspired plot targeting Anzac Day events in Melbourne while a 14-year-old English teenager has also been arrested.

Mr Evans hasn't discussed the arrests with his Turkish counterparts.

"I wouldn't have thought that the activities in Melbourne or elsewhere have played any part in Turkey's assessment of the level of support they need to provide for the (Gallipoli) event," he told reporters at North Beach.

Because so many VIPs are attending the 100th anniversary – including Prince Charles, his son, Harry, and world leaders including Tony Abbott – Turkey had already ramped up security compared to previous years.

The Turks will lock down the southern peninsula on Friday for the international and Commonwealth services.

Access to the north of the peninsula, including Anzac Cove, will be tightly controlled on Friday and Saturday for the Australian and New Zealand commemorations.

There'll be almost 4000 national and paramilitary police and at least 1000 soldiers from Turkey's 2nd army corps.

A no-fly zone will be in place and the Turkish coastguard will use 10 ships to stop all non-naval vessels from approaching the coast.

Mr Evans made it clear that security was being provided by the Turkish authorities.

But, he said, Australia had a small number of "liaison officers" from the Australian Federal Police and similar agencies on the ground.

It's been reported ASIO, ASIS and special forces have also been deployed in recent weeks.

If anything does go wrong three hospitals are ready to receive casualties. They can be evacuated by helicopter, boat or vehicle.

Mr Evans on Tuesday said a submarine spotted off the peninsula was unlikely to part of the security operation.

Rather it was probably participating in the commemorative naval reviews on Friday and Saturday which will include vessels from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Turkey.

Officials say the biggest challenge in 2015 is actually traffic management.

There'll be 10,500 people attending as opposed to 4400 in 2014.

One experienced tour operator predicted there'll be chaos as hundreds of buses are stopped for ticket and security checks.

But Mr Evans is "extremely confident" things will run smoothly.

"We've got a well-planned, well-rehearsed process," he said.

"It's got lots of redundancy in it."