
Anzac 100: Piecing together the remnants of the past

The leather ammunition sash is old and brittle. But you can see it has been treasured. For years it has been stored, like a hibernating snake, with the leather curled around itself.

"It didn't look its best when it came to us," admits Melbourne University conservator Sophie Lewincamp.

Over a month a team of Melbourne students studying their masters of conservation of cultural materials have worked on the fragile World War I item.

First they placed the sash in a high-humidity container to allow the leather to soften as it absorbed moisture. It took days before they could start to unfurl it without the leather cracking.

Delicately the ammunition pockets, which had been crushed closed, were probed. Then opened.

The leather was also treated for red rot, which had caused the crumbling.


By the time the students were finished, the army-issue ammunition sash looked like it might have a century ago, albeit with some evidence of wear and tear.

One of 5000 items in the RSL LifeCare collection, the leather ammunition sash was spruced up for display at a nursing home exhibition, which opened this week as part of WWI centenary commemorations.

The items include a pair of binoculars used at Gallipoli, a soldier's pay book, photographs, badges and even a matchbox cover made in the trenches from a souvenired German belt buckle.

More than 60 Melbourne University masters students restored the artefacts, which belong to the Narrabeen nursing home on Sydney's northern beaches.

Ms Lewincamp said half the items in the collection needed attention, while about a third travelled to Melbourne for complex conservation work.

Many of the works on paper needed washing to remove discoloration caused by light damage. Stains and ageing spots caused by poor-quality chemicals on the backing board of photographs were also removed with careful washing in deionised water.

"We wanted things to look old but cared for, it was more about stabilisation for the long term storage," she said.

Paper tears were fixed with a fine Japanese repair paper and an adhesive to the back of the work. If the paper couldn't be matched to a black, white or sepia colours, conservators dyed the repair paper in a watercolour wash.

"Excellent manual dexterity and patience is needed," Ms Lewincamp said. "It's time consuming but the end product looks great."

Students who travelled to the home said the collection came to life for them, once they met the owners and learnt more not only about an item's history but about Australia's history.

Residents in their 80s and 90s helped with the restoration work. Some dusted collections, while others catalogued or vacuumed uniforms.

Chief executive of RSL LifeCare Ron Thompson said the project had brought new life to the collection, which started in the late 1970s when WWI residents still lived in the village.  

"We want our places to be a living and working 'thank you' to those that served and are with us today and a living and working memorial to those that served and are no longer here with us," he said.