
Peter FitzSimons

Peter FitzSimons is an Australian journalist and author, based in Sydney. He is also a former Wallabies player.

A lone Australian soldier pays his respects at Fromelles.

A summer's evening in hell

In "Fromelles and Pozières: In the Trenches of Hell", Peter FitzSimons, tells of the battle in which Australia lost more soldiers in a single night than in the Boer War, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan put together.

Diggers in the trenches at Lone Pine before the doomed order to go over the top into a hail of Turkish bullets.

Lest we forget those brave Diggers at Lone Pine

As the 100th anniversary of the iconic World War I battle comes around, we should pause to reflect on what it must have been like for the many Australian soldiers involved in this senseless slaughter.

The idea for the invasion was Winston Churchill's (pictured) but British PM Herbert Asquith gave the nod - only after he ...

Anzac 100: What stunned me most about the Gallipoli story

With the help of five researchers, variously in London, Istanbul, Auckland, Sydney and Canberra, the Herald's Peter FitzSimons trawled diaries, letters and cables in archives around the world, to try to get to the heart of the Gallipoli story. This is the single thing that stunned him most . . .