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A nation reborn at Anzac Cove? Utter nonsense: Keating

FORMER prime minister Paul Keating has challenged one of the nation's most cherished narratives: that Australia's nationhood was baptised within the Anzac spirit of Gallipoli.

- Book launch controversy
- ANZAC legend challenged
- 'Never' visit Gallipoli: Keating

Dismissing the idea as "utter and complete nonsense", Mr Keating said he had never been to Gallipoli and "never will".

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This puts him at odds with former prime ministers Bob Hawke and John Howard and former Labor leader Kim Beazley, who have all made moving speeches at Anzac Day ceremonies at Gallipoli in which they placed the 1915 landing there at the heart of the Australian story.

Mr Keating made it clear that he believed the estimated 20,000 Australians who make the pilgrimage to Gallipoli each year were misguided.


Mr Hawke was in South Korea last night and could not be contacted, and efforts to contact both Mr Howard and Mr Beazley also failed.

"Gallipolli was shocking for us," Mr Keating said. "Dragged into service by the imperial government in an ill-conceived and poorly executed campaign, we were cut to ribbons and dispatched. And none of it in the defence of Australia."

The former prime minister, an avowed republican, challenged the Anzac legend while launching a new book, Churchill and Australia, written by Gough Whitlam's former speechwriter, Graham Freudenberg, who had written of Gallipoli that "in an almost theological sense Australian Britons had been born again into the baptism of fire at Anzac Cove".

Mr Keating said he believed the author was questioning, "somewhat tongue in cheek, whether we needed being reborn at all".

"The 'reborn' part went to a lack of confidence and ambivalence about ourselves — who we were and what we had become," Mr Keating said.

"If our sons suffered and died valiantly in a European war, such sacrifice was testament to the nation's self-worth.

"In some respects we are still at it; not at the suffering and the dying, but still turning up at Gallipoli, the place where Australia was needily redeemed."

Mr Keating said that "without seeking to simplify the then bonds of empire and the implicit sense of obligation, or to diminish the bravery of our own men, we still go on as though the nation was born again or even was redeemed there".

"This is utter and complete nonsense. For these reasons I have never been to Gallipolli and I never will."

Paradoxically, one of Mr Keating's most moving speeches in office was at the return of an unknown soldier from the WWI battlefields, when he declared that in the Anzacs "we have gained a legend: a story of bravery and sacrifice, and with it a deeper faith in ourselves and our democracy, and a deeper understanding of what it means to be Australian".