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A century on, the fate of the AE1 remains a mystery

Australia's greatest wartime naval mystery remains unsolved after Chief of Navy Vice-Admiral Tim Barrett said on Wednesday that he couldn't say whether new sonar images obtained by a minehunter were or were not the missing World War I submarine AE1.

The submarine went missing 100 years ago this week in Papua New Guinea with its Australian and British crew of 35 on board. The navy had obtained what it described as "a contact of interest" from sonar soundings from HMAS Yarra but sources suggested they may simply be of a rock of similar size to the AE1.

At dawn on Wednesday, relatives joined a wreath-laying with the crew of the minehunter and their hopes were raised by the new soundings.

But Vice-Admiral Barrett said later that the objects warranted further investigation.

"With the evidence we have I can't say whether it is or whether it isn't [the AE1]," he said.

"I am not trying to hedge here. I am just trying to be prudent, because I would not like to give a sense of hope to those who are related to those lost in AE1.


"What was found over  the past couple of days has not led me to say that we have found AE1."

The families had  travelled to the remote part of Papua New Guinea hoping, after 100 years almost to the day, for some answers.

Overlooked by the simmering Pacific volcano Tavurvur that erupted two weeks ago, the relatives are hoping the mystery might finally be resolved.

The loss of the AE1 on September 14, 1914, took place after the Australian fleet sailed to New Guinea to capture the Germany Colony on Britain's behalf. The objective, achieved with the loss of seven lives, was to take out wireless stations providing key communications for the German Pacific Fleet.

Lieutenant Commander Brendan O'Hara, CO of HMAS Yarra, said at the wreath-laying: "We honour the memory of those men today. The tranquillity of this beautiful setting gives us time to reflect.

"Here on Simpson Harbour overlooking Rabaul, with Mount Tavurvur to our backs, we look out to the distance to the place where 100 years ago HMAS AE1 put to sea and then vanished without a trace.

"I pray they have found peace beneath the waters, these men who remain on an eternal patrol."

David Messenger, attending in memory of his grandfather's brother John Messenger from Ballarat, said he was very positive about the work the navy was doing to find the vessel.

"Hopefully they will find the submarine," he said. "We will never know what happened unless they dive on it, but I think it should remain where it is and untouched." 

Robyn Rosentrauss, whose great-uncle James Fettes from Balmain was on the submarine, struggled to control her emotion as the wreath was dropped to the waves.

"I grew up in the same house as he did," she said. "I would to like know that it is really out there."

Military historian and author Kathryn Spurling, speaking in Rabaul, said before today's development that she believed the submarine stumbled across a hidden German boat.

"It didn't even have to be an armed German boat," she said. "The submarine was so small, it would only have to be rammed by the German boat to go over topsy-turvy and it would go straight down.

"Because there was no wreckage and no oil slick, it could not have been the case of carving itself open on a coral reef. I think that is the most logical way it was lost.

"If they find it we will all have our answers. Was it the first military unit in World War I destroyed in enemy action? That puts an entirely different perspective on our military history."

She said the Australian government had to take responsibility in concert with the Papua New Guinea government to preserve the wreck if found.

"It has to be declared a war grave and it must be off-limits to everybody," she said.

A newly-placed bronze memorial in the Bitapaka War Cemetery inland from Rabaul Harbour gives recognition to the lost submariners while their families await answers. It states: "As the first Australian ship lost in war, AE1 remains a symbol of sacrifice and holds a proud place in the nation's naval history."