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100 years since first Australian losses of the World War I commemorated at Rabaul

Bita Paka Cemetery, Papua New Guinea: It was a day that Australia remembered the first losses of World War I in a battle described by the Veterans' Affairs Minister on Thursday as "the untold story".

Six died 100 years ago on September 11, 1914, as the newly formed Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force landed on New Guinea at dawn to capture the German colony.

They were the first of 60,000 Australians who were to lose their lives over the next four years in World War I.

For 100 men, mainly naval personnel, the key objective was to take out a German wireless station at Bita Paka on East New Britain.

A century on, the small community at nearby Rabaul started the day's commemorations, also at dawn, as they rubbed shoulders with navy senior staff and ministers to mark the loss.

Locals arrived at the cenotaph, freshly swept from the ash deposits from the nearby Mount Tavurvur volcano, which erupted two weeks ago, down a road lined with flaming torches and surrounded by jungle.


Stray dogs wandered around as dignitaries laid wreaths, and children from the local school sang the national anthems.

David Flinn, from the Rabaul Historical Society, set the tone for the day when he said the events of 100 years ago were "overshadowed and largely forgotten".

But the main event of the day, as temperatures and humidity climbed, was in the manicured gardens of Bita Paka Cemetery, which features hundred of Australian graves and memorial stones to the six Australians who fell that first day of the first battle.

Veterans' Affairs Minister Michael Ronaldson said the six men fell in a brief but bitter encounter at Bita Paka.

"These young Australians were the first casualties of more than 60,000 Australians who never came home after World War I," he said.

"We hope they have found peace in this country of Papua New Guinea here in this beautiful cemetery."  

After the service, the minister added: "It is an untold story regrettably in Australian wartime history and it needs to be told. We want to ensure as part of the centenary commemorative period that we do remember these six men and we are here to support their families.

"The focus has always been on ANZAC Day and on Gallipoli.

"Part of this commemorative period is to teach young Australians particularly that it wasn't just Gallipoli and that we lost most of our men on the Western Front and the Somme."

ABC presenter Nick Grimm travelled to the service in PNG with his son Ben, 11, in memory of his great-great-uncle Able Seaman Robert Moffatt.

When relatives had tried to persuade him not to sign up, he is said to have countered: "I can't shirk my duty. I am not a coward."

Grimm said his ancestor was only 20 at the time and known as "Little Bob" because he was four foot 10 inches tall.

Moffatt was shot twice in the side, was carried back to his ship and was buried at sea.

Grimm agreed that it was right to describe the early battle as an untold story.

"Not so long ago I was one of those people who couldn't really tell you much about what happened up here," he said.

"It was only recently when I was involved in the ABC's coverage of the International Fleet Review [the arrival of Australia's new navy ships in 1913] that I did a bit more research.

"For me it has been a wonderful learning experience to understand what went on here and to be able to come and see the actual locations where it all happened."

Simon Pockley told the service about his great uncle, Captain Brian Pockley, one of the first to die, who was a pupil at Shore school in Sydney and who studied as a doctor at the University of Sydney.

Captain Pockley was attending Able Seaman William Williams from Richmond, Victoria, who had been shot in the stomach.

He then gave his Red Cross armband to another naval serviceman to assist with getting Williams back to the ship.

No longer identifiable as a medical man, Pockley was hit by a sniper. Both he and Williams were taken aboard HMAS Berrima where they died that afternoon.

Pockley's brother, Lieutenant John Pockley, was killed in action in France.

Simon Pockley said: "The impact of these two brothers' deaths continues to reverberate through our family."

Dr Tim Wright, headmaster of Shore, attending the service with two boys from the school and a history teacher, said they were there to  honour a very important figure in the life of the school.

Shore pupil Ted McLennan said: "Personally I think this story is often left untouched. This centenary event has brought awareness to what happened here and it's important for Australia to take note of that."