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100 years on, Tim Fischer seeks justice for his hero, the general

Precisely 100 years ago, December 22, 1914, a great convoy of ships sailed from Port Melbourne bound for Albany, Western Australia, and on to what would become known as the Great War.

On board the flagship, Ulysses, was Colonel John Monash, commander of the Fourth Brigade and senior military officer of the whole flotilla, known as the Second Convoy.

"The fleet at sea is a truly magnificent and impressive sight; we left Albany in a single column over twenty miles long …" Monash wrote as the full convoy steamed into the Indian Ocean.

"I feel it is something to have lived for, to be entrusted by one's country with so magnificent a responsibility".

Monash, however, would find much balanced against him as he set off for a war to be run by the British upper class and military establishments.

He wasn't a regular Army man from Sandhurst or even Duntroon: he was a civilian engineer and his military career had been as a reservist, or part-time officer. He spoke German – his father, Louis, had emigrated from Prussia. He was Jewish. He was almost 50 and portly. And he would scandalise Melbourne society for his propensity to keep a mistress.


Yet Monash would become one of the great generals of World War I. He would be knighted by the King for orchestrating crucial victories at Hamel and around Amiens late in the war and would become regarded by many as Australia's finest military tactician. Diggers on the Western Front came to revere him.

But Australia's war correspondent C.E.W. Bean and the influential reporter Keith Murdoch scorned him and eventually ganged up on him during the war. Billy Hughes grew so jealous of Monash's popularity after the war he couldn't bring himself to mention his name in a parliamentary speech about military victories he commanded.

British General Sir Henry Rawlinson, Baronet – a man responsible for immense death for little effect on the Somme – came straight out with the otherwise largely unspoken prejudice towards Monash, likening him in 1920 to "a clever, slippery, creepy, crawly Jew".

Now another outsider who astonished many, Tim Fischer– a Catholic initially derided as a bachelor country bumpkin who became Australia's deputy prime minister and ended his political career by receiving a standing ovation in parliament – has emerged as Monash's latest champion.

Fischer, himself a junior officer in the Vietnam War, leaves no doubt of his view: he has written a book entitled Maestro John Monash: Australia's Greatest Citizen General.

Drawing on a broad array of material, much of it new, Fischer seeks to right the wrongs meted out by the small and the prejudiced.

He recounts in exquisite detail – with material Queen Elizabeth herself gave Fischer permission to publish – how at the end of the war, Monash was feted as a star at a "banquet of banquets" at Buckingham Palace. The general sat next to Rudyard Kipling and dazzled the mighty, recounting how he had met Ned Kelly as a child in Jerilderie. Australia's Prime Minister, Billy Hughes, cut an out-of-sorts, simmering little figure at the banquet, possibly leading to his bitter jealousy towards Monash.

And Fischer reveals long memories around Melbourne society. He tells of asking the late Dame Elizabeth Murdoch whether she had ever met Monash. "No, I never met John Monash but you know something, Mr Fischer; Monash had a mistress," she said.

Fischer, quite undeterred, argues that the man who led Australia's second military convoy out of Melbourne 100 years ago deserves no less than a posthumous promotion to the highest rank, Field Marshall, which was denied him in life.

Maestro John Monash: Australia's Greatest Citizen Soldier, by Tim Fischer. Monash University Publishing