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What do Muslims think about Anzac Day?

For both Turks and Australians, the battle for Gallipoli was about empathy, mateship and sacrifice.

The arrests of several youth in Melbourne and the alleged planning of an attack during Anzac Day got me thinking about what Muslims think about the Anzac tradition. 

The irony of the Gallipoli campaign and the Anzac tradition that followed was that Australia as a Christian nation was engaging in a conflict with Turkey as a Muslim nation and after 100 years, the war has brought these two enemies closer together. 

This is a great testament to the nature of Australians and Turks, both being easy-going and open-minded, with similar approaches to life.  At the time of the Gallipoli landings, Turkey was, in fact, still the Ottoman Empire and the whole society was governed by sharia law.  

Yet, the soldiers were generous and kind, they understood sarcasm and loved to make jokes about themselves and their enemies. During the Gallipoli campaign, once both sides understood they were in a stalemate and it would be a long campaign, their sense of humour came through, strongly. The two sides exchanged gifts, usually in the form of sweets and cigarettes, but when the Aussies threw bully beef over the trenches, the Turks promptly threw it back, as it was not halal. 

They would often wave to each other from across the trenches and they gave each other nicknames: the Aussies called the Turks Johnny, Abdul or Jacko. The sign of a great friendship is often marked by the giving of nicknames; Sully for Sullivan, Smitty for Smith and so on. If the Aussies and Turks had nicknames for each other, surely they must have been mates at heart.

In between, the powers that be – the Germans on the Turkish side and the British on the Anzacs' side – ordered the men to charge at each other, often resulting in carnage and great loss of life.  Both sides knew the whole affair was senseless and if back in 1915 there was a different way to settle disputes, I am sure the Anzacs would have preferred a good old arm-wrestle or a log-throwing contest to settle who got the peninsula. 


Today, 100 years on, Australia is a land made up of many different nations and religious groups. Among them are more than 50,000 Australians of Turkish heritage and more than half a million Muslims. There has always been divided opinion on the Anzac tradition among Australia's Muslims.

I remember as a young boy at school, we would commemorate Anzac Day with an assembly and the bugle would play the Last Post and we would all say together, "lest we forget".  As a Turk, I had mixed emotions – these soldiers had invaded Turkey and thousands were killed. But as an Aussie, too, I had great fondness for this country, so how was I to feel? For a 13-year-old, it was difficult. I chose the former and decided to be a conscientious objector and not to celebrate and glorify war.   

But today, as a school teacher, my feelings have changed. I visited Turkey, with my wife and son, several years ago and, for the first time, toured the Gallipoli peninsula and saw just how compact the battle zone was, the trenches and all the grave sites and tombstones. It was a very moving experience. 

If most Muslim Australians are like myself, they view the Anzac campaign as a conflict that saw the loss of many innocent lives and devastated families and loved ones; a battle that ultimately had no consequence to the outcome of the war; a period in our collective history about compassion, empathy, mateship and wisdom; and a time that helps us reflect on the futility of war. I think most of us would agree that while we would never want to see anything like that again, we still see the importance of the conflict and its relevance to our development as nations and as respective great countries.  

The most important thing for me about the Anzacs and the Turks is the great sacrifices young men made to fight for their cause; for Australians, it was defending the Commonwealth and standing up to the Germans, and for the Turks it was about defending their home soil and believing in their right to defend their honour and religion. 

That is why, when it comes to this year's Anzac Day commemorations, I am certain many Muslims, Turks and Australians in general will be out there, remembering the fallen, the ones who made the sacrifice and let's not forget those who came back, traumatised by the war but never complained or wanted anything extraordinary. I, as a Muslim, a Turk and an Australian, am very proud of how this nation has matured and for me the Anzac spirit is firmly set in my psyche and forever in my heart as an Australian. 

If the Aussies and Turks had nicknames for each other, surely they must have been mates at heart.

Kuranda Seyit​ is the secretary of the Islamic Council of Victoria and of Turkish descent.


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