

On Gallipoli's centenary it is the Turks who should be celebrating

The focus on Gallipoli overshadows the remembrance of other lives lost in more successful battles.

As Australia gears up for next year’s centenary of our favourite battle, Gallipoli, we should spare a thought for the first Australian to fall in World War I: Lieutenant William Chisholm, 22, killed - not at Gallipoli - but in France at the outbreak of war.

After the enemy captured Mons, Chisholm was part of a brave force that helped slow Germany’s aggressive advance just long enough for Allied armies to dig Western Front trenches, drawing a line in the sand which saved Paris and from which they later won the war.

The eager Chisholm, a Sydney doctor’s son who enlisted from England when war broke out, was shot in the stomach at Le Cateau, died on 27 August and was buried nearby. Chisholm and his comrades were more outnumbered than British forces ever were again and was one of 7812 casualties. Although his mother died years later his grieving father sent her ashes to be interred with the son she loved so dearly.

Chisholm, who died eight months before the first Anzacs killed at the 25 April 1915 Gallipoli landing and also weeks before the Australians killed in the September 1914 raid on Rabaul, was the first of 46,000 Australians who died on that Western Front helping win the war in this main theatre. Their massive sacrifice, larger than the 8709 killed at the abortive Gallipoli campaign, inspires me to start commemorating the centenary of WWI eight months early, leading a Boronia battlefield tour to the Western Front for the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of WWI on 4th August, to pay homage to brave Chisholm and his 46,000 comrades who fell there.

All WWI veterans I interviewed up to 2005, when Australia’s last man standing, Peter Casserly, died, urged us to honour their service in this successful theatre. Of course we must honour those brave Anzacs who died at Gallipoli, but “in silent contemplation” as soldier turned author James Brown recommends in Anzac’s Long Shadow, rather than with any sense of celebration.

If anyone is entitled to celebrate this time next year, it is the Turks, with good reason. The "inferior" Ottomans defeated an Anglo-French naval force attacking the Dardanelles on 18 March 1915. Their land army halted the invasion of Britain’s Mediterranean Expeditionary Force at Gallipoli keeping Anglo-French forces pinned to the beach at Cape Helles and Anzacs pinned to the beach around Ari Burnu and - they claim - with limited troops. In fact because the British landed the Anzacs on the wrong beach at Ari Burnu instead of the southern beach of Gaba Tepe where the Turks expected them, the defenders were taken by surprise.


They did well to stop the Anzacs as most Turkish troops and barbed wire beach entanglements were concentrated at Gaba Tepe. Whereas according to Lt. Col. Aker, commander of the main defenders, 27th Regiment, the Anzacs on the more northerly beach were opposed only by “our regimental comrades, far from help and consisting of a mere handful of men at Ari Burnu striving to do their duty in the most difficult circumstances against an enemy many times superior in strength”.

Speaking at a seminar at University of Istanbul’s Bahcesehir campus which I attended at the Gallipoli Centenary Research Centre, Turkish military author Dr Haluk Oral claimed there were only 250 Turkish soldiers there, mostly using rifles rather than machine guns. Pulling out a model he made of Anzac Cove, his research colleague Gursel Akinguc claimed there were only nine Turkish soldiers in the closest frontline trench at Ari Burnu, another nine in the second closest trench at Hell’s Spit and only 60 in a third closest trench above Maclagan’s Ridge on Plugge’s Plateau. In Hell's Spit trench Private Adil Shahin later wrote, “There were very few of us in the squad” and Second Lt. Muharrem’s defenders on Plugge’s Plateau were easily outgunned by Anzac machinegunners. When they asked Major Halis at Gaba Tepe for help, he would only spare one platoon.

There were more defenders north at Fisherman’s Hut, inland and also artillery but not as close to Anzac Cove which is why Oral claims it was a miracle that Turkish defenders contained the 12,000 Anzacs that landed over 24 hours, before enough reinforcements arrived to stop the Anzacs penetrating inland. Mind you Turkish troops were told to "die for Turkey" rather than just "defend Turkey".

The Turks won most battles the invaders mounted for the next eight months and forced them to evacuate in December. Gallipoli was the biggest victory the Ottomans had in WWI, Oral said. Their military leader Mustafa Kemal (later Ataturk) used his victory as a revolutionary springboard to dismantle the Ottoman Empire after the war and establish the modern, secular democratic republic of Turkey serving as inaugural president. Although Australians believe Gallipoli ushered in the birth of our new nation, the nation that was born out of Gallipoli was Turkey because without that victory, Ataturk could not have created Turkey; which although politically troubled at present, remains a secular democratic republic.

But, even if the Turks do have ever right to celebrate, that doesn’t stop Australians commemorating the Anzac’s brave performance and commiserating our war dead. I will certainly be there this time next year as one of 8000 Australians standing head bowed in "silent contemplation". But putting first things first, I insist on starting our nation’s four-year commemoration eight months earlier and in the right and proper place – on the Western Front honouring Lt. William Chisholm, the first of our countrymen to fall in the Great War 100 years ago this August.

Jonathan King is a military historian.