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Anzac Day: how the media should cover it

As the Anzac centenary approaches, the media faces significant challenges in how the coverage should be managed.

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This Anzac Day, like others in recent years, there will be controversy. Historians will argue over the significance of the day and whether other defining events in Australia's post-colonial history are more deserving of attention. There will be debate about the use of "ANZAC" in capitals and "Anzac" in lower case. Questions will be asked; answers will be contradictory.  

Should we celebrate or commemorate? Should relatives march or spectate? Should we remember the past or focus on the present – investing less in collective memory and offering more to the living in need of our help? And where does this leave the media, seeking a single headline for Anzac Day?

Here lies the problem. As we approach the Anzac centenary, the story is becoming more complex, not less. After almost 99 years of revisits and revisions, you would think we knew how to tell the story by now. The fact that we publish so much on the subject suggests that we don't.

Or do we? Perhaps the truth lies in the debate, the wrangling and the worry. Perhaps the reason why we haven't "cracked" the Anzac story is because there is no single story to be told. Perhaps it is contradictory and complex and that's the whole point.

Its first reporters told us otherwise. The correspondent of the London Times, Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, was stuck on a ship, 200 metres offshore, when the landings took place on 25 April 1915. There is no doubt that the Anzacs demonstrated bravery in the face of Turkish guns, as Ashmead-Bartlett reported. It is unlikely, however, that the Englishman witnessed all the events he described.

Charles Bean, on the other hand, was a more conscientious correspondent. "Oh – Bean – I think he almost counts the bullets," Ashmead-Bartlett quipped on one occasion. Bean's embedded reporting, from the trenches, was immersive and ethnographic. In comparison, Ashmead-Bartlett wielded a broad brush.


Still, Bean's reporting did not tell the whole story. Like any journalist, and historian, he framed his content, including details that were apparent and relevant at the time with his intended readers in mind. Ninety-nine years later, it is inevitable that the story can be revised and reinterpreted. Doing so is a story in itself, telling us much about changes to Australian society and national consciousness.

Today, we have a better understanding of "shell shock" and post-traumatic stress disorder. We recognise the contributions of indigenous servicemen who were not, officially, allowed to enlist. We know the identities of Chinese Anzacs, Russian Anzacs and German Anzacs. We know that some, but not all, members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps were country boys from the bush. We know that Australian women worked tirelessly as nurses on the island of Lemnos and as doctors on the Western Front. We know that Anzac coverage does not need to glorify or militarise; it can simply inform and educate, laying bare the complexity, contradiction and reality of war.

So, this Anzac Day, let's not seek a single headline. Let's not trot out the old cliches and resort to copy and paste, in repeating old stories told time and again. Let's ask why some veterans refuse to march and why some stories are only now being told. Anzac Day is the one day of the year when the media can go beyond the basics and explore a story that is – in its reinterpretation and revision – a story of both remembrance and reflection, challenging journalistic convention and audiences' assumptions. 

Dr Sharon Mascall-Dare is a journalist and author of the Anzac Day Media Style Guide. She is affiliated with the Narratives of War Research Group at the University of South Australia and Dart Centre Asia Pacific.