

The culture warriors defending the Anzacs from behind their laptops

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It was shocking to discover this week that 26-year-old television presenters with right-on political views and outspoken personalities do not always consider the implications of the stuff they post on Facebook.

While most Australians, and in particular the cultural warriors who defend the traditions of the Anzacs from behind their laptops, are temperate and considered while on social media, not all people follow their sensible example.

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Yassmin's Anzac statement 'idiotic'

ABC presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied is labelled "un-Australian" and "insensitive" for using Anzac Day to highlight the plight of refugees. Sunrise

Yassmin Abdel-Magied, the young feminist Muslim activist and ABC presenter, is one of those people.

She was accused of desecrating the memory of the Anzacs because she wrote, in what the Daily Telegraph called a "vile Facebook slur": "Lest. We. Forget. (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine…)"

Was her comment eye-rollingly undergraduate? Yes.

Was her use of full stops pretentious and grammatically incorrect? You bet.


But were her words offensive and seditious? Not so much.

Abdel-Magied deleted the post and apologised unreservedly, but it was too late, because what she said was too useful to too many people, not least a government that had been struggling to define what it meant by "Australian values" just one week previous.

Following on from Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's announcement of a new citizenship test based on "Australian values", Monday's Newspoll revealed a parlous 36 per cent primary vote for the Coalition and a fat 10 per cent for One Nation, which is a significant increase on its vote from last year.

If the Coalition can't recapture those voters, it needs to hold on to their preferences, so it can at least benefit from some of the right-wing populist boom.  

Against this backdrop, Abdel-Magied materialised, as if from political-correctness-gone-mad paradise, with her ill-considered comments equating the deaths of war veterans to the plight of modern refugees.

A hijab-wearing black Muslim feminist who hates our war heroes? Oh goody.

Sure, the government might be unable to define what Australian values are, but now its members could sit back, point and say: well this is what they aren't.

The Telegraph called for Abdel-Magied's sacking and two cabinet ministers – Peter Dutton and Barnaby Joyce – weighed in to question her employment by the public broadcaster. Tony Abbott said she needed to sign up to Team Australia, and Pauline Hanson said the government's new citizenship test should ask people if they respected Anzac Day.

The Deputy Prime Minister even went so far as to say that it was people like Abdel-Magied who made it difficult for him to argue for ABC funding within the expenditure review committee.

(Barnaby, bless him, really can phone this stuff in. Despite being a genuine egalitarian at heart, he is the Coalition's one-man protection squad against Hansonism. This latest left-wing claptrap was his to kick out of the park. He aimed his boot.)

It helped that the young target had previously been on the ABC's Q&A; program to claim that Islam is "the most feminist religion", a statement that was met with cries of outrage; and it helped, of course, that many Australians have genuine concerns about Islamic extremism and the integration of Muslim immigrants into broader society – concerns too often dismissed by progressives.

I strongly suspect that the level of outrage a person feels over the desecration of the Digger tradition is in inverse proportion to the proximity he or she has ever had to a battlefield.

But as cultural warriors on both left and right know, outrage can be very useful, and the less direct experience you have of the source of your outrage, the purer that outrage can be – that's why Muslims tend to be most despised in the electorates where there are none.

It's not possible to know what the Diggers died for, because they're not here to ask.

As has been noted by former prime minister Paul Keating, World War I soldiers died largely to protect rival colonial interests, a fact we wilfully disregard every April 25.

Nonetheless our national day of remembrance and mourning is precious, not least to those of us who have veterans in our families, and some idea of the reality of modern deployments, which are more about nation-building than they are about napalming infants, or whatever sophomoric anti-war cliché the ignorant want to believe.

No, it's not possible to speak for the dead.

But it is often said the Diggers died for freedom and democracy, which includes in its definition a large dollop of free speech.

It's fairly certain they didn't envision a future Australia where a young woman is subject to institutional bullying from men in government because of an opinion, however lazily expressed.

As for the legions of Twitter morons who sit in their stained underpants and defend the mighty Anzac spirit from the safety of their anonymous Twitter accounts: a VC for every one of you.

In the words of the defence force member I am closest to (who asked not to be named): "I think [Abdel-Magied] made a terrible mistake to try and politicise Anzac Day, but she's not the first and won't be the last. Her comments weren't offensive to me at all, I understand her point. And as it was discussed between my colleagues and me, this woman is what, 26? I was a frickin' idiot at 26, still am, but luckily nobody listens to my Facebook feeds."

I nominate that paragraph as the most sensible commentary published on the entire silly subject, from one of the few people well qualified to weigh in.