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Has Perth's marron con man returned?

Have you fallen victim to Perth's marron con man?

If talkback callers to Radio 6PR are to be believed, there is a man going around Perth fooling people into handing over up to $250, with the promise of a seafood bounty in return. 

The story goes the man appears in a public place, usually a car park, looking around and underneath cars for his lost wallet.

He strikes up a conversation with whoever is nearby and asks them to help him look. Talk eventually leads to him asking for money to help him get back to his Serpentine farm with the promise he'll return with a box of marron the next day.

"I realised a day later when I hadn't heard anything from him, I thought, 'Yep I've been done," Glenn told Radio 6PR on Friday.

"He said he'd lost his wallet and he said he had a marron farm I think up in Serpentine or that area.


"I offered him $50 for a cab fare, he said it wasn't enough, so I gave him another $50 and left my phone number with him and he said he'd bring a box of marron.

"I gave him the benefit of the doubt and unfortunately I got burnt."

Glenn wasn't alone, according to callers Lester and Roger, they too had encountered nearly identical scenarios in Subiaco and Cannington in recent months – both handing over $250 to help out a stranger they thought had just stumbled on a bit of bad luck.

"I walked out of a shop near Carousel [shopping centre]... and he came over and the bloke said he'd lost his wallet, 'you haven't seen a wallet laying around?' I think were his first words. I got on my hands and knees and looked under the cars and everywhere," Lester said.  

"He said, 'I need some money to get home', and I said, 'where do you live?' and he said

And with that, Lester offered to help the man.

Another caller, Roger, said the man's offer of a box of marrons when he came across him in Subiaco in September did not tempt him to hand over any cash, but the promise of a potential job did.

"I'm in the building design industry and he gave me the sniff of some work because he was expanding his outfit and he needed some planning and drawings done and that's why he got $250 out of me that he got," he said.

"About two weeks later... I saw him and he saw me and he saw me see him and he didn't give a stuff, he just kept walking."

Police said on Friday they had not received any police reports about the marron con man making his way around Perth.

A similar con was taken up in 2014 with that man reportedly charged at the time.

It is not clear if the original dodgy dam farmer is back, or if others have taken advantage of his fishy tale.