Front-end Editor for WordPress



  • 投稿の下書きと編集。
  • 自動保存。書き終えた際にすぐに。
  • Contextual tools. Bold, italic, strikethrough, link, headings, lists and blockquote.
  • WordPress メディアライブラリからメディアを追加。
  • リスト (*, – or 1.)、 引用 (>) 、水平線 (—) の入力しやすいショートカット。
  • Automatically embed media from this list. Just paste the URL.
  • You can also link text by just pasting the URL over it.
  • アイキャッチ画像を追加 (テーマがサポートしている場合)。


This plugin is designed to be “plug and play”, but also configurable and extensible.



  • fee_toolbar_caret for the caret,
  • fee_toolbar_inline for normal selections,
  • fee_toolbar_block for block selections.


add_filter('fee_toolbar_inline', function($buttons){
  return array_merge($buttons, array('subscript'));

追加の CSS と JS を提供する必要があります。TinyMCE へのツールバーボタンの追加について詳しくは Codex のページTinyMCE のドキュメントをご覧ください。

Linking to the editor

You can link to the editor from anywhere on the website with the normal edit link to the admin, and it will be picked up by the plugin. Use edit_post_link or similar.


add_post_type_support( 'page', 'front-end-editor' );

Please make sure you also support the REST API.


If you’d like to disable the editor for certain posts, you can use the supports_fee filter.

// Disable for the post with ID 1.
add_filter('supports_fee', function($supports, $post) {
  return $post->ID !== 1;
}, 10, 2);


Perfec plugin editor frontend

PROS: Incredibly easy to install and use, without doubt the best editing plugin in front.

CONS: When adding a video to the entries page, it stays blank and until you do not post it does not look … There is a problem adding videos


Less than thrilled.


  • Easy to install.
  • Works.


  • Broke Jetpack Custom CSS
  • Requires REST API
  • Doesnt register Custom Admin Boxes

Nice job !

Simple is the best!!!!!!!!

Just wondering if it will support inserting images?
And what if I want to write HTML directly??

A fantastic tool for everyday blogging

I’m so happy to see someone continuing the journey of a viable front end editor for WordPress. I’ve used it while composing my last few posts and it behaved flawlessly. Cheers to the developers. It’s fast, responsive, and a joy to use.

Nice, but with UI issues

The plugin works fine and has rather elegant features (such as the mini-editor toolbar that appears when you select some text), but there’s a glaring UI issue in the location of the validation button: it should be put in place of the edit link (on which you click to toggle the editing mode) rather than being located on the WordPress toolbar. Like a lot of the 1-star reviewers, I’ve found myself very much puzzled the first time I edited some text, trying to find out how I could toggle back to the normal mode.

If that little issue were to be fixed, that would definitely make this plugin a 5-star for me.



“Front-end Editor for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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