Stages of Labour



Tearing during delivery: the facts

Almost all women will experience bruising, grazing or tearing after a vaginal birth. Depending on the degree of tearing, there are various treatments available.

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overdue baby

Getting labour started: tips for a natural induction

When your baby’s due date comes and goes without so much as a pop - let alone a bang - it can be disheartening. Mums and a doula share their stories of natural inductions.

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pregnant woman

Making labour less painful, naturally

In this era of amazing scientific and technological developments, why are there so few pain relief options for birth? And how can we help make the process a little more comfortable for women?

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No two labours are the same.

Labour the second time round - is it easier?

Pregnancy and labour go hand in hand with old wives tales. But while we may be able to dispel old ways to predict the sex of the baby, or labour inducing home therapies, is there any truth to labour being easier the second time round?

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pregnant bed

Blood loss in labour on the rise

A sharp rise in the number of women needing blood transfusions when they give birth is concerning doctors, who are at a loss to explain why more women are experiencing serious bleeding in childbirth.

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Father with newborn

Dads in the delivery room

Most Australian men are present and active at the birth of their children. But amid talk of trauma, not everyone believes this is a good thing ...

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preg belly

Myth busting: 'childbearing hips' and birth

While the old adage about having “childbearing hips” isn’t usually a compliment, many women consider it an advantage when it comes to childbirth - but giving birth is never as black and white as saying small women can’t give birth to large babies.

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