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Want to stop land corruption? Take away the honeypot

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One of the great mismatches in our economy is how little property developers are accused of giving to politicians from time to time, and the massive amounts politicians gift to the developers – some $11 billion a year, according to a new book by two Queensland economists.

No, that's not a misprint - $11 billion a year. That's the estimate of how much well-connected, lobbyist-hiring developers make from rezoning and planning decisions compared with the Australian Capital Territory's method of taxing such windfall profits.  

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How to stop land rezoning corruption

If you were serious about wanting to end the web of corruption woven around the massive honeypot of land rezoning, what would you do?

It's no wonder there are enduring question marks about the relationship between developers and bureaucrats when there is so much money at stake, such a fabulously rich honeypot to attract flies.

It's why some governments ban developers from being elected to local government, or attempt to ban them donating to political parties. It's why there's a steady stream of stories about dubious planning, licence and zoning decisions, for everything from coal mines to blocks of flats.

And, in turn, it's why there are public inquiries from time to time into aspects of the system – none of them coming up with a solution to the problem. There's another one underway now in Queensland where the Crime and Corruption Commission is looking into the behaviour of candidates in last year's local government elections.

One of the economists responsible for the aforementioned $11 billion figure, Cameron Murray, was invited to make a submission to the inquiry. The CCC's questions point to the well-worn issues around election funding -  perhaps capping election spending, whether donations create conflicts of interest, whether donors should be prevented from bringing business before councils, disclosure rules and so on – none of which has achieved much anywhere else.


Murray's logical and eminently sound alternative is quite simple: take away the honeypot.

Murray fingers land rezoning and planning as a main area where local council (and state government) decisions gift billions of dollars to developers. It makes sense to remove the temptation that leads to both corruption of the outright illegal kind and the legal but grey area of mates doing deals, getting things done, of the well-connected and well-lobbied achieving their desired windfalls.

"The best way to reduce conflicts for councillors is to reduce the value of council decisions to private parties by pricing them," Murray submits.

"One of the main areas where local councils give away decisions worth millions is with land rezoning. Instead of giving away new property rights to certain landowners through rezoning, these additional development rights can be sold by councils."

Murray cites the system successfully used by the ACT for nearly half a century – 75 per cent of the value gained from rezoning is paid to the government. Hey presto, the honeypot shrinks to minor significance.

The ACT government collected $183 million from such taxes in the 2014-15 year.  Murray estimates that the same system would yield the Queensland state and local governments $1.7 billion a year.

"Instead, this economic value is able to be given by councillors to their mates though rezoning and planning decisions. It is the massive value of these decisions that is driving the corruption concerns in this inquiry."

Game of Mates

In their book, Game of Mates, Murray and co-author Professor Paul Frijters extend their modelling to the nation to come up with the $11 billion lost from government revenue each year and overwhelmingly gifted to connected developers and speculators.

The chapter on rezoning build upon their 2015 research paper that showed "well-connected" landowners held 75 per cent of the land rezoned in growth areas, compared with only 12 per cent of comparable land immediately outside the rezoning.

It's not so much a matter of anything illegal, but the evolved, protected and self-perpetuating nature of revolving doors for politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists and developers that result in the majority of the population losing out to the privileged few.

If Treasurer Scott Morrison is serious about improving housing affordability and public debt, he could do well to study the ACT system and how the states could be encouraged to adopt it. But he probably already knows all about it - he was the head of policy and research for the Property Council of Australia for six years.  

In Game of Mates (launched on Friday, available online from the usual suspects), the authors contend land is just the original and perhaps most obvious example of "mates" exploiting their connections to gain massive economic advantage at the expense of ordinary people. 

The book extends the thesis across the major areas of the economy – sometimes at a stretch but always thought-provoking.

A short-hand is employed for the mates of "James" – in honour of James Ruse, the winner of Australia's first private land grant – and "Bruce" for the rest of us. Three examples:

  • Transportation infrastructure: For every dollar spent on infrastructure, Bruce gets an estimated 68 per cent less economic benefit because James and his Mates maximise their value from owning new roads, not the value of the road network to the population, so we end up with the wrong new roads built to improve the overall transport network.

  • Superannuation: James gobbles up an estimated 27 per cent of Bruce's superannuation through his exorbitant annual fees, control of defaults funds, and power to invest your superannuation funds on projects with his mates. This adds up to around $17 billion of extra fees a year, not to mention the $28 billion in tax breaks on the wealthiest superannuation funds, which are those of James and his mates.

  • Mining: In the mining sector, James takes from Bruce around 48 per cent of the profits in the resources sector, that could be shared under a Norwegian tax scheme. That was around $20 billion per year over the past decade. In addition, there is $36 billion of grey gifts in the form of subsidised infrastructure and unfunded environmental damage that Bruce will pay for in the future.

At its heart, Game of Mates attempts to nail the nation's growing inequality, seeing the well-off as using the law, politics and their connections to further their interests at everyone else's expense.

Some of that is complicated, some is not. The solution to the rorting of land rezoning and planning is in the latter category.