Fellow traveller comes to rescue of mum of twins

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It's a situation that beggars belief. A woman booked places for her and her twin babies on an airline, but when she showed up airline staff took away her infant seat - then told her she couldn't fly with two babies on her lap, so was asked to get off the flight.

Fellow passenger Mackenzie Murphy shared the story with the Love What Matters Facebook page, describing the story that unfolded before her on a very full flight - but saying the ending "restored her faith in humanity".

Because the flight was so packed, the airline had to stow the infant seat the mother had brought with her for the second baby. "A gate worker took this woman's car seat, meaning she would now have to hold both babies since they weren't old enough to sit up on their own in a seat," Mackenzie recounted.

"When she sat down on the plane, a flight attendant immediately told her she couldn't hold both babies, and would have to leave the flight."

At a crossroads, something had to give, and luckily a kind fellow traveller came to the rescue.

Mackenzie continues, "A mother sitting in front of me, with permission from the other mother, volunteered to hold one of her babies for the entire flight." What was supposed to be a 45 minute flight tuned into a two-and-a-half hour stationery wait on the tarmac and all the while, the lady held the baby. 

"Without a complaint this woman fed the other woman's baby and burped him. Her own daughter started crying. This mom, so calmly, went on to explain to her young daughter that 'Our job is to help other people. This mum is all by herself with no help, and really needs another mum to help.'

After take off, the kind stranger continued her care of the baby. "She then went on to hold him, sing him songs, and then he slept the entire flight without even a cry."

Mackenzie snapped a photo of the caring passenger with the baby and came off the flight feeling that she had witnessed something special, determined to share the feel good story.

"My heart still feels fuzzy. Moral of the story is when you see people needing help, do the right thing and help them."

Other parents shared their own stories of travelling with babies; some needed help and others provided it.