A birth with a difference: the 'natural caesarean'

The 'natural caesarean'.
The 'natural caesarean'. Photo: Facebook/Netmums

We've shared stories of gentle caesareans before, but a new video shows a new option called a 'natural caesarean'.

A clip shared on the Netmums Facebook page explains that after the usual incision is made, the baby emerges partway from their mum's body. The mum has had an epidural, and unlike in many caesareans, there's no curtain hiding her viewpoint of it all.

The baby then wriggles and pushes their way out into the world, where, barring any complications, they're placed on their mum's chest.

The video claims that the experience more closely follows the vaginal birth experience for the baby, allowing them to clear their lungs as they're squeezed out.

The 'natural birth' is apparently being trialled in UK hospitals for women who have opted for an elective caesarean.