Tuesday, March 31, 2015



By Nihigaal Bee lina

GALLUP, NM -- The community of Gallup flocked to the Downtown Conference Center last Saturday to attend a presentation by the walkers of Nihigaal Bee Iina. The evening was filled with food, prayer, informative slide shows and creative performances affirming the beauty and value of Diné land and culture.
The movement--translated as “Our Journey for Existence”--was ignited by young Diné women earlier this year to expose the disproportionate amount of resource extraction and contamination suffered by Diné people for the benefit of others. They have walked over 300 miles since January, feeding and educating community members at schools, chapter houses and homes all along the way.
Walkers left Church Rock Chapter House in the morning and arrived in Gallup around 4PM on Saturday holding flags of the four sacred mountains and other banners expressing their message. Nearly 100 people attended the feast and presentation while walkers shared their experiences. Although the information shared by the walkers was heavy, the evening was filled with fun and laughter.
Libby Williams, an elder woman supporting the walkers, stated: “Walking will teach you. Every step is a lesson. When you are in a vehicle you don’t notice everything. You don’t notice all the trash along the road. You don’t notice the beauty of Mother Earth. You don’t notice what humans are doing to it. It’s totally inspiring to see them walking, that they believe in something. Baahozhó t’áá’ni’joogááłgoh.”
Walkers left Gallup on Sunday and headed towards Window Rock where they will meet with more community members. Walkers extended an open invitation to all respectful peoples to join them on their journey. For more information, email nihigaalbeeiina@gmail.com or visit the Nihigaal Bee Iina Facebook page.
For more information please contact Nihigaal Bee Iina Organizers by email at nihigaalbeeiina@gmail.com or by phone at 949-536-0988. Photo Courtesy of Orlando Begay

Hawaii Maoli Warriors Protect Sacred Mountain from Telescope Construction


Media Contact: Kamahana Kealoha
Censored News

MAUNA KEA, Hawai’i Island, March 30, 2015 — Today marked the sixth day and sixth night since a group of Kanaka Maoli warriors representing several islands in the Hawaiian Islands and a multi-ethnic group of supporters formed a blockade at 9,000 feet above sea level at Mauna Kea also known as Mauna A Wakea on Hawaiʻi Island.

They are protesting the construction of a 30-meter telescope (TMT), which they say is a desecration of the most sacred place in the Hawaiian Islands. The peaceful protest has been ongoing for several years but in the past several months has gathered more momentum and support from Hawaiians and other non-Hawaiians around the world.

Today also marked the first day that TMT workers showed up since the protest began six days and six nights ago.

“I have confirmed that the multi-ethnic group of protestors succeeded in stopping workers from passing through despite the large police presence all day,” says Hawai’i island native Kamahana Kealoha, a cultural practitioner and an organizer of the protest. “The police arrived at around 8 a.m. today intent on infiltrating the line and breaking the protesters apart.”

The protesters are being led by Lanakila Mangauil, a prominent cultural practitioner from Hawai’i Island. Mangauil, who had an enormous amount of help from hundreds of people who facilitated the success of the first protest, was able to stop the TMT ground breaking on October 7, 2014.

Today’s protesters have been inspired by the success of the October events and are continuing to hold steadfast to their plan not to allow any TMT workers into the area. They have vowed to block them all. The protesters are holding checkpoints, such as a roadblock on the Mauna Kea access road to do this and, in particular, at the 9,000-foot level at the Visitors Center.

“There have been no arrests, no violence and no one hurt,” notes Kealoha. “We are always respectful of this sacred area despite challenges from non-protesters at times, including the police and TMT workers.”

The organizers have also harnessed the power of social media to attract an international audience to their cause. “We keep hearing, almost hourly, about simultaneous protests being organized in other parts of the Hawaiian Islands and, indeed, on the continental U.S. and other countries,” says Kealoha. “This is an international show of support for our Mauna—our Mother—which resonates with all people concerned with the future of our planet.”

Some of the other activities that are being planned in coming days include:

The University of Hawai’i/Manoa and “Mana” hui, working with the U.H./Hilo student body and others, will host an event that protest organizers Kealoha and Kiulani Mahuka and other friends of the Mauna will attend. Kealoha and Mahuka will offer remarks. The event begins Tuesday, March 31, and will continue until Wednesday, April 1.
Wednesday, April 1 on O’ahu: Organizers Kealoha and Mahuka will stage a protest at the “Capitol” beginning at 6:30 a.m.
Saturday, April 4 on O’ahu: Kahu Brad Lum and Kailana Kahawaluokalani Kepelino Moa-Eli will protest again at the “Capitol.”
Alapaki Heanu and Noelani Maka of Maui will organize an event at U.H./Maui. Date and time TBD.
Protests on other islands are currently being planned and details will be available soon.

“This telescope is an atrocity the size of Aloha Stadium,” says Kealoha. “It’s 19 stories tall, which is like building a sky-scraper on top of the mountain, a place that is being violated in many ways culturally, environmentally and spiritually.”

“However, this struggle is about so much more,” notes Kealoha. “We are fighting against our erasure and ethnocide as well as the threat for all to our main water aquifer and endangered species conservation district.”

“We humbly ask the world and all those who hold the Mauna sacred to aid us in this struggle, which is for all of us and our future generations,” says Kealoha. “Please get to the Mauna and support the brave warriors who are protesting indefinitely at the 9000 foot level.”

The group is requesting donations for flights to and from Hawaiʻi between the other Hawaiian islands as well as much-needed accommodations, including food, ground transportation and other essentials. Those interested in donating may click on the Sacred Mauna Kea Fund link: http://www.gofundme.com/sacredmaunakea or contact Kealoha at sacredmaunakea@gmail.com.

“We need your kokua (help) to continue our work on behalf of all concerned people of these islands,” says Kealoha. “Please support from wherever you are—here in the Islands or around the world.”

For more information and updates, visit http://sacredmaunakea.wordpress.com/. Photos can be downloaded at

# # # #

Mohawk Nation News 'Winner Take All'



Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. 30 Mar. 2015. Prime Minister Harper wants to replace the genocidal Indian Act with tougher corporate rules to kill the natural people of this land. These colonial genocide laws do not legally apply to us, only to your corporate members who vote in your system.
Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia and Israel want to legalize genocide so the Vatican cannot be punished for carrying out the biggest genocide in all mankind. These serpents are in the Vatican, City of London and Washington DC. making war on everyone. The Minister of Immigration’s vile rhetoric about attacking Russia is how the murder of our people was discussed and planned in Parliament. Monday night Harper’s government voted to extend the Iraq mission indefinitely and to bomb Syria. UK and EU voted not to. Canada and US are bombing Syria.   superman
Canada is a corporation, a colony of the British Empire, not a legal country. Ia-te-ho-ne-se-ra-ien means they have no footprints on Great Turtle Island. Their ship can only make a small whirlpool. They cannot make a final assault on us with these new rules.
We Ongwe’hon:weh will write the rules after the collapse of Canada. With no Indian Act the Great Peace will apply to every part of Great Turtle Island. We will negotiate with all the colonial settlers so they can become of one mind with us, as we did in 1701. We are the land. They must follow our way or leave.
Canada must implement the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial People.Decolonization Act. Once the Indian Act is gone, everything reverts to us. Over $900 trillion of our stolen funds will be returned from the bankers. All taxes and rent will be turned over to us.
When we told one of our men, the same age as Harper, about his plans for the final solution of the INDIAN problem, he said, “I challenge warrior chief Harper to a bare knuckle fist fight to the death in Parliament so everyone can witness it. Winner takes all!”
The Iroquois Confederacy think those who would try to destroy us cannot do so without bringing about the downfall of the whole earth. The dream is world union under the shade of universal law. Unless Canada sits down quietly under the Tree of Peace with us, they will destroy themselves.
Stephen Harper, Motorhead sings this directly to you: “If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man. You win some, lose some, all the same to me. The pleasure is to play. Makes no difference what your say. I don’t share your greed. The only card I need is the Ace of Spades”.
No. 1: 100 million Ongwe’hon:weh. 15 worst genocides in history.
Minister of Immigration war-mongering:
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go towww.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.comoriginal Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Monday, March 30, 2015

Border Patrol Victims Network!


Please join us in supporting the border patrol victims network!

Arizona border communities stand with the families of Jose Gutierrez, Carlos La Madrid and Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez

Tucson, AZ: Border residents from Tucson, Arizona are rallying Monday to support the family of Jose Gutierrez who continues to denounce the brutal beating he endured 4 years ago at the hands of 11  Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents at the San Luis Port of Entry as he attempted to cross back into the U.S. to reunite with his family. The case of Jose Gutierrez still has not been resolved and no agent has been held accountable.

Press Conference:
2:00 pm Monday, March 30, 2015
El Tiradito Wishing Shrine
420 S. Main Ave, Tucson, AZ. 85701

5:00 pm
4th Ave. & 6th St. Intersection
Tucson, AZ. 85701

The actions on Monday will also call attention to the case of 19-year-old Carlos La Madrid who was shot and killed 9 days before Jose Gutierrez' beating and also the case of 16-year-old Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez who was shot and killed by Border Patrol agents as he was walking down the street in Nogales, Mexico. April 10, marks 2 ½ years since his killing.

Since the incidents took place, the families of the victims of border brutality have begun working together to demand justice for their cases and to call for accountability and oversight over the nation's largest law-enforcement agency, Customs and Border Protection. As a result of the relentless efforts of the families, CBP has recently begun a pilot program to equip agents with body-worn cameras, which marks a step forward in bringing about meaningful oversight and accountability.

Visuals: In Monday's events, sections of the Border Quilt will be on display. The Border Quilt is a collection of nearly 200 handmade cloth panels made by border residents expressing the toll that border militarization has taken in terms of rights violations and abuse. To call attention to the cases of border families, the Border Quilt will travel throughout the southern border over the next 12 weeks culminating with actions commemorating the deaths of Anastasio Hernandez Rojas in San Diego and Sergio Adrian Hernandez-Huereca, two high-profile cases of border brutality.

Human rights groups including the Border Action Network, Border Patrol Victims Network and the Southern Border Communities Coalition will be joining Shena Gutierrez, wife of Jose Gutierrez for a press conference and an evening rally.

Shena Gutierrez, wife of Jose, released this statement on behalf of their family:

Four years ago, our lives completely changed when Jose was handcuffed and taken from us to be deported to Mexico, a country he had not seen in over 3 decades. We did not think things could get any worse until March 30, 2011, when Jose was brutally beaten into a coma by Border Patrol agents. For 4 years we have been fighting for justice and we will continue to raise awareness about the culture of violence within Customs and Border Protection.

The Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC) brings together more than 60 organizations from San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas, to ensure that border enforcement policies and practices are accountable and fair, respect human dignity and human rights, and prevent the loss of life in the region.

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Economic Blackmail: The New McCarthyism in Indian Country News

John Kane, Mohawk
Does truth-telling in the media now mean that you have to work for free in America?

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS Gazette

It is sad that John Kane, Mohawk, can not find any sponsors to keep his radio show, 'Let's Talk Native,' going.

Is this what happens now to the truth-tellers in the media? Does telling the truth in the media now mean that you have to work for free in America?

During the Boarding School Tribunal in Green Bay, Wisconsin, it was John Kane who called in to provide radio coverage. The only media there was Govinda of Earthcycles and Censored News. None of us are paid for our work. In fact, as John's message below shows, we can't even attract enough donations to cover our expenses to keep going.

The point is that the media has collapsed and a form of economic blackmail is present. It is just as serious as the blacklisting of McCarthyism. It is just carried out in a different manner.

At the same time, this black hole of journalism has created a door for heroes to walk through. It offers us the chance to be present and cover the stories that no one else will, a chance to broadcast the ideas that could transform this planet.

Surely future generations will look back for kernels of truth, and will celebrate those that survive.

With the high costs of travel, equipment, radio airtime and more, the truth-tellers, even when they offer their labors of love for free, are finding there is no way to keep going.

The problem with grants and advertising is that neither are free. Each comes with a price.

As Hopi elder Dan Evehema told me years ago, "Don't ever take grants, or they will own you."

As for big money advertisers, look at the effects that casino, mining and CIA ads have had on Indian country news. The majority of what you have today is either plagiarism by stay-at-home reporters, or fluff by writers surfing and re-writing the web. 

Those stay-at-home reporters have also found cash bounty in the good-hearted activists who pay their own way to share the news. Those stay-at-home plagiarizers get a paycheck from what they seize from the web.

What you have today in the news is the void remaining from the issues that are censored.

John Kane posted this message on Sunday:

Tonight is to be my final "Let's Talk Native…" program. WWKB would like me to stay on but the cost of paid programming has always been a challenge and the lack sustainable funding has made the show in its existing form and location unsustainable as well. I will make a plea tonight to continue to support my costs associated with travel to NYC for my show there and I will make what will likely be my final pitch to cover the costs for the billing cycle I am completing with my show here in Buffalo. I have been asked if I would be willing to continue through the month of April and I will say that if there is support for me to continue through next month, with firm commitments to cover the airtime on a weekly basis I would consider doing so.
But join us tonight with your calls and thoughts as we look back on this show and look for future opportunities to keep the conversations going.
Let's Talk!
Contact John at jmkane1220@aol.com

Brenda Norrell has been a news reporter in Indian country for 33 years, beginning at Navajo Times during the 18 years that she lived on the Navajo Nation. She served as a freelance reporter for AP and USA Today covering the Navajo Nation and federal courts. After being censored and terminated as a staff writer for Indian Country Today, she created Censored News, now in its 9th year with 3.8 million pageviews.


Hillary, about those iris scans

Hillary, about those iris scans 

By Brenda Norrell

Hillary Clinton has deleted all her e-mails, leaving me with two questions. First, with all the NSA spying going on, aren't those e-mails stored in some cryptic tomb somewhere?

Also, I am wondering about those iris scans that Hillary, while Secretary of State, asked her Ambassadors to collect. The iris scans, and personal data, were ordered by Hillary and then exposed in the big Wikileaks State Department dump. In case you missed it, here goes:

The State Department asked US Ambassadors to engage in espionage.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered US Ambassadors to get DNA, fingerprints, frequent flyer numbers and iris scans on world leaders.

Iris scans?

As originally reported in Censored News after the big Wikileaks dump, here it is:

Clinton wrote, "Data should include email addresses, telephone and fax numbers, fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans."
The April 16, 2009, cable was for "reporting and collection needs: African Great Lakes," for the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and Rwanda. Similar cables were written for other parts of the world.
Along with ethnicity (tribe and clan) and religious information, Clinton asked for "compendia of contact information, such as telephone directories (in compact disc or electronic format if available) and e-mail listings; internet and intranet 'handles,' internet e-mail addresses, web site identification-URLs; credit card account numbers; frequent flyer account numbers; work schedules."
Clinton's cable to Paraguay inquired about "rifts" and "internal factions" of politicians. The "reporting and collection" needs again included iris scans and DNA.
Clinton asked US diplomats in Paraguay for: "Biographic and financial information on all leading contenders, and especially on Minister of Education Blanca Ovelar, former Vice President Castiglioni, Lino Oviedo, and Fernando Lugo; and biometric data, to include fingerprints, facial images, iris scans, and DNA, on these individuals."
Africa cable:
Paraguay cable:

We realize that many of you don't like to read long stories, so we'll keep this one short.

OK, so maybe I have a third question: Hillary did you re-read your 60,000 e-mails to determine which ones were work related, and which ones were personal? So, how long did that take?

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Photo Schools for Chiapas
Mexican military stalks Indigenous 


Yaqui spokesmen for the defense of Yaqui water rights
in Sonora remain imprisoned.
(The National Indigenous Congress rises up against the narco-trafficking which seeks to seize control of the country of Mexico, and the Mexican government stalking the Zapatistas. Further, the National Indigenous Congress names those who are imprisoned for their defense of the people, land and water, including our two Yaqui brothers, spokesmen for the water rights barricade in Sonora. Check back for full English translation.)
A los pueblos originarios de México y el Mundo
A la Sexta Nacional e Internacional
Al Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional

A la memoria de Don Félix Serdán Nájera,
Hermano principal.

Reunidos en la comunidad de Amatlán de Quetzalzoatl, municipio de Tepoztlán, Morelos, los pueblos naciones y tribus que conformamos el Congreso Nacional Indígena analizamos la ola represiva de los capitalistas narco gobernantes que pretenden apoderarse de nuestra patria.

El embate en nuestra contra no tiene que ver con los colores de los partidos que arriba gobiernan, ni en la forma y modo como sean elegidos o impuestos,  pues todos y cada uno de ellos tienen como fin administrar el despojo que de más arriba imponen, no tiene que ver con la mentira electorera a la que llaman democracia y que no es más que un reflejo de la descomposición que entraña el sangriento capitalismo neoliberal y que engendra eso que llaman “reformas estructurales”, que son, por la supervivencia de los pueblos dolidos en el campo y la ciudad; impuestas a costa del dolor, de la libertad y la vida de nuestra gente.

La represión que los malos gobiernos han ejercido en contra de nuestros pueblos es en respuesta a nuestra decisión de no parar nuestra resistencia para no dejar de existir por obra de la cruenta guerra de exterminio. No tiene que ver solo con una persecución política, sino que es una reacción de los que arriba diseñan el despojo para consolidar sus intereses asentados sobre la explotación, el despojo, la represión y el desprecio que pueden tomar diferentes rostros y reflejos:

Hoy nos siguen haciendo falta 46 compañeros de la escuela Normal Rural Isidro Burgos de Ayotzinapa, asesinados y desaparecidos por los tres órdenes de los malos gobiernos, por todos los partidos políticos que hacen del terror un negocio y una forma de gobernar. Mientras el Estado criminal apuesta al olvido los pueblos apostamos a reconstruir, a no olvidar y a no perdonar, pues lo que está en juego es el futuro, que al igual que la historia, nos pertenecen.
La comunidad Tzeltal de San Sebastián Bachajón, en el municipio de Chilón Chiapas, ha enfrentado las fuerzas represivas del mal gobierno que pretenden despojarla de las cascadas de Agua Azul para ser entregadas los intereses capitalistas. Apenas el 21 de marzo del presente año más de 600 integrantes de las fuerzas de seguridad gubernamentales incendiaron la sede regional San Sebastián de nuestros hermanos y los medios libres que se han solidarizado con su lucha han sido agredidos por las fuerzas de seguridad pública mientras la policía estatal y el ejército mexicano han escalado la ocupación de su territorio en respaldo de los grupos paramilitares.
La comunidad Nahua de Santa María Ostula, en la costa de Michoacán ha enfrentado desde el año 2009, el asecho de supuestos grupos  de la delincuencia organizada, coludidos con todos niveles del  mal gobierno ha costado la desaparición de 5 comuneros y el asesinato de 32 mas. El pasado 16 de marzo la Marina Armada intentó desalojar y desarmar  a la policía comunitaria que mantiene un reten sobre la carretera costera a la altura del poblado de Xayakalan, territorio recuperado en el año de 2009, acción a la que la comunidad respondió cerrando la carretera costera, pues permitir el desarme de los comunitarios significa quedar en manos de los narco paramilitares y de esa manera consolidar el despojo contra la comunidad para los megaproyectos de muerte como es el narcotráfico, el turismo trasnacional y la explotación minera. Todo protegido y auspiciado por los malos gobiernos.
Siguen presos los compañeros Mario Luna y Fernando Jiménez, voceros de la tribu Yaqui, en Sonora, sobre la base de haberles fabricado delitos graves basados en el no reconocimiento de las formas ancestrales de organización de los pueblos y la jurisdicción del gobierno tradicional Yaqui. A la fecha persiste la orden de aprehensión contra el compañero Tomás Rojo, pretendiendo usar la división y la traición como mecanismo de guerra. Asimismo las amenazas de muerte e intentos de homicidio en contra de Lauro Baumea a quien quemaron su vehículo afuera de su domicilio, además de amenazar con atentar contra la vida de su familia. Todo esto para concretar el robo del agua del río Yaqui.
Siguen presos los compañeros loxichas en el estado de Oaxaca quienes llevan 18 años secuestrados por los malos gobiernos como parte de su política contrainsurgente y terrorista en medio de grandes proyectos mineros trasnacionales, al igual que los hermanos Nahuas de San Pedro Tlanixco en el Estado de México, quienes llevan 12 años presos por defender el agua en contra de que les fuera robada para campos agroindustriales.
El despojo a comunidades y ejidos en los estados de Morelos, Puebla y Tlaxcala a través del llamado Proyecto Integral Morelos está siendo acompañada de una persecución contra los pueblos del volcán Pocatepetl que se oponen a entregar su territorio, su seguridad y su agua a trasnacionales para la imposición de carreteras, acueductos, gaseoductos y termoeléctricas custodiadas por todos los órdenes represivos del mal gobierno. Actualmente existen numerosas órdenes de aprehensión en contra de quienes han alzado la voz contra esta destrucción acompañada de policías y militares que acompañan la maquinaria, misma que en los últimos días se ha expresado en los trabajos de entubamiento del río Cuautla para favorecer a la Termoeléctrica de Huexca en detrimento de los ejidos del municipio de Ayala.
La comunidad de San Francisco Xochicuautla, en el Estado de México, mantiene una lucha en contra del despojo de su territorio por la construcción de una autopista privada, e incluso los comuneros han perdido la libertad para platicar en sus asambleas comunales que han sido tomadas por decenas de granaderos que buscan consolidar el despojo agrario.
Mientras resistimos al despojo en nuestras comunidades, miles de compañeros deben migrar para buscar alternativas para su sustento, muchos de ellos llegan a campos de concentración donde son explotados y esclavizados, como es el caso de San Quintín, en Baja California Sur, donde los malos gobiernos reprimen las movilizaciones que buscan mejores condiciones de trabajo para miles de jornaleros agrícolas. La mayoría de ellos de origen indígena.
Estamos convencidos que para parar esta guerra no bastan las consignas; tampoco será volteando a ver los calendarios, geografías y formas de los de arriba, sino que necesitamos hacer un nuevo país, un nuevo mundo.

Lo saben también los poderosos que han agudizado el hostigamiento militar en los caracoles zapatistas de La Realidad y Oventik y agresiones paramilitares por grupos promovidos, financiados y entrenados por los malos gobiernos, como Pojcol, CIOAC Histórica y ORCAO, que  ejercen una violencia sistemática en contra las comunidades bases de apoyo zapatistas, quienes con su organización autónoma hacen brillar el horizonte que es una esperanza civilizatoria y que tiene sus raíces antiguas en nuestras culturas como pueblos originarios.

Por todo lo anterior declaramos:

Que no pararemos en la lucha por reconstruir lo y reconstituirnos como pueblos originarios, pues nuestra lucha es por la vida y seguir existiendo.
Que intensificaremos la lucha por la libertad de los presos políticos, la presentación de los desaparecidos y la justicia para los asesinados.
Que la ola represiva es en respuesta a esa resistencia contra el despojo que no conoce fin pues su origen está en el origen mismo del mundo y por lo tanto no es negociable.
Que seguiremos tejiendo desde abajo y a la izquierda un nuevo mundo posible y necesario, pues solo así podrá brillar la paz para nuestros pueblos y el fin de la represión.
Saludamos la realización del homenaje a los compañeros Luis Villoro Toranzo y al maestro zapatista Galeano que tendrán lugar en el caracol de Oventik, Chiapas el 2 de mayo de 2015.

Amatlán de Quetzalcoatl, Tepoztlán, Morelos

A 22 de marzo de 2015

Por la Reconstitución Integral de Nuestros Pueblos

Nunca Más un México Sin Nosotros

Congreso Nacional Indígena.

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Censored News depends on reader donations for live coverage. brendanorrell@gmail.com

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Copyrights of Censored News content are maintained by all writers, photographers and anyone whose work appears on Censored News. No content may be used without permission. No content may be used in any revenue scheme. brendanorrell@gmail.com