Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mojave Desert Natives Expose Dark Side of Solar

By Robert Lundahl

"Who Are My People?" Debuts at Three Film Festivals

When Green is Not Sustainable: Native Elders Fight Energy Development on Sacred Lands in the West

"Who Are My People?" by documentary filmmaker, Robert Lundahl, poses a conundrum for audiences. How can energy plants proposed to mitigate atmospheric carbon and fight climate change be so bad for the environment and for people? The film is revealing of contradictions in federal policy and law, and the difficulties Native Americans face in protecting antiquities. 

The film has been accepted to three festivals. The Joshua Tree International Film Festival, and the Tulalip Tribe's Hibulb Film Festival, where it played in September 2015, and the Red Nation Film Festival in Santa Monica/Los Angeles, to be scheduled in November. Check the website for the schedule as it is announced - DVD copies are available for education/libraries and for home use, on-line at and Public performance rights are available. Please email the filmmaker

To Alfredo Figueroa, Chemehuevi cultural monitor and founder of La Cuna de Aztlån Sacred Sites Protection Circle, federal decisions to site energy plants in the desert are nothing short of disaster.

The giant Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, outside Las Vegas, has been shown to devastate the birds of the Pacific Flyway. It is also built atop the route of sacred pilgrimage, atop altars, and cultural resources, on the old Salt Song Trail, sacred to the Southern Paiute, Chemehuevi and Uto-Aztecan peoples.

The National Congress of American Indians has stated in its Resolution #LNK-12-036:

"Whereas, BLM, as a result of its fast-track process, has failed to conduct meaningful consultation with Tribes, particularly with CRIT (Colorado River Indian Tribes), and has taken actions that violate federal laws which include provisions designed to protect Tribes' sacred places and cultural resources, such as the National Historic Preservation Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Administrative Procedures Act, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act..."

Dr. Alan Hoffman, advisor to 5 presidents, states: "What all this comes down to in my mind is a clash of values: a people's religious beliefs and culture (which are hard to argue with) vs larger societal issues related to energy and climate. Not an easy balance to achieve."

Who Are My People? features a scene in which Figueroa, Mojave Hereditary Chief Reverend Ron Van Fleet, and Chemehuevi Elder, Phillip Smith, lead a group to the top of Metamorphic Rock, where trails converge, just outside Ivanpah's boundaries.

Here are triangular altars, shaped like arrowheads, that point in the direction of Clark Mountain to the West and Spirit Mountain to the East. Clark Mountain is the site of purifying hot springs, and Spirit Mountain is the center of creation for all Yuman and Hokan language speakers. The mountain, a Traditional Cultural Property, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on September 8, 1999.

In the film, Lowell John Bean, Ph.D. explains that for all cultures, "history becomes religion," and he places Native opposition to the building of large, renewable, solar plants into context, as the tribes of many different language groups fought "Termination" policies of the US Government in the 1950s, and residential schools in the 1960's, to which Indian youth were compelled go. The residential schools forbade tribal children from speaking their language, and according to Bean, enacted a deliberate policy of the US government intended to "deculturate" tribal peoples.

For filmmaker Lundahl, who made two previous films with Indian communities in Washington State, "Unconquering the Last Frontier," and "Song on the Water, "Who Are My People?" carries on a commitment to recording the history of the interactions of tribes and the federal government over energy. "I had worked on a documentary dealing with the conversion of military bases in California, in 2009, and was introduced to CAre, Californians for Renewable Energy. CAre asked if I would consult to help the organization prepare a legal complaint v. the Department of the Interior, the Department of Energy, and six of the first 10 Utility-Scale renewable energy plants in California."

Plaintiffs Alfredo Figueroa (Chemehuevi/Yaqui), Reverend Ron Van Fleet (Mojave Hereditary Chief), and Phillip Smith (Chemehuevi), became the subjects of the film.

Lundahl's camera follows these Native Elders (Figueroa worked alongside Cesar Chavez and with the UFW, United Farm Workers), and all, including Quechan elder Preston Arrow-Weed, are known as "Ward Valley Veterans" for their actions in stopping the construction of a nuclear dump site along the Colorado River at Ward Valley.

"Who Are My People?" is a work of history chronicling a generation of Indigenous leaders who came of age in the 1960s and 1970s; now elders, they fight what is perhaps their last battle.

As we see in the film, these elders have quite a bit of fight left in them. Two of the projects that impact tribal lands come to an inglorious end for developers before the camera's lens. 

For more information about "Who Are My People?" visit For more information about filmmaker Robert Lundahl and RL | A visit


Robert Lundahl

Robert Lundahl & Associates
Skype: robertlundahlfilms


O'odham Protest South Mountain Freeway Bidders

Protesters gather on ADOTS pre bid meeting

By Akimel O'odham Youth Collective
Censored News

The protesters gathered in the front entrance holding signs, chanting, and singing O'odham songs. The group tried to enter the building but Mesa police officers and private security block the entrance. The protest forced attendees of today's pre-bid meeting to exit out of another door, even as the protest continued to march, trying to find other ways into the building.
" Our actions and presence today is in an example to the purposed corporations that it is wrong to destroy our sacred places," said Deran Martinez, 25 from the Village of Vah KI. "It's huge part of our culture (South Mountain) and we won't go silently."
Read more:

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Yaqui Water Rights Defender Released from Prison

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
English and Dutch
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

After a year of false imprisonment, Yaqui water rights defender Mario Luna was released from prison. Earlier a judge ordered the release of Mario, tribal secretary of Vicam Yaqui, and Mexico refused.

Censored News traveled to Sonora, Mexico, and provided live coverage when Vicam Yaqui began the long highway barricade in defense of their water rights to Rio Yaqui.
Mexico built an aqueduct to divert water from Rio Yaqui to the City of Hermosillo.
During the Vicam Yaqui highway barricade in the community, Mario was spokesman for Vicam Yaqui Pueblo. Yaqui Spokesmen Mario Luna and Fernando Jimenez Guiterrez were abducted and imprisoned.
Jimenez was released in August.
The National Indigenous Congress and Zapatistas support the defense of Yaqui water rights.


Leonard Peltier: International Tribunal of Conscience

Statement by Leonard Peltier, International Tribunal of Conscience
Sep. 26, 2015

Greetings my friends and relatives,

As I look past my prison cell door, I contemplate the many doors and walls that are between myself and freedom. Despite having been twice recommended for transfer to a medium security facility since coming to USP Coleman I, I am currently warehoused in a maximum security facility in Florida. These maximum security prisons are each surrounded by a high wall. For us inside there is no horizon.
As I think about these physical obstacles to my own freedom, I wonder how many walls are between YOU and freedom. How many of these walls are invisible—like the imaginary borders created by colonizers, power brokers, and governments—that are nothing more than obstacles to the free migration of Indigenous Peoples?
I’m greatly honored to be an absentee participant in this International Tribunal of Conscience. I notice that the 43 disappeared students from the Rural Teacher´s College in Guerrero have long since faded from the news cycle. It is imperative that these young people, who were mostly from Mexico´s poorest Indigenous communities, are never forgotten. Perhaps the students involuntarily serve as a reminder that our collective struggles are far from over. Death squads are still prevalent, and it is always the poor and most vulnerable people who endure the most suffering and injustice. These death squads are the same around the world as they all serve the same master—greed—that spurs humans to torture, terrorize, and kill others, forgetting that we are truly all related.
One aspect of my case that is not widely known is that in the 1970’s there were these same death squads on the Indian reservations. Corrupt tribal police, were armed and propped up by federal forces. Prior to the firefight on the Pine Ridge Reservation on June 26, 1975,—an incident for which I have now served nearly 40 years in prison—some 60 people who were connected with the resurgence of our traditional spiritual practices and renewed struggle for sovereignty were murdered or disappeared. During the preceding 5-month period, more incidents of violence were reported on the reservation than in the rest of South Dakota combined. In the subsequent search for my codefendants and myself, the people of Pine Ridge were terrorized by these paramilitary groups led primarily by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Innocent people were intimidated, threatened, and brutalized. To date, none of these acts of terrorism have been fully investigated.
On behalf of myself and the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, I wish to thank the organizers of the International Tribunal of Conscience, the National Lawyers Guild, and our hosts at New York University. I encourage all defenders of human rights to continue to work together on our common issues in the struggle for our existence.
In the Spirit Of Crazy Horse…
Leonard Peltier
More on the International Tribunal of Conscience:

Western Shoshone Carrie Dann Honored in Reno Sept. 2015

by Lisa J. Wolf
Crescent Valley, Nevada
September 25, 2015
Censored News

English and Dutch
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS

RENO, Nevada -- Western Shoshone Carrie Dann of Crescent Valley -- accompanied by Beth and George Gage, who produced the award-winning film, Our Land, Our Life'/American Outrage, about Carrie and her late sister, Mary Dann -- is being honored in Reno at the University of Nevada Reno in association with an Exhibit titled, Whose Land Is It? The Dann Sisters and the Western Shoshone Defense Project. It is opening September 28 and running through March 18, 2016 at the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center. (A portion of the film can be seen at: or at

“Western Shoshone ranchers Mary and Carrie Dann fought the federal government for decades to preserve their ancestral lands and the right to graze livestock without permits from the Bureau of Land Management. The newly available records of the Western Shoshone Defense Project explore the Dann Sisters’ struggle, and that of the Western Shoshone, over issues of sovereign rights contested for years in the federal and international court system," states the University of Nevada Reno Special Collections.

Dann, accompanied by the Gages and family and friends, will be at the Reception from 1:30 to 3:00 pm in Reno on Saturday, September 26 and will be making remarks at 2 pm. The reception will be in the Randall Rotunda on the second floor of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center. Complimentary parking is available in the Brian Whalen Parking Garage.

Although the Western Shoshone had filed suit to reclaim their land, in 1962 the now-defunct Indian Claims Court ruled the Shoshone had lost control of their land due to settler encroachment. In 1979 the Indian Claims Commission awarded a $26 million land claim settlement to the Western Shoshone. In 1985 the US Supreme Court ruled Shoshone land claims were extinguished by the financial settlement. The Dann sisters, among others, refused the money and asked the US to respect the terms of the 1863 Treaty of Ruby Valley.

Beginning in 1973, the Dann sisters' were ranching without paying grazing fees to the BLM to run their cattle on what is historically Shoshone land. This led to the BLM, in 1998, issuing trespass notices to the Danns and ordering the removal of hundreds of their cows and horses, from what the BLM considered the public lands of Eureka County. The action against the Danns is documented in Our Land, Our Life.

The Dann Sisters' request for urgent action with the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination led to the UN ordering the US government to halt all actions against the Western Shoshone people, which the US has largely ignored.

In November 2008 Dann, with members of the Western Shoshone Defense Project and four other tribal and public interest groups, sued in federal court against the US Department of Interior and Barrick Gold to stop the "largest open pit cyanide heap leach gold mines in the United States -- the Cortez Hills Expansion Project on Mt. Tenabo," which the Western Shoshone consider sacred land.

The Federal Court in Reno ruled in the DOI and Barrick's favor. Mt. Tenabo is being mined and de-watered even as Carrie Dann continues to live in Crescent Valley. Mary passed in 2005.

Dann remains renowned, revered and admired as an Elder and positive example of resistance on behalf of the Earth in Native and Environmental and Social Justice circles world-wide. She is an outspoken, honest Native American woman standing up for the Earth and Sacred Sites and speaking for Traditional Native American values.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Paiute Steve Melendez 'Pope Francis is no Christian, Enforce Treaties'

"Pope Francis in no more a Christian than was Pope Alexander VI ... To criminalize the landowners and to bestow blessings on the thieves is deeply Satanic ... Stolen property should be returned. It’s the rule of law. Treaties should be enforced." Steve Melendez, Pyramid Lake Paiute, President American Indian Genocide Museum

By Steve Melendez, Pyramid Lake Paiute
President, American Indian Genocide Museum

In the year 1501 the Master of Ceremonies of the Vatican, Johann Burchard, wrote in his secret diary, “On Sunday evening, October 30th, Don Cesare Borgia gave a supper in his apartment in the apostolic palace, with fifty decent prostitutes or courtesans in attendance, who after the meal danced with the servants and others there, first fully dressed and then naked."

"Following the supper too, lampstands holding lighted candles were placed on the floor and chestnuts strewn about, which the prostitutes, naked and on their hands and knees, had to pick up as they crawled in and out amongst the lampstands. The pope, Don Cesare, and Donna Lucrezia were all present to watch. Finally, prizes were offered—silken doublets, pairs of shoes, hats and other garments—for those men who were most successful with the prostitutes. This performance was carried out in the Sala Reale and those who attended said that in fact the prizes were presented to those who won the contest.”

It is interesting to note that the Pope’s children, Cesare and Lucrezia were present at the Vatican orgy.

As strange as it may seem, Rodigo Borgia (Pope Alexander Vl) is not remembered for his debauchery or incest but for issuing a bull (a decree from the Pope) which drew a line from the north pole to the south pole which gave most of the Americas to Spain and a slice of Brazil to Portugal.
The licentiousness of Rodrigo Borgia was well known at the time. As a Cardinal, he received a reprimand from Pope Pius II, written in his own hand in June of 1460.

“We have heard that three days ago a number of Sienese women were gathered together in the gardens of Giovanni Bichi and that you, forgetful of your high office, were with them from one o’clock until six in the afternoon.  Your companion was one of your colleagues whose age, if not his respect for the apostolic see, should have reminded him of his duties. We have been informed that there was unseemly dancing, that no amorous allurements were lacking, and that you conducted yourself in a wholly worldly manner. Decency forbids us to go into the detail of what happened, for they were things whose very names are unworthy of your rank. The husbands, fathers, brothers and other kinsmen who had accompanied the girls were forbidden entrance so that you and a few of your intimates could be more free to indulge your pleasures. They say that in Siena this is the main topic of conversation and everyone is laughing at your vanity…We leave it to you to judge whether paying court to girls, dispatching fruit and delicate wines to the woman of your choice, spending the whole day watching every kind of folly and finally sending away the husbands so as to have all freedom for yourself, are compatible with yours dignity. We are blamed on your account, and your late uncle Callixtus is blamed too for entrusting you with so many offices and honours…Remember your dignity and do not try to win the reputation of a vain gallant among men and girls…Here at Bignio there are many ecclesiastics and laymen among whom you have become a byword…”

Many people in this country believe that America was founded a “Christian Nation” but no one can disagree that there was nothing “Christian” about Pope Alexander VI.

From the genocide that Columbus committed on the natives on the island of Haiti to the government’s refusal to honor treaties with the Indians, it is all traced back to this licentious, incestuous, pervert, Pope Alexander VI.  As we shall see, all history since Christ is filled with men who profess to be Christians when they are not.  It is the Catholic Church that is most responsible for the hijacking of Christianity. Spaniard, Rodrigo Borgia’s papal Bull ‘Inter Caetera” issued May 4, 1493, was the basis for the Doctrine of Discovery which is written into American law. Black’s Law Dictionary defines “Discovery” as, “The foundation for a claim of national ownership or sovereignty, discovery is the finding of a country, continent, or island previously unknown, or previously known only to its uncivilized inhabitants.

That a  Spanish Pope could give the Americas away to Spain and Portugal is land theft on a Continental  scale. To criminalize the landowners and to bestow blessings on the thieves is deeply Satanic.

Today, Pope Francis’s addressed a joint session of the United States Congress. Speaking of Americas’ historic wrongs to the Indigenous people shows that Pope Francis in no more a Christian than was  Pope Alexander VI.  He said, “Tragically, the rights of those who were here long before us were not always respected.  For those peoples and their nations, from the heart of American democracy, I wish to reaffirm my highest esteem and appreciation. Those first contacts were often turbulent and violent, but it is difficult to judge the past by the criteria of the present.” 

The Anti-Christ is someone who opposes or takes the place of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church does exactly that!  If the Holy Spirit was in either of these men then they would know that the “criteria” of the Bible never changes. Right and wrong never change. Stolen property should be returned. It’s the rule of law. Treaties should be enforced. It’s the law. Unjust laws should be condemned. It is the righteous thing to do.

MAINE: New Film on Battle of Penobscot River Territory

Sunlight  Media Collective Releases Documentary on the Battle Over Contested Penobscot River Territory

By Sunlight Media Collective Co-Founders Maria Girouard & Meredith DeFrancesco
Censored News
September 25, 2015

Indian Island, MAINE: On Friday, Sunlight Media Collective released The Penobscot: Ancestral River, Contested Territory, a documentary film that explores the conflict between the state of Maine and the Penobscot Nation over contested river territory. Spanning from the 1700's to the present-day legal battle of Penobscot Nation v. Mills, the film illustrates the Penobscots' centuries-long fight to retain their territory and their inherent, treaty-reserved sustenance fishing rights for future generations. Featuring first-person accounts, the film tells the urgent, inspiring story of a struggle for justice and cultural survival in the face of an astonishingly open abuse of state power.
The documentary release closely follows a meeting between Penobscot Chief Kirk Francis and President Obama, where they discussed the Penobscot Nation v. Mills case. The Penobscot Nation is suing the state of Maine in response to a decision by former Attorney General William Schneider that the Penobscot Indian reservation, which includes more than 200 islands in the Penobscot River, does not include any portion of the water— a decision that amounts to territorial theft by the state. Oral arguments for the case are scheduled for October 14th at the US District Court in Portland, ME.

The case is taking place in the context of a larger state battle over river jurisdiction and water quality standards. In February, the federal EPA ruled that Maine must improve its water quality standards to protect Penobscot sustenance fishing rights. Governor Paul LePage has called the ruling “outrageous” and threatened to relinquish state regulatory responsibilities to the federal EPA if they did not reverse the ruling.

The Penobscot: Ancestral River, Contested Territory chronicles the Penobscot’s struggle to maintain their centuries-long stewardship to ensure a healthy ecosystem for all of Maine, a struggle exemplified by these contemporary legal battles. According to Penobscot Chief Kirk Francis, the Penobscot v. Mills case “is really not about controlling the river system, or controlling individuals within the system. It’s really about our ability to manage a subsistence resource that we have a responsibility for, for multiple generations.”

Funded by Broad Reach Fund of the Maine Community Foundation, The Penobscot: Ancestral River, Contested Territory is available for free on the Sunlight Media Collective website (, and DVDs are available by order. To schedule a screening, please email

The Sunlight Media Collective is a collaboration between Penobscot and non-native filmmakers. The film is just one example of an up-swell of activism and work on issues affecting the Wabanaki tribes. In October, Upstander Productions will also release a short documentary entitled First Light, on the recently completed Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Screenings of The Penobscot: Ancestral River, Contested Territory currently scheduled:
October 21st, Belfast Free Library, Belfast, 6:00PM
October 24th, Gates Auditorium, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, 1:30PM

For more information, contact

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Nihigaal bee lina Walkers: On the Road from Nihímá Dibé Ntsaa

By Nihigaal bee lina
Censored News
English and Dutch
Dutch translation by Alice Holemans at NAIS Gazette

Yesterday we resumed Nihígaal bee Iiná, Our Jounery for Extistence, and celebrated the Diné new year by laying down prayers and offerings at Nihímá Dibé Ntsaa for the protection of our land and water, and for the resilience of our people and our way of life. We gave our offerings to Tó Asdzaa' at the base of a waterfall that feeds into the La Plata River and felt incredibly blessed to be surrounded by the beauty of the mountain changing color with the seasons.
There are many old gold mines on Dibé Ntsaa, much like the Gold King Mine in Silverton, Colorado, that contaminated the Animas and San Juan rivers on August 5. The gold mines in the canyon where we made our offerings have been acquired by the Wildcat Mining Corporation, which received a permit in 2011 to "clean up" the mines after illegally building new roads and establishing a new mill to process gold ore. These mines are reportedly leaking contaminated water into the La Plata River, which also feeds into the San Juan.
We were also informed of a last minute meeting held yesterday at the Aneth Chapter House to discuss the Utah Water Rights Settlement for the San Juan River that was not announced to the public; there are concerns that the Navajo Nation is being pressured to reduce our claims to the river after the Gold King Mine spill. From what we have learned on just this first day of our journey, our water crisis is clear.
Last night, the temperature dropped as we camped near the base of the mountain, and what also became clear is that some of our walkers do not have the adequate clothing and gear for the colder temperatures. Our support vehicles are also in need of some break and c.v. joint repair, so we are requesting for donations for jackets, cold weather hiking shoes, thermals, and funds. (Please contact us at 405-534-4620 for sizes and information.)
We are on the road today from Hesperus, Colorado to Red Mesa, Colorado on Highway 140, and we have about 275 miles to go. We also are looking for a place to stay in the region. If you see us on the road stop by and say, "hi."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Natives Respond: Hillary Flipflops Harvests Votes on KXL

Hillary Clinton Announces Opposition to KXL, Native Leaders Respond

For Immediate Release: September 23, 2015

Dutch translation by Alice Holemans, NAIS/Censored News:
A. Gay Kingman,, 605-484-3036
Dallas Goldtooth,, 708-515-6185
Paula Antoine,, 605-828-0740
Faith Spotted Eagle,, 605-481-0416
Waniyetuopi Bud Lone Eagle, Sr.,
Byron Buffalo,, 605-200-2614
Greg Grey Cloud,, 1-855-942-2669
Dustina Gill,

At a town hall meeting in Iowa yesterday afternoon, Hillary Clinton finally gave her position on the Keystone XL pipeline, telling the crowd, "I oppose it. I oppose it because I don't think it's in the best interest of what we need to do to combat climate change."

Clinton's statement is being met with skepticism and guarded celebration by grassroots Native American leaders of the Oceti Sakowin, also known as the Great Sioux Nation. The pipeline has not received consent from the Oceti Sakowin tribal nations of the Great Plains to cross their treaty lands, it does not have legally permitted routes in South Dakota or Nebraska, and it has faced a growing opposition nationwide. Now, with Clinton joining fellow Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in opposition to this tar sands pipeline, all focus now lies on President Obama to deliver the final blow and reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

Gay Kingman, Executive Director of Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association Coalition of Large Tribes: "Tribal leaders of the Great Plains have long stood in opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline. We were disappointed when Hillary Clinton took a stand supporting KXL as Secretary of State but we are happy to hear of her changed position now opposing the tar sands pipeline. Hillary Clinton's new stance reflects the clear facts that this pipeline is all risk with no rewards for the people of this land. Now, it is time for President Obama to end this debate once and for all and reject KXL."

Dallas Goldtooth, of Indigenous Environmental Network: "It is great to see Hillary Clinton finally make the right choice on Keystone XL. Her position switch on KXL is a direct testament to the sustained action and movement of our frontline Indigenous communities along this pipeline route. She once stood against Oceti Sakowin people on this issue, now she sings a different tune. We, along with our allies, made this happen. Now it is President Obama's turn see the writing on the wall and reject this dirty tar sands pipeline, once and for all."

Oyate Wahacanka Woecun (Shield the People), Rosebud Sioux Tribe: "We recognize the importance of Hillary Clinton renouncing and opposing the Keystone XL pipeline. KXL will negatively impact our cultural, historical and burial sites; it will be a major environmental, public health and safety hazard, and most importantly it will be a threat to the non-negotiable rights of our women and children. President Obama, time to act, reject Keystone XL."

Faith Spotted Eagle, of Ihanktonwan Treaty Council spokesperson: "Hillary's switched opinion on KXL is a plus for our climate change efforts, however, given her previous support of this pipeline, our celebratory reaction as Oceti Sakowin people remains guarded. Hillary is like sand cherries to us, moving in whatever direction the strongest wind is blowing . She knows how to harvest votes. It's ok though, we from the Oceti Sakowin appreciate her new position on Keystone XL. Mr. Obama, reject the pipeline now."

Waniyetuopi Bud Lone Eagle, Sr.,  Pte Ospaye Headsman: "Hillary Clinton's announcement that she opposes the Uncekila Sapa (Black Serpent), aka the Keystone XL pipeline, is another coup counted on TransCanada, and other environmental terrorist corporations. However, only when the Presidential permit is denied and the project scrapped in it's entirety can we claim victory over the Uncekila Sapa. When that day comes I would personally invite our allies to a victory celebration in my home, Bridger, South Dakota, a frontline community in this fight against KXL."

Byron Buffalo, Pt'e Ospaye Headsman: "Hillary Clinton, your stance opposing Keystone XL pipeline is encouraging yet is met with skepticism. The Indigenous people of America stand strong against the Black Snake known as KXL. We implore you to not only voice your opposition but to actively seek ways to stop the climate destroying corporations  that believe continued mutilation of our earth is the only way progress can be made. All we have this one earth, we must ALL protect it, for we, ALL living beings, are truly ALL related. Mitakuye Oyasin."

Greg Grey Cloud, of Wica Agli: "Hillary Clinton is just now realizing that foreign tar sands crude, by way of the Keystone XL pipeline, is NOT for the American people. However, I see yet another political ploy taken as a wrongful gain to run for president. I reserve my celebration for the moment President Obama takes action and rejects the permit for KXL."

Dustina Gill, Community Advocate, Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota:  "Hillary Clinton's recent stance against KXL attests to the threat this pipeline poses and highlights the efforts of numerous organizations and citizens of the Oceti Sakowin who have dedicated themselves to this fight against the tar sand pipeline. Those efforts have been critical in making this a national issue and getting presidential candidates on board with the climate movement. Now I too, like thousands of others, anxiously away the President's decision to reject this pipeline."

The Indigenous Environmental Network  •  PO Box 485  •  Bemidji, MN 56619
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