Monday, September 30, 2013

Photos Joni Tucker: Long Walk 4: Indigenous Sovereignty in Wichita Kansas



Censored News
Photos by Joni Taylor Tucker, thank you!
See more photos of this day by Long Walker Bad Bear:

Photo 1: September 29, 2013: Longest Walk 4: Circle Gathering for Rally at the "Keeper of the Plains." Michael Lane discusses Indigenous Sovereignty with supporters.     

Photo 2: Longest Walk 4 Supporter Kent Rowe of Wichita State University and the Sierra Club, Wichita Kansas Chapter, passionately speaking about the fight against the Keystone tar sands pipeline and it's destruction to Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Several local Sierra club members attended the Rally. Rowe asked all to join in the fight as well as encouraged individuals go off grid or commit to find ways in reducing their use of petroleum and coal.    
Photo 3: Longest  Walker Western Shoshone Bad Bear speaking during Rally on his commitment and purpose that brought him to the Longest Walk 4.
Walking through Wichita, and at the end of the day, dinner together!
The lake photo is of Keeper of the Plains:

Long Walk 4 Wichita Kansas 'Fight the Tarsands'



Thanks to Western Shoshone Long Walker Bad Bear Sampson for sharing these photos with Censored News! Wichita, Kansas on Sunday!
Joni Taylor Tucker writes to Censored News:
September 29, 2013: Longest Walk 4: Circle Gathering for Rally at the "Keeper of the Plains." Michael Lane discussed Indigenous Sovereignty with supporters. Longest Walk 4 Supporter Kent Rowe of Wichita State University and the Sierra Club, Wichita Kansas Chapter, passionately spoke about the fight against the Keystone tar sands pipeline and it's destruction to Mother Earth and her inhabitants. Several local Sierra club members attended the Rally. Rowe asked all to join in the fight as well as encouraged individuals go off grid or commit to find ways in reducing their use of petroleum and coal.    

Friday, September 27, 2013

Censored News 8th Birthday: Changing the Face of News

Top Story: Lakota blockade tarsands trucks in 2012
Censored News contributors changed the face of news

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Censored News is celebrating its 8th birthday with 2.5 million views and sends a thank you to each contributor of Censored News.
Topping the list of the top ten most viewed articles at Censored News are the Lakota protest actions.
The number one most viewed article was coverage of Lakotas at Pine Ridge blockading the tarsands trucks, and their arrests in 2012. There were 22,000 views.
Next was the coverage of Lakotas and Dakotas facing off with white supremacists in Leith, North Dakota, on Sunday. The series on the Wikileaks cables and US spying on Indigenous Peoples, with six months of research by Censored News, follows.
The top ten include the video of the Lakota elder who discovered the initials of KKK carved into him in a Rapid City hospital. Next, is the Censored News original article showing Mexico's corruption in the dirty coal industry and destruction of Indian sacred lands with mining. The article came after Anonymous hacked e-mails in Mexico and placed those online.
The banning of books written by Chicano and Native American authors by the Tucson Unified Schools, when it eliminated its Mexican American Studies program, follows. Wikileaks exposure of wiretaps of Mohawks in 2010 was next.
The exposure of Arizona Senators Jon Kyl and John McCain attempting to steal Navajo water rights by Dine' Ed Becenti was next. After a leaked memo on Censored News, the Secretary of Interior resigned. Articles on Native Americans efforts to protect San Francisco Peaks from Arizona Snowbowl's destruction in Arizona, and protests of Peabody Coal, also topped the list of reader favorites.
Censored News was created in 2006, after I was censored and terminated by Indian Country Today, after serving as a longtime ICT staff reporter. Censored News was created to reveal the news that is censored by ICT and most of the mainstream media in Indian country.
Censored News has been published without advertising or grants, primarily with my own funds, which were totally depleted two years ago.
Hopefully, a newspaper or online media will follow, covering these issues on a national and global scale. The key will be to provide writers and photographers with salaries, and the costly expenses for travel and equipment. This new media is vital for truth and media integrity in Indian country, which has been degraded by widespread plagiarism, censorship, manipulation and deception.
Thanks to each of you, writers, photographers, sources, leakers, supporters, videomakers, readers and friends of Censored News. You know who you are. You have helped changed the face of news.
Special thanks to our longtime contributors, including Kahentinetha at Mohawk Nation News; Debra White Plume and Owe Aku International; Ofelia Rivas and O'odham Voice against the Wall; and Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Supai, Pueblo, Mohawk, Pomo, Cree and Anishinaabe contributors.
Special thanks to the Native youth media in Flagstaff, Arizona, including Indigenous Action Media, Outta Your Backpack Media, and Save the Peaks Youths. A special thank you to our hard working translators Christine Prat, French, and Alice Holemans, Dutch.
Special thanks to the Zapatistas, Mohawk Warrior Society, Dine', Hopi and Lakota medicine people, and traditional Indigenous grassroots people for their guidance.
We continue.
Censored News Top 10 Reader Favorites
(1) Lakotas arrested blocking tarsands trucks on Pine Ridge, by Brenda Norrell with contributing Lakotas at the scene, special thanks to Debra and Alex White Plume, Ironshell family, and other Lakota contributors, Censored News, March 5, 2012
(2) American Indians Protect Treaty Territory; Lakotas and Dakotas faceoff with white supremacists in Leith, North Dakota, by Brenda Norrell, special thanks to Last Real Indians, and Unedited Media livestream, by Censored News, Sept. 21, 2013 updated:
(3) Wikileaks revealed US espionage of Indigenous Peoples, series by Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Dec. 29, 2011
(4) KKK carved on Lakota elder in Rapid City hospital, special thanks to Candace Ducheneux and Cheyenne River contributors, April 25, 2012
(5) Hacked e-mails reveal Mexico manipulating climate change, destroying Indian sacred lands, by Brenda Norrell, Censored News Feb 14, 2012
(6) Banning of books signals revolution in Tucson, by Brenda Norrell, special thanks to Mexican American Studies students, Three Sonorans news, Roberto Rodriguez, Acoma Pueblo poet and professor Simon Ortiz, and more, Censored News, Jan. 14, 2012
(7) Wikileaks: Canada's unauthorized wiretaps of Mohawks, by Brenda Norrell, Censored News 2010
(8) Arizona senators coming to steal Navajo water rights, by Ed Becenti, Dine', Censored News, April 3, 2012
(9) Native youth drummers attacked by Snowbowl supporters at city event in Flagstaff, by Protect the Peaks, special thanks to Klee Benally and Native youth media in Flagstaff, Arizona, Censored News, Feb. 10, 2013
(10) Navajos, Appalachians protest Peabody Coal in St Louis, protesters arrested Snowbowl protesters arrested  by By Derek Minnow Bloom, Black Mesa Indigenous Support, Zach Chasnoff, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, Jan. 25, 2013, Censored News

Articles censored by Indian Country Today 2004 -- 2006:

Censored News Top 10 for 2012:

The top countries reading Censored News are the US, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Russia, Netherlands, Ukraine, Australia, and Poland. Recently, China has been one of the top ten.

Brenda Norrell has been a news reporter in Indian country for 31 years. During the 18 years that she lived on the Navajo Nation, she was a reporter for Navajo Times and stringer for AP, USA Today and other media. After serving as a longtime staff reporter for Indian Country Today, she was censored and terminated in 2006. She created Censored News, now with 2.5 million pageviews, and without advertising or grants.

Photos Longest Walk 4 close to Wichita Kansas Sept. 27, 2013

Add the end of a hard day Friday, 32 miles left until Wichita

Photos by Western Shoshone Long Walker Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson
Friday, Sept. 27, 2013 via cell as it happens
Route and donation tab at Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz website:
Michael Lane:
The Walk will be going through Wichita on September 29th. We will start at 9am from 29th and Rock, go down Rock to Central and head toward the park by the Mid America All Indian Center, where we will have a rally at 12:30 pm to talk about the Walk and to express our support for those engaged in tar sands and pipeline resistance. We will be in the Wichita area for the next four days so if anyone wants us to come and talk we are available. We will be staying at 9601 w 73rd street and the contact phone is 202-436-6576.

Wichita Sunday
Clara Curtiss on Long Walk 4 with children
The Longest Walk 4: Return to Alcatraz will be in Wichita this Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013, at 12:30 pm  at the Keeper of the Plains to give a presentation about Native Issues and the impact of Tar sands pipeline.

Long Walker seeks sponsor
Clara Curtiss, our friend from Long Walk 2, would like to join Long Walk 4 as a walker and runner, with her three children. She is seeking a sponsor ($220 a month for existing monthly expenses) so she can join the walk all the way to California.
I'll tell a little story of Clara's unselfishness. When Clara had just joined Long Walk 2, one of the Japanese youth walkers, who had come all the way from California with us, had to leave the US immediately to renew his visa. The cheapest ticket I could find for him was to Ecuador, but he had no US dollars to buy the ticket. Instantly without knowing him, Clara agreed to give him all the money she had to buy that ticket. He was out the door of the Earthcycles radio bus in minutes and on a plane to Ecuador the next morning. He later reimbursed her and had a great walk around Ecuador before returning to Long Walk 2. -- Brenda Norrell, Censored News Contact for more information:

Winnemem Wintu Say No To Shasta Dam Raise, Twin Tunnels

Winnemem Wintu Chief Caleen Sisk emphasized that the loss of salmon will result in a huge catastrophe for fish, people and the planet. “Who will turn over the rocks in the river when the salmon are gone? Who will provide the nutrients to the ecosystem? Without the salmon, there will be a major disaster,” she said.

Winnemem Wintu Say No To Shasta Dam Raise, Twin Tunnels 

by Dan Bacher 

Over 30 people, including members of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, Hoopa Valley Tribe and their allies, protested government plans to raise Shasta Dam and build the peripheral tunnels under the Delta in front of the Visitors Center at the dam on Saturday, September 21 as the first rain of the fall poured down on them. 

The protest was held as part of a series of events, including several film showings, to counter the Bureau of Reclamation’s 75th anniversary celebration of Shasta Dam the week of September 15-22. 

The protesters wore raingear emblazoned with letters spelling out, “No Dam Raise, No Tunnels,” on the side of the Visitor Center. They also shouted out, “No Shasta Dam Raise, No Twin Tunnels” as they held an array of signs, with the dam in the background. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Listen: Choctaw Ben Carnes: Indian Child Welfare 'These are our children'

ICWA: These are our CHILDREN and our Future (Part 2)

Choctaw Ben Carnes
Eaglemanz on Blogtalk Radio
Thursday 5:30 pm Central time
Call in to speak with the host

Most people have heard of the outcome in Baby Veronica's case and recent victory of the Absentee-Shawnee in having Baby Deseray returned to their care and custody. What will future outcomes of ICWA cases. What must we do to ensure that our children remain within their traditional, cultural and spiritual environment.
Special Guests:
Charles Tripp, Cherokee. Successfully litigated the case of Baby Deseray for Absentee-Shawnee. Currently the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Kaw Nation in Oklahoma and serves as district Judge, attorney general and prosecutor/public defender for several tribal judiciaries in OK and KS.
Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca. Activist, Elder, and Actress. She is one of only 100 women representatives selected world-wide to attend the International Women’s Earth and Climate Initiative (IWEC’) in NYC this past weekend.
JoKay Dowell, Quapaw/Cherokee. Journalist, photographer and Activist. 
Glenda Sue Deer, Kickapoo. American Indian Movement Activist and former foster mother.

Long Walk 4 Photos Walking toward Wichita Kansas Sept. 26, 2013

By Censored News

KANSAS -- Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz today, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013. Thanks to Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson, Western Shoshone long walker, for sharing photos via cell with Censored News!
Long Walker Sharon Heta, Maori, said, "Expressions of gratefulness is extended to Dennis and Brenda Yarnall and their son Zac of Cardinal Creek Farm in Leon, Kansas in opening their home and hearts to the Longest Walk4: Return to Alcatraz and providing a dinner after walking 17 miles today. The LW4 is humbled, especially as the Yarnell family was not aware about the LW4 or that it was a spiritual walk to Alcatraz for indigenous peoples of Turtle Island and the World. As we walk in prayer for indigenous sovereignty, we come to learn that our hosts the Yarnell family of Cardinal Creek Farm are committed to building a stronger community by building connections between people while strengthening the connection with our natural world. It was a good day walking as the butterflies spread their wings, towards the turquoise blue Kansas skies."
Wichita Sunday
The Longest Walk 4: Return to Alcatraz will be in Wichita this Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013, at 12:30 pm  at the Keeper of the Plains to give a presentation about Native Issues and the impact of Tar sands pipeline.

Return to Alcatraz 4 route and donation tab

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mohawk John Kane 'No, Really! It’s OK to Watch Al Jazeera America'

PHOTO Dianne McNair, Bureau Coordinator/Assistant to the Bureau Chief, Al Jazeera Network, Washington, DC Bureau and Abderrahim Foukara, Al Jazeera Bureau Chief, Washington, DC and New York with a Unity Flag from yours truly. Al Jazeera network is committed to the voices of the voiceless. Sign me up! No buffalo speeches. Just the hard truth and how WE see things. (Photo by L. Hill)

By John Kane, Mohawk
Let's Talk Native
Censored News

I am amazed at the displaced loyalty to all things “American” that far too many Native people have. 

Whether it is getting all ”patriotic” every time 9-11 is mentioned or supporting American political candidates or voting in their elections or even enlisting in their armed forces.

Have we forgotten that we are survivors of the most monstrous and prolonged act of genocide the world has ever known?

Do we forget that for more than 100 years our children were seized from our homes, stripped of their identities, languages, cultures and dignities while being abused and crippled physically and mentally? Do we fail to acknowledge that policies exist to this day designed to conform us and assimilate our people to their laws and customs?

Can we not see that in 2013 we have become so marginalized in our own lands that the occupiers can actually get away with using our images for sports mascots as though we are not real people or no longer exist?

What’s worse, I think, is that so many are fine with all of this.

The mere mention of a country or nation that the U.S. or Canada deems “unfriendly” sends far too many Native people scurrying to their oppressors’ teats.

Even just the name of countries like Venezuela, Iran, Palestine – countries whose people have never harmed our own – invokes an almost involuntary response due entirely to the propaganda we have been fed.

No matter how many times ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX or CNN portray us as pitiful creatures incapable taking care of ourselves in the land of milk and honey, we still flock to them or to their affiliates for our basic windows to the world and what can only be described as funhouse mirrors to view ourselves.

When I mention a viable alternative to such blather, such as Al Jazeera or Al Jazeera America, it is actually comical to view the responses. Big eyes and “Whoa there, terrorist” are not just written on their faces but are actually uttered through the mouths of some people. Mention that I have done an interview for Al Jazeera and a step back has even been witnessed.

I am not suggesting that anyone gets our story entirely right. However, until there is an Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) in the U.S. market and perhaps, more importantly, in the international market, we need to examine more critically the ridiculous talking heads that currently dominate the mainstream media. For me, Al Jazeera is the only hope on the horizon.

With the launch of Al Jazeera America, this news channel has committed itself to giving a voice to the voiceless and therein lies our best opportunity to be heard.

But we have to be willing to at least utter a few sounds first and stop running from those the in the US and Canada would love to see us silenced. As we make noise in our own territories we need to help this new network stay true to its word by telling our stories and providing feedback.

My conversations with the folks from Al Jazeera have stressed our plight in the context of many conflicts around the world and throughout history.

There is little point in waging war against the “Washington Redskins” if we are only suggesting that a name change “will make America better.” That is ridiculous! It won’t! Mascots are not the real issue here – racism and genocide are. If no other network – sports, news or talk — is willing to have a serious discussion on how the true heirs to this continent still battle everyday to survive, not just as individuals but as peoples, then I am all in for giving my new best friend “AJ” a shot.

Let’s get a conversation going on the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

Let’s expose the Doctrine of Christian Discovery as the racist foundation the U.S. and Canada is built upon.

Show the poverty, the suicides, the violence and corruption that exist on Native lands – but this time show why. Show the federal policies, state sponsored racism and crimes against humanity that continue to this day in the land of “truth, justice and the American way.”

I don’t mind for a minute telling our story from a studio devoid of fake patriotism, flag lapel pins and pro-America spin on every turn. Let’s give Al Jazeera America a chance. What the Heck! They even have “America” in their name – for all of you who need that sort of thing.

– John Karhiio Kane, Mohawk, a national commentator on Native American issues, hosts “Let’s Talk Native…with John Kane,” ESPN-AM 1520 in Buffalo, Sundays, 9-11 p.m. He is a frequent guest on WGRZ-TV’s (NBC/Buffalo) “2 Sides” and “The Capitol Pressroom with Susan Arbetter” in Albany.

John’s “Native Pride” blog can be found He also has a very active “Let’s Talk Native…with John Kane” group page on Facebook.

First published in Two Rows Times, reposted by permission. Thank you John Kane.

Photos Longest Walk 4 Long Hot Road to Wichita Kansas Sept 25, 2013


Thanks to Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson, Western Shoshone, for sharing photos from the Longest Walk 4 with Censored News! The Longest Walk made it to Emporia, Kansas, on Tues., Sept. 24, 2013!
More photos from yesterday!
Route and donation tab at

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